Desperate Times

The horror inflicted upon innocent people as they get sucked into the overarching battle plans of little understood ‘Others’ is the legacy of 20th century war patterns.
Mere words cannot allay the devastation being visited upon ordinary lives in the aftermath of the madness that appeared in London on the night of the 3rd June, ‘love’ is the only energy that I can send to London today.
The illness that opened the people to become programmed attackers, the illness of the programmers behind the minds of the attackers on the streets of London, this illness is real – this illness attempts to kill love.
We are all fighting a battle that is against massive invisible forces of dissonance. The conspiracy theorists that name shape shifting reptilians as the enemy, they in fact do no service to the possibility of seeing clearly the source of the illness that is infecting our species.
Conspiracy theories would have to be invented by the deep control forces if they didn’t arise ‘naturally’, so their real utility is questionable.
Conscience is the only arbiter of conscious Love identifying as personal love.
Where individual and systemic conscience has atrophied, become broken by disease and deliberate manipulation by those already rendered psychopathic by positions of power, then unconscionable events inevitably manifest.
Then ordinary folk are on a hiding to nothing. How to survive the Gordian Knot of permanent mixed messages that are the mark of a drip feed of insanity that passes as the global news over the past decades?
Even though Love would not order the events that are manifesting in the world today, even allowing for the mystery of Mankind having to suffer with virus and bacteria borne physical illnesses that are in Love’s remit, still, the apparent inexplicability of events like the latest London atrocity are not outside of a traceable accountability. The trace of metaphysical illness is the line of enquiry to forensically explore.
The KPI of this metaphysical illness is ‘desperation’. Wherever desperation overwhelms, there is the trace to be seen.
Individually the desperation of the drug addict makes them commit atrocious crimes to get their fix.
Systemically, the desperation of partisan positions, the clinging to power and the lust for power can drive acts of atrocity that once started, become uncontrollable.
The acts of atrocity manifesting on our streets are rooted in systemic desperations of yesteryear.
The infection of desperation remains and the rash of electoral fever appears more marked on the changing fortunes of some faces than it does on others, if not nationally, then internationally.

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2 thoughts on “Desperate Times

  1. Well said as usual Andrew. The word that engulfs me is Intensity. i see the horrific intensity of hatred and psychopathy that leads to these acts alongside the natural empathy and compassion of ordinary people, intense in their rejection of such acts, determined to hold fast to their humanity.

    1. Thanks Isabel
         “… depth and weight.   BB The Doctor’s Opinion, p.xxviii  
      The message which can interest and hold these alcoholic people must have depth and weight.”

      Just as with the description of an antidote to illness from a doctor regarding the spiritual malady that is addiction to alcohol, so too any antidote to the addiction to money that spawns the infection that is the addiction to terrorism, must have “depth and weight”.
      Modern political expression is short term, reactive, shallow – the description of symptoms of illness rather than managed recovery.
      If people are finding my expression to be too deep, then I can improve my message carrying technique, but to become more shallow is useless.
      Thank you again Isabel for your receptivity and courage.

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