The Ineffable

Sometimes the question is asked, “how can all this pain and suffering arise in the World, how can all this chaos in the news, all this happenchance in the eyes of mass perceptions be explained?”

The answer is simple, “it is all caused by people with the covert agendas in whose interest the actual derivatives of the above conditions eventually accrue.”

History is replete with the eventual uncovering of the plots and fear driven machinations of the scallywags who have risen to then misuse their control of the simple governance mechanisms of Service that were inbuilt to the casual pathways that facilitate the life of Mankind and the Environment that supports Mankind.

The chaos within which the scallywag thrives and which they deliberately cause, this diversionary tactic often gets way beyond the control of the inept political magicians who invoke such smoke and mirror stage sets.

On the way to such melt downs, the scallywags throw away the keys to knowledge as The Christ Jesus reminded the High Priests back at the beginning of the present era.

In the midst of confusion, the natural intuition to look for casual patterns right through to a Singularity becomes frayed and distressed.

Even though the precise temperature of the physical body is preset, the temperature of the Sun is preset, the solidifying, liquefying and vaporising temperatures of all matter is preset and caused, still the covert machinations of the scallywag induces the eventual mass breakdown of the line of causality back to First Cause and the portals to the Invisible seem to close to popular access.

This closure is caused by the scallywags. It does not happen by chance. The scallywags like to say that everything happens by chance, nuancing legitimate evolutionary theory to cover their nihilism. They say and do one thing whilst nurturing and coveting their secret agendas and ambitions wanting the people to blame God, initially to blame even the possibility of Casual Pathways for their pain and suffering, then to ultimately blame The Ineffable prior to a complete severance of attempt at personal contact with The Invisible at all, for then the scallywags achieve their aim. The aim of rallying people to their hopeless cause.

The only one thing that the scallywags fear is the arrival on the scene of The Ineffable Itself to rally folks to The Original Cause, as the Bhagavad Gita narrates. The scallywags have no power over such an Event of course, for their total power is given albeit usurped from The Ineffable anyway.

When The Ineffable moves to rebalance Casual Pathways, eventually that movement is unstoppable, ineffable.

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2 thoughts on “The Ineffable

  1. Thank you Andrew. I love the Hafiz quote and that inspite of and despite of the scallywagery of the world, there is but one thing – love is and love is all there is:) We are people of love called to travel through the darkness for the sole purpose of witnessing the light.

    1. Love is the First Cause. The Lady of The Lake never materialises in Person, The Ineffable appears through Her in the form of an individual who is directly and ineffably activated by Both.

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