Watch “From Women To Men” on YouTube

As a man, having been granted access to this link from a woman, I watched it and wept as the statistic of there being a UK man taking his life every two hours came to my mind as this fact joined in with my personal journey.

The Human, being me, witnessed the man in me weeping, witnessed the love and gratitude that welled up along with the indiscriminate tears as I felt the presence of the woman by whom the link was given to me.

There is nothing other than personal experience that can change a person’s sense of being from where that being is, to where it can be.

I can only relate to other people from my actual experience as transparently as possible, as honestly as possible, trusting that eventually what is transmitted will not only be received by them but that I will have a chance of truly receiving from them too.

This video has been received by me, from another, as evidence of this possibility of a healing transmission and reception being true.

I pass it on to you, especially to the men who find themselves reading this, as a duty of trust, as a certainty of experience, as an invitation to patience, as a possible resolution for pain, as my witnessing of the veracity of Love.

That male behaviour can collapse into degenerate and illegal areas is clear and neither justified nor denied here. To be a man is a more overtly spiritual battle of submission to chivalry when compared to the covert imposition of submission that a woman experiences along with menstruation.

So, maleness and femaleness are necessarily different physically, behaviourally, as well as in the psyche as animus and anima. The 3 Graces and the 3 Furies describe the essentially feminine physicality of Earthly existence that all people have to navigate.

There is a Husbandry that is essential for the balance to be maintained between Mother Earth and The Mother of The Universe.

Men and women are intimately connected to this creative connectivity between invisible and visible forces. How they help each other to be The Human, being them, may well determine the viability of these turbulent times.

The video that opens this post touches to the heart of our Human viability.


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