
This is my first Satsang recorded on a live Facebook transmission that pulls together in a spoken immediacy much of the work that has been hitherto published on my blogs over the last seven years.

There have been experiments with the video format before through YouTube and there are links to that platform in previous posts.

There is a professional portal at that offers my help for individuals and for systems that require a more secular interface to begin to navigate through the space that opens within the current global challenges.


This is my experience of tifl-i maani in 1982 …. Salaam.

“For those who possess knowledge, it is necessary to understand the reality of humanity, which is called tifl-i maani (child of the spirit or heart; spiritual child), to be educated by repetition of the attribute of tawhid (unity; oneness), and to pass through the material world to reach the spiritual, sacred world. That is the world of secrets. There is no one in that place except the Person, the essence of Allah. There is no other land there; that place is an open field.

The spiritual child, tifl-i maani, flies there. He sees strange and wondrous things there, but it is not possible to relate them to others. That is the maqam (station; spiritual level) of the people who have reached fana (annihilation; ending; being absorbed) to their own existence.

This is how it is to look from the angle of wahdat (oneness). In seeing Allah’s countenance, one’s own mortal body disappears.

When your eyesight is taken by the sun, you cannot see yourself. What can a nafs be left with, facing the manifestation of Allah’s Jamal (Beauty [countenance])? Nothing.

Isa [Jesus], peace be upon him, says: “In order for a human being to pass into malakut, he must be born twice.

The birds are also born twice.” What is meant by these words is the birth of the spiritual world in the human being.

That [spiritual world] emerges from the real ability of the human being. And that is the secret of the human being. Its existence is born from the unity of sharia and haqiqa, just as a baby is produced by the joining of two secretions.

Allah the Most High revealed the following ayat to explain this to us: “We created man from a mingling secretion, in order to try him.” (Insan 76:2)

After this understanding is attained, it will be easier to pass through the sea of creation and get to the depths of amr (command). Compared to the spiritual world, all the other worlds are only a portion of reality. There, after all of this is understood, the light and nourishment of spiritual and ilm-i ladun (knowledge from the Presence of Allah) are radiated throughout the universe, with no letter or voice.”” (Grand Masters of Sufism. Abdul Qadir Geylani & Ahmad er Rifai)


“The Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head.” Matthew 8:20

Christmas Broadcast 2020

Come, come, whatever you are, it doesn’t matter
Whether you are an infidel, an idolator or a
fire worshipper,
Come, our covent is not a place of despair,
Come, even if you violated your swear
A hundred times, come again. Mevlāna

So, this Unity Of Existence or Tawhid that the Sufi exists within, this Singularity of Will that is repeated in The Lord’s Prayer of Christianity, this Light upon Light that is Islam, this Great Fact that is not a theory but that is the AA 12 Step Programme, these described seas are then as an Ocean of Consciousness Itself within which all theories can be tested – this Ocean is Love.

So, a person of Union, whose conscience is united in Consciousness, is in Love, is Love.

When such a person of Union says to you, I love you, then the singular connectivity of such a transmission is unequivocal.

To put this in context, if any person were to say to a person of Union, I love you, then the person of Union could say, of course you do.

So, there is a criterion that can measure how close a person is to their own understanding of the Unity Of Existence as they experience their reception of these words written here, I love you.

I maintain that if you can recognise an immediacy of reply for yourself being that it is one of, of course you do, then this sheer equality of The Human, being you, is validated in Love, by Love, for you.

Other than this immediacy then, there can be exposed for you the theatre of the many dramatic performances of the journey toward your becoming to know for yourself that you are loved.

To know that you love and that you are loved in return is the pinnacle of a created awareness, as this awareness unites with Universal Consciousness to particularise in your conscience.

This Love heals all wounds, all traumas. This Love reconnects the physical, the mental and the metaphysical components of a person’s being. The physical exemplifies the number 3, the mental exemplifies the binary systems of 2, the metaphysical exemplifies the number one.

Mankind lives in systems that presently diagnose events as physical and political problems. The distresses of the nations and the environment are presented as mental/physical. This is exactly the same as a sick person, the symptoms are physical/mental. In both scenarios, the burgeoning material disrepair masks the actual source of the calamity – namely a metaphysical disconnect.

The challenge facing individuals and the collectives of individuals which are countries, the challenge is in the healing of executive function. Executive function can only work when willpower is healthily flowing.

A will is a singular phenomenon. Whether as a word to describe the single-minded application of energy along a chosen predictive pathway to solve a problem, or whether as a functional instrument to provide a resolution to a death, willpower and one are words that are inseparable i.e. they’re in union.

So, as Love wills to be known to Itself as the whole Universe, just so when a person is willing, then whether they know it or not they are trying to align with this Singular Force.

The more conscious a person becomes that their exercising of willpower cannot help but harmonise with this One Will if it is to be really real, then to just such an extent of this arriving of consciousness can they come to realise the imaginary or virtual nature of their past attempts at efforts of resolution for their existential problems.

Because God is One, it is the reason why when a person says to God, “show Yourself if You’re really there”, God can only reply, “I must decline.”

I am. We are.
You are. You are.
He/She/It is. They are.

So, I love you – of course I do. Salaam.


Are you going to turn away from this post?

Such a little thing, the apostrophe, it turns cant into can’t.

Such a little thing, the apostrophe, when the apostolic has atrophied under the weight of national trophies, agendas and historical hypocrisies.

The WI holds a focus for the Creative Feminine to stand amidst the pinionation of our Cinderella souls, hidden under an apostrophe of we’ll survive in Love alone.

What is truth? By definition it is not an opinion, the truth shall set you free. So if It’s here now is actually true, what’s hiding under the apostrophe short-circuiting presence? Ah, do you see, it is an “I”.

The apostrophe denotes possession, the claim on the open road hammered to a piratical post, the sign that says that this is mine, maintained first by force of violence, then by the threat of violence, then enshrined in laws maintained to dispense the violent threat with the sanitised violence of a civilised society.

The pinions of our individual souls become cut and then like flightless chickens we are farmed to meet the challenges of our time, set by those that sanitise history with the cant of their rendition that it’s always been this way and without this way, it would be worse.

With the cords of war squealing dissonance across the swirling tracts of time, the chords of our hearts’ desires are shattered, unable to unite as the cracking whips of long atrophied policies hold the trophies of patriotism up once more to justify their triggering of such profitable atrocity, as war.

How to escape from this horror? I can only repeat what I’ve said before ….

See that there is an illness to recover from and that all are in it, including me. See that when the messenger brings this fact to bear upon our situation that it will be as a mirror to the highly opinionated, so it will be initially dismissed as highly opinionated.

I have no opinions. I have a diagnosis that is true. The letters of truth shall set you free.


mid 16th century (denoting the omission of one or more letters): via late Latin, from Greek apostrophos ‘accent of elision’, from apostrephein ‘turn away’, from apo ‘from’ + strephein ‘to turn’. (from an internet search on Bing)


“The alcoholic is like a tornado roaring his way through the lives of others. Hearts are broken. Sweet relationships are dead. Affections have been uprooted. Selfish and inconsiderate habits have kept the home in turmoil.

We feel a man is unthinking when he says that sobriety is enough. He is like the farmer who came up out of his cyclone cellar to find his home ruined.

To his wife, he remarked, “Don’t see anything the matter here, Ma. Ain’t it grand the wind stopped blowin’?””

(From the Basic Text 12 Step Programme)

So, the leaders of the free world – and by extension all of us stuck in addiction to a lifestyle that’s destroying Mankind and its environment in a soulless money-first fixation – come up out of their lockdown bunkers, wave their Oaths of Office metaphorically in Zoomed-up speeches of hand-wringing to pay lip service to the Lord who sets the clock at 2020AD, Who said that it’s impossible to serve two Masters, as they then bow to Money and try to say,

“Don’t see anything the matter here, Ma. Ain’t it grand the wind stopped blowin’?”

That’s not going to do it Ladies and Gentleman.

That’s not the leap of faith that the G20 leadership needs, it is not the rigorous honesty that Earth’s people are crying out for.

Show down – a fiction.

You’re not looking politically down each others’ financial and military barrels any more, you’re looking down Ma’s barrel and She’s not happy.

So, what to do?

First, have a read of the text below as the reality of the fabric of this planet is expressed for you by Mr J G Bennett.

Demiurges are described as “Intelligences of a higher order than man.”
“death and resurrection”

So, Mr Bennett describes a situation that, if you have been prepared to trust it’s true, is of the greatest significance should those in positions of global power feel in any way concerned that their remit of responsibility is becoming overtaken by events.

How would a Sacred Individual make contact with those whose responsibility it is to govern Mankind through its existing structures of legislative command and logistical control?

The answer might be, by all of the most modern and powerful means possible. The most powerful means of making contact in the early 21st century is the World Wide Web.

Making contact is not possible without tact.

Tactics are only realisable with tact and the ability to feel a way forward in a very dark and dangerous situation requires a form of tactile skill which is the metaphysical equivalent of such a skill that might be more clearly understandable in all of its physical applications: yet the connection of this tactile skill from the physical with the metaphysical is now vital.

There is a plan. As it says in The Qur’an –

“They plan, and Allah plans. Surely, Allah is the Best of planners.” – [Quran, 8:30]

So, how can this best of plans be brought into a clearer resolution at this time of global pause in June 2020?

My work with this blog and with Diction Resolution Therapy is to bring a way to see what is happening globally at this time.

Tact is of the utmost importance, but eventually because contact is a process requiring both a transmission and a reception, there comes a point when the transmitter informs the receivers that there is a limited time for this transmission.

Clearly as Mr Bennett states, the capacity to receive my transmission rests in a spiritual nature first and foremost. If it is that the religious leaders who have received my transmission (and they have) do not believe me, then the chances of their overall political managers being encouraged to formulate the policies needed to create a new way of doing global business are seemingly non-existent.

A veil able to heal

Notwithstanding this seeming impossible impasse, my responsibility is discharged at the point of my transmissions and above the Demiurges, there is God.

So, again, I transmit to any who receive this as clearly and as tactfully as I can, ready to play my rôle in The Almighty’s ancient plan. Just how this is received is between you and that One Who plans.

I don’t know … truly.

Virus versus Bacteria

(post script re Dr Thomas Cowan in the interests of balance

The excerpt from a talk by Dr Thomas Cowan brings into focus some principles that are pertinent to not only what is happening today with Coronavirus Covid-19, but also with global warming and with the disease of Addiction – how is Mankind to know what information to trust?

The metaphor of dolphins and frogs dying because someone put “shit in the water” and extending that into Mankind becoming ill because of contamination in the “prana” or the invisible field that we live in via radio, radar and the present 5G global switch seems a plausible insight into how biological life actually interfaces with the Unseen according to Dr Cowan …. Yet such stories are understandably being deleted from social-media accounts around the world lest the social distancing and isolation policies put in place by all governments are too severely contradicted.

At this time, the governments must lead, the people must submit to being led, but the history of governmental subterfuge and actual abuse of their populations does not simply evaporate even under the frightening arc light of Covid-19.

Cloak and dagger operations that used to be hidden in national agendas are now common knowledge. Stalin’s murdering of tens of millions of Russian people to stablish his reign, Mao Tse-Tung’s murdering of tens of millions of Chinese people to stablish his reign, the atrocities committed by the British Empire against colonised peoples, the atrocities committed by the American Empire against Native Indians and across the modern world whilst being the supposed good guys – as well as the documented experiments by both the USA and the UK with disease agents deliberately infecting their own people in the past – there is a catalogue of evidence that feeds into the dissonant backdrop that makes it an effort to trust any current government on Earth today.

Take the disease of Addiction, it presents physically and mentally in patients but actually the causality is described as the disease of addiction actually being a spiritual malady. This is now evidence based over 85 years of responding to this global pandemic of addiction with the 12 Step Programme, which is the gold standard treatment model drawn upon in every rehab in the world.

Yet this disease of Addiction is not accepted as the pandemic that it actually is by the global governmental structures.

Whatever the form that addiction takes, it is a symptom not a cause. The cause is high sensitivity to toxic meaninglessness and a breakdown of spiritual coherence in the three part template design for Mankind that is physical/mental/spiritual, a template that is the proven antidote to all forms of the disease of addiction as a person is returned to it via the 12 Step Programme.

The dissonance around global warming can be seen as linked to whether or not pollution is being caused by CO2 which is the global governmental position, when in fact CO2 levels might be being excreted by the actual causal factors rather than the causal factor itself.

So with viruses, according to Dr Thomas Cowan, he says, as do some other highly qualified doctors, that they can be confused with exosomes excreted by cells that are reacting to some insult to a person’s overall organism, which may include any changes that might be happening in the invisible electromagnetic field that surrounds all of us. The excretia that comes out of cells bears a different form depending upon the causal conditions of any particular physical insult or particular change in the field of energy that we all swim in.

Of course, it immediately seems to me that research into other diseases like polio, measles etc and how they manifest and how vaccines actually work and what was going on in the electromagnetic field as these diseases appeared in Mankind’s history is invited in the light of this view of a virus.

If any of this has any element of validity, it may show how analytical science is putting the cart before the horse and also exposes a view upon why bacterial diseases that are contagious physically and respond to antibiotics, are different to diseases that hitherto have been thought to have had a virus cause that don’t respond to antibiotics.

How are we to trust who is telling the truth here? The governments say that we must follow our laws and submit to these policies and of course most people want to do this. Yet governments cannot deny their history, so there is cultural dissonance.

The only way to test this theory by Dr Cowan would be to turn 5G off and then see how soon the effects known presently as Covid-19 take to disappear. There is seemingly little chance of this, but who knows.

At the very least, if the principle of external to internal contagion is only valid for bacterial infections and that viral diseases are actually being totally misdiagnosed in the same way that Addiction is being misdiagnosed, then perhaps we need to know this to begin to respond more appropriately.

Yet, the challenge posed by some of these alternative approaches to governmental control is so great that they are called conspiracy theories and reference to them is actively blocked historically and presently.

These present theories by Dr Cowan inevitably state that the attempt to impose herd immunity to 5G may be costing Mankind lives as well as trillions of dollars, though ironically I’m writing this upon a 4G machine that might have a casual link to SARS and MERS according to the logic of Dr Cowan. Perhaps even if only the single linkage of a spiritual antidote to this cellular reaction to 5G can be extricated from a seeming fog of dissonance, then at least we could be onto a win win.

It may be that the only safe way to reap the benefits of 5G is to learn from the antidote to the disease of Addiction which is to reconnect to a Higher Power of your own understanding, as if your very life depended upon it. This is what I have called #theHUmanhealing.

In matters of immunity, the key word is “unity”, this derives from the word “union” which in turn only has meaning and efficacy when the word “one” is connected with at the highest possible point.

This connection with “One” is essentially how the 12 Step Programme heals, is essentially how the Sufi appears.

Dr Bruce Lipton has been writing for many years that the way that the cells in the Human body actually work may not be quite as described by the orthodoxy of present biological and medical authority.

In all matters regarding personal health in these internet times, the responsibility is upon people to be open and honest. Blind trust of the orthodoxy is as unwise as following every alternative snake-oil salesman. As a practitioner in the field of Addiction treatment, I know that the orthodoxy struggles with the proven efficacy of the 12 Step Programme and I work very hard to build bridges of articulation to help the medical industry better serve their customers, customers that are also known as patients and clients.

For the moment, at this time of global pandemic, the body of Mankind has to submit to being led and to trusting that whatever the theories around physical illness, around political leadership, around any or all of the usual analysis of global power, trusting the leaders of the G20 are doing and will do their best to lead Mankind into a viable long-term recovery from Covid-19 is our only way forward.

In so doing, global leaderships may inevitably have to let themselves be led into new ways of conducting their business with each other and with their Oaths of Office.

Postscript here posted 30/10/20 is a video made by an independent journalist Anna Brees who is ex BBC, ITV and SKY which speaks for itself.

PPS this video, along with most of Anna Brees’ work to date on her YouTube channel has been deleted by Anna herself upon orders of Google, who threatened to ban her from YouTube completely if she didn’t delete her work. This age it seems is being policed by very frightened, closed forces that are not able to withstand open conversation …. rather odd as Anna was simply doing what journalists do, she was asking questions.

PPPS on the 23/11/20 the good news is that vaccines are becoming licenced for global usage against the pernicious symptoms of Covid19. Thus the rigorous body of science meets the con-science of the body politic to meet the body of Mankind in a triumph of hope for the future healing of all that impedes the arrival of Humankind into its promised Age Of Aquarius.

PPPPS this video sees the virus Covid-19 from a holistic viewpoint

The Humber Bridge

Consciousness and Conscience are One.

Official Secrets

Nowhere on the face of this planet Earth could any professional person get away with the obscurant misuse of language as is the common parlance of the global political class now, in 2020AD.

Politicians sit in legislative debating chambers the world over setting the linguistic and legal contractual boundaries for all professions to be able to conduct their business honourably.

Yet in their own utterances to the General Public to whom they feign their regular submission their words bend and stretch in their meaning to the point of rendering their being politicians as a parody of that supposed height of semantic functionality.

How does this happen?

It happens because of the power of a secret.

Implicit in every political communication is the message that “if you knew what we know then you would understand why we have to act and speak as we do and we have to bear this rôle on your behalf to keep you safe.”

Imagine if any other profession misused language in the way that politicians regularly do? Even within the comedy renditions of such internal behaviour amongst themselves as in “Yes Minister”, the condition of life mimicking art is now almost complete as centralised government pretend to give power to people whilst actually taking power away from people.

This Gordian Knot of international leaders mistrusting each other who in turn mistrust their own local leaders who in turn mistrust the ordinary people has become the actual state of democracy, nowhere near the government of the people by the people, a definition used now merely anaesthetically to take away the pain of the 24/7 news channels.

The way to cut this Gordian Knot is to look to the Source of all Secrets.

As for the place of the action and station of the ruhul quds (the Holy Spirit), it is the Sirr (secret). The nature of this spirit is told in the following hadith:

“The human being is My secret and I am his.” [I am hidden in the human being and he is hidden in Me]

Masters of Sufism – Abdul Qadir Geylani

So, the powerful allure of the secret is taken from the very template of our arriving into existence in the first place. We are hard wired to submit to this notion of the singular secret. It is because of this that the current stock of so called leaders are able to exercise their counterfeit hold over billions of people from behind their nationalised versions of their particular Official Secrets Act.

When the actions of international and national leaders break language to the point where no-one believes in themselves any more let alone their leaders, then inhumanity abounds and the primordial secret that is the human being seems lost under the hammer of the merely “Official Secrets”.

This is why the trial of Julian Assange is so important in this time. The Official Secrets Machine is desperate to regain its Wizard of Oz appearance of utility.

In recovery dynamics, it is said that “a person is as sick as their secrets”.

This is because the word secret cannot have a plural for a person realising themself as The Human, being.

I am as well as my Secret (Sirr), I am as sick as my secrets.

Andrew Dettman 25/02/20

Of course there are criminals and bullies who feed off the underbelly of Mankind’s attempts to civilise itself under the rules of law serving the rule of Love. History shows that the Yin-Yang of individual wrestling with shadow and substance is sometimes reflected in the very systemic bodies of nations themselves.

But when the lines between the good guys and the bad guys become so blurred as to cause levels of cultural dissonance the like of which are now destabilising the minds of whole masses of people globally, then we may be sure that we are all in an emergency situation that calls for urgent remedial action.

“If dull people lose the idea of God nothing happens – not immediately at least. But socially the masses begin to breed mental epidemics, of which we have now a fair number.”

(C. G. Jung, Psychology & Religion (New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1938) 105.)

This particular time of Julian Assange being put on trial for exposing the breakdown of humanity that is characterised by the Official Secrets system that permits the Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) policies of the global international gold standard leadership policy for protecting Mankind from itself, this particular time is completing the countdown for whether our species is viable or not.

The autoimmune deficiency that is the MAD protocol is another way of describing the disease of Stuck-addiction. Mankind can solve any problem that it can describe clearly. The challenge is in that description and this is no longer helped by nations imagining that their paltry little piratical secrets are of any use to humanity whatsoever.

The Present

So, the beauty of the everyday to metaphorically help you and collections of those just like you, to navigate through these times of disrepair and disconnect by potentially becoming repaired and more connected.

The Earth is the place of our presence, the place of our physical arrival and departure, the place of danger and protection, the place of the earthing of the flow of the overall current of Life.

Blue wire, brown wire, when connected in a plug across a safety fuse, then there is made possible a flow of electricity when a plug is attached to a source of generated electricity.

Everything that is living on Earth flows across terminal arrangements.

A transmission flows from a transmitter to a receiver in a generated communication, a conversation of sorts, complete in itself.

Consciousness flows across the blue wire of neutral physical visible existence and the brown wire of live metaphysical invisible existence.

Mankind is born into the blue wire, unaware of anything the child has their brown wire provided for them by their carers, usually parents and family.

As children develop their awareness then a growing array of brown wire relationships are experienced. People, places and things are routinely inserted by the ego in an often quasi metaphysical manner to provide the juice to flow energising experiences.

If a child is not damaged, then this construct of people, places and things slots in and out of a person’s singular appearance with life on Earth as if it were just one brown wire, and a kind of being development takes place.

Whole collections of essentially differing people interact with each other in this way, using each other unconsciously as varying combinations of brown wire connectivities of orders to be, submitting to a nationality then that seems to generate security and a sense of being plugged into a history that is however, predictably and necessarily more partisan and linear than can wholly describe, actually being Human.

Only when there is an ego breakdown in this brown wire situation does the fact emerge that in this analogy, the brown wire can’t ever actually be a person, a place or a thing.

We’re way past the partisan talk event-horizon, language is broken and empty, news images are numbing rather than moving, this sickness is soul-sickness and only a message that reconnects the breathing out/in, the sleeping/waking and the birthing/deathing can reach into these global levels of disrepair and disconnect.

Cancer happens in the physical interface of people when cells go renegade and the birth/death harmony of cellular processing becomes broken apart, death becomes disconnected as a tumour.

Addiction happens in the metaphysical interface of people when event processing goes renegade and the birth/death harmony of thought and memory processing becomes broken apart, death becomes disconnected as a resentment.

Cancer treatment gets the cells birthing and deathing in harmony again, reconnecting death healthily.

Addiction treatment gets the psyche birthing and deathing in harmony again, reconnecting death healthily.

All forms of cancer are linked to cellular out of control behaviours. All forms of Addiction are linked to individual and/or group out of control behaviours.

Life has no opposite, connected birth/death terminals are connected events in a living flow. The real sickness is disconnected death at the mental metaphysical interface of a person that impacts eventually in an increased susceptibility of disconnected death being mirrored at the cellular physical interface of a person.

Connectors of Consciousness

There is more of course to cancer’s causation than the matters I have put forward, these further matters can be integrated by a study of cancer causation in animals and in trees and plants.

This Great Fact that the brown wire is not a person, place or thing is exposed by the quote below from the text of Alcoholics Anonymous that transmitted The Twelve Step Programme into Mankind’s journey in 1937.

“Our book is meant to be suggestive only. We realize we know only a little. God will constantly disclose more to you and to us . Ask Him in your morning meditation what you can do each day for the man who is still sick. The answers will come, if your own house is in order. But obviously you cannot transmit something you haven’t got. See to it that your relationship with Him is right, and great events will come to pass for you and countless others. This is the Great Fact for us.”

One of the founders of The Twelve Step Fellowships Bill W. said that that phenomenon provided a Spiritual kindergarten.

It is only from this place of repair and reconnection that the ego can serve Consciousness in the flow of Presence and can deepen its awakening. This has been the evidence based experience of millions of people over eighty five years of 12 Step Programme dynamics.

So too today, as the global financial situation continues to stagnate according to Mervyn King who headed the Bank Of England in 2008 at the time of the global financial crash, as the political systems of the world collapse under the counterfeit brown wire of populist leaderships, then now is the time to bring once again the evidence of how Life actually appears on Earth.

More will follow ….

A veil able to heal

Lakshmi (/ˈlʌkʃmi/; Sanskrit: लक्ष्मी, IAST: lakṣmī) or Laxmi, is the Hindu goddess of wealth, fortune and prosperity. She is the wife and shakti (energy) of Vishnu, one of the principal deities of Hinduism and the Supreme Being in the Vaishnavism Tradition. (Wikipedia)

Why bring this information at this time?

“The time to act is now”. Prince Charles, DAVOS 2020

Wealth, fortune and prosperity seem to be the Holy Grail at the core of the global situation that fills the news broadcasts 24/7.

The 12 Step Programme, that has brought happiness, joy and freedom to millions of hitherto hopelessly collapsed people over the last 85 years, is a spiritual instruction.

What does this mean?

It means that when certain people have tried to wrest wealth, fortune and prosperity from their culture relying solely upon their own educated mental and physical efforts, whether they thought that they believed in a god or not, only to to find that their best efforts led them to totally collapse in their particular form(s) of the disease of Addiction, then these people had to be introduced to the spiritual disease that was their actual problem if they were to have any chance of surviving at all.

When I say actual problem it is because very many people, especially those who have been healed by accessing the 12 Step Programme, are confounded in their collapse by their previous attempts to understand and/or justify their time-line of degradation and humiliation.

Those that could be persuaded of the true nature of their condition survived, those that could not let go of their old preconceptions died.

So today, despite the increasing sophistication of globalisation and the concomitant destruction of Mankind’s major religions in eyes of increasing numbers of people, the 12 Step Programme remains the gold standard treatment for the disease of Addiction (across all forms) in every rehab in the world.

There are many derivatives of the 12 Step Programme that are asset stripped by the well-intentioned intellects that have baulked at the word God, as it appears to them to insult their scientific predispositions.

These derivatives are increasingly seen to bring more problems than they seek to alleviate as can be seen in the latest court judgements against Johnson and Johnson in the US State of Oklahoma.

So, the derivates that industrialise the effort to help addicted people, when that help becomes itself corrupted by trying to generate wealth, fortune and prosperity by covertly debunking a proven 12 Step Programme, sickness builds upon sickness and the corporate bodies then act like addicts themselves.

Eventually, more and more people and more and more companies and more and more nations become sick as the proven template (physical, mental, spiritual) for organic Consciousness to grow here on Earth is systematically destroyed by Mankind’s incessant pursuit of wealth, fortune and prosperity by inhuman means.

What are inhuman means of pursuing wealth, fortune and prosperity?

Inhuman means of trying to achieve anything, are those means that can eventually be seen to harm people, places and things on Earth to the point that the harm produced cannot be justified anymore in terms of money produced from that harm.

Mankind is at this tipping point of measurability now.

Politically, commercially, financially, environmentally, locally, nationally, internationally, the KPIs of our ability to cohere as sentient beings managing our ecosystems amidst other sentient beings, all indications are now saying that the mental and physical world of Mankind is collapsing.

What about the spiritual world of Humankind?

Religions are part of Mankind’s mental world, they are paid lip-service to by political leaders and policed by their armed forces as corporate agendas are dispensed by law-makers to be stamped upon the body of the culture that they bind, by the illusion of consent or not, depending upon the starkness of the particular President concerned.

Mankind and Humankind are related, but not the same in practice.

Mankind would destroy itself in its pursuit of wealth, fortune and prosperity, Humankind would not. (link added 6/10/19)

This is the tipping point facing all of us at this time, the reconnection of Mankind to Humankind – or not.

The impetus for this reconnection must almost by definition come catalytically from Humankind to Mankind.

How much would this reconnection be worth to a disconnected phenomenon called for the want of a better term, Mankind?

If Mankind does not think that there is anything called Humankind that it could receive help from to become, then of course any such offer of reconnection would be deemed to be not just worthless, but more than likely irritating and insulting.

Mankind measures its success in terms of billions and trillions of dollars extracted from billions of people, Humankind measures its success in terms of a singular presence interacted within billions of people.

How can Humankind reconnect with Mankind?

Through the = sign.

Mankind is the bottom-line of the = sign, Humankind is more than just the top-line though, Humankind is the reconnection of the connection, the = sign itself.

I am here both to repair your terminal opposites ☯️ and equally to reconnect you to the flow of Source 🕉️.

How much is this worth to you, as a question, will not be appreciated by you whilst you carry on consigning your very self to non-existence within a thinly veiled resentment toward everything and everybody (else).

There are veils between where you are now and what you might become, these veils cannot be removed by your present sense of self, they can be removed by what Lakshmi actually is, that is, One Energy (Shakti). AUM.


There are no main stream Spiritual voices in the Brexit media reports. This is not surprising given the nature of the rise in influence of entities described here.

As always the challenge is to find the articulation, the “spelling” to meet the challenges of this time as they actually manifest, as they are present, not as they appear.

This extract looks at war from an holistic staging.


World War 1: Subtle-sorcerers (māntriks) from the 2nd region of Hell.

World War 2: Subtle-sorcerers primarily from the 3rd region of Hell took part in the orchestration of the Second World War. Hitler for example throughout his tenure in power was possessed by a subtle-sorcerer from the 5th region of Hell. This was also the reason for his dramatic rise to power. Throughout his reign the subtle-sorcerer was fully manifest.

World War 3: Subtle-sorcerers from the 4th region of Hell will be behind the Third World War that will play out in the physical realm. However, in the subtle-battle, subtle-sorcerers from the 7th region of Hell will take part. In the years 2017-2023, subtle-sorcerers from the 6th and 7th region of Hell will be involved in the subtle battle.



The reason for these present money-first power anomalies in 2019 UK politics, sanctioned now by Trump, is that the unseen power dynamics are not appreciated and there is no vernacular to describe these matters in the West.

The Qur’an clearly talks of Mankind and Djinn as being the visible and invisible manifestations of Existence.

There is a shift in the balance of power happening as described by the SSRF should you care to check.

Not exactly as they render it, but it at least gives a start point for 21st century Folk to connect with and with each other.

This next extract talks of The Work.


“However, the intensity and timeline of events may change.

As the world moves closer towards this catastrophic event, Saints of the highest level on Earth are doing everything to help humanity to protect themselves and reduce the intensity of the World War. As more and more people who have the potential to become seekers start spiritual practice, these evolved Saints through Their resolve are pushing the timeline for war out as much as possible so that these seekers get the time to start and strengthen their spiritual practice.”

Consciousness is the key word that opens the lock.

Connectors of Consciousness



Jeffrey Epstein was found dead in his prison cell today. The mega story surrounding his trial is full of group gossip, modern day Empire sensationalism full of celebrity association, unproven liaisons, allegations of immoral activity involving espionage, royalty, businessmen, computer programmers, religious and political tribalism, bankers and auditors with their smoke and mirrors and on, and on and on ad nauseam, except that it seems Mankind never gets sick of it.

More simply, a man has died, may God have Mercy upon his soul.

Materially, none of us are here to judge another person more than the law of the land is empowered so to do.

Spiritually, a person faces the consequences of their life according to all the religions known to Man.

If there is any lesson to be learned from the events surrounding the death of Jeffrey Epstein, then it is one of seeing one’s own behaviour with the same investigative rigour that one might be tempted to apply to Jeffrey Epstein’s demise.

“Let he who has no sin cast the first stone,” are the words of Christ that rush toward me whenever anyone else’s sexual behaviours are under scrutiny, legal or otherwise.

For me, this does not mean that anything goes, there is and must be the law of the land and in my experience of how a civilisation’s law comes into being then I trust the line from the 12 Step Programme which says that, “without help it is too much for us. But there is One with all Power. That One is God, may you find Him now.”

In the working of a 12 Step Programme, the principles of contrition, of facing the law, of facing up to sexualised behaviour that is selfish and self-seeking, of forming an ideal for future conduct and of making real amends for past behaviours that honour those hurt, these principles are clearly introduced as vitally important for a Human being’s health.

There can be a modern-day intellectual asset stripping of religious texts that can render all mention of Divine punishment as being in need of reform. New-age messages of meditation and of how to live in the present without being frightened of God or of the need to worry about the karmic judgement that the bardo experience delivers to the newly deceased, these new-age messages may need to be revised.

Jalalludin Rumi is often mentioned as a source of luvviduvvyness that takes his actual life and work well out of context. I offer the poem at the top of this blog-post as a balance toward how Rumi actually saw his life as it flowed between his birth and death.

He seems to be saying that a simple and expedient destruction of the foundations of the Ancient Way without even trying for a personal recourse to a deeper possible interpretation of said foundations whilst keeping them intact, is a lie.

All of my personal journey has had a basis of the need to atone for my ignorant mistakes, to face up to my past selfish and self-seeking behaviour, to ask for help to change from God as I understand God, to do this before I have to as we all have to, when we die.

Everywhere the systemic bodies are acting like junkies. Leaders of governments, religions, banks, utility companies, health services, large corporations globally, the news of their alleged and actual sexual and financial misconduct explodes into the 24/7 global media machine on an increasingly regular basis.

Self-styled mystics, messengers, holders of so-called secrets across global religious vehicles have been the founders of murderous sex-cults, manipulators of thrill seekers and of the damaged and vulnerable for age after age.

When the usual criminality of vice is exposed in its age-old setting it is upsetting enough for ordinary folk. When social and political leaders are exposed as having been stuck in corruption it is a great shock. When counterfeit spiritual leaders are shown to have been hiding in plain sight then it seems the final straw.

These are the days of huge macro change. Nothing new is being shown, it is however a matter of scale. This is not just the analysis of the micro changes in history, of civilisations rising and falling looked at by academics. This is the time of a chance for Mankind to become led by Humankind, or for a continued collapse of global leadership plunging the planet into Atlantis II.

It is not just up to the new leaders that must appear, it is up to whether Mankind can then submit enough to be led.

There is a global disease, a bottom line fixation and a top line disintegration. Elites are being exposed as predators infecting systems further with blackmail and deliberate corruption of good-will with ill-will.

Conspiracy theorists are of little help as they only increase anxiety with their half-baked information that does not integrate the Singularity of Consciousness.

The challenge to bear witness to a metaphysical message that is not just an asset stripping exercise upon old and failing religions is impossible without God instigates the preparation and the delivery of the resolution to such a challenge.

Because of the foundation work that I have done, and the work that this foundation grants to me on a daily basis, I can help translate so-called spiritual words into a twenty-first century vernacular if they are too much of a hindrance for people who have decided that they want to try to change their behaviours. (link added 4/10/19)

What I do not change and simply repeat are the basic principles, in fact the basic principle quoted above from the AA 12 Step Programme, actually from Al Ghawth that is that, “without help it is too much for us. But there is One with all Power. That One is God, may you find Him now.”

12 Steps to sanity.

Half measures availed us nothing. We stood at the turning point. We asked His protection and care with complete abandon. Here are the steps we took, which are suggested as a program of recovery:

1. We admitted we were powerless over alcohol —that our lives had become unmanageable.
2. Came to believe that a Power greater than our-selves could restore us to sanity.
3 Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him.
4. Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves.
5. Admitted to God, to ourselves, and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs.
6. Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character.
7. Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings.
8. Made a list of all persons we had harmed, and became willing to make amends to them all.
9. Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others.
10. Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admitted it.
11. Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out.
12. Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to alcoholics, and to practice these principles in all our affairs.

Many of us exclaimed, “What an order! I can’t go through with it.” Do not be discouraged. No one among us has been able to maintain anything like perfect adherence to these principles. We are not saints. The point is, that we are willing to grow along spiritual lines. The principles we have set down are guides to progress. We claim spiritual progress rather than spiritual perfection.

(AA Basic Text 1937)

These Spiritual principles of the Spiritual Kindergarten are timeless and remedy the devilry that is manifested by envy and resentment.

Many people these days are looking for a New Age asset stripped version of the blood and thunder religions of past centuries. In recovery dynamics this is called looking for the easier softer way.

Unless a person can lay down the foundation protection that these divinely simple Steps provide, any attempt at a 21st century exploration of inner space is as doomed to failure as would the prospect of going into outer space without a space-ship.

In fact the global religious trigger points that fill the news channels 24/7 offer ample evidence of an encroaching insanity of which #Brexit is but a local symptom, that stubbornly refuses to respond to the partisan systems purportedly of the same Holy Spirit.

If the religions did a 12 Step audit of their actual state and made amends, then their individual adherents might have some chance of enjoying a Step 11 that was actually connected to Consciousness.

The challenge to face the destructive force of envy and resentment is not just a personal matter, whole systems now face collapse unless the systemic leaders can see the illness that threatens our whole global system.

Whatever side of the #Brexit argument a person find themselves on, when alcohol is replaced by whatever is the person, place or thing that is clearly causal, then Step 1 chillingly describes the actual state of the UK political Executive function over the last three years. The recent change of UK leadership when placed into an illness paradigm is almost certain to be a deepening of the calamity.

The Dunning-Kruger syndrome may well be a problem affecting some personality types presently bulldozing their way through the global logjams that fill the news channels.

A well known search engine gives the etymology of the word expert as follows:

Middle English (as an adjective): from French, from Latin expertus, past participle of experiri ‘try’. The noun use dates from the early 19th century Compare with experience and experiment.

So the word expert is an adjective that can be used as a noun, but in its root it is all about experience.

Then the difficulty around the hostility toward the self-proclaimed expert becomes clearer in the difference between theory and practice.

This is no more clear than when a man becomes a politician who is rich and who has been rich all of his life saying that they are experts in knowing what poor people need.

(Postscript added 30/11/19

In my professional work, the expertise that I bring to Diction Resolution Therapy is based primarily on the fact that I haven’t had a drink of alcohol since May 1995 and that my professional work roots from that personal experience.

In my spiritual work, I speak from my experience not from a theory.

This experience is clarified in the Sufi Way here.

Without prejudice, the reference to Jared Diamond’s book is a signpost that the illness paradigm is at least being talked about at the Davos level of global cultures as Bill Gates has recommended that all leaders read this book asap.

Position of Protection

The Naqshbandi “taweez” is written and worn by those initiated into this ancient order. A little research can reveal the purpose of the wearing of this taweez as it is a reminder for those who wear it of the protection that Allah promises to those He sends to serve Him, as they work as contemporary connectors to His creation in order to help Mankind during their lives on Earth.

The Sufi always brings the best meanings from the revealed scriptures across all the global religions, as well as trusting in the surah Al Khaf from The Qur’an within which is the guarantee of the living connection with Allah as exposed in the rendition of the meeting between Musa and Khidr.

Even though I was informed in 1981 by the Sufi Bülent Rauf via a message from a friend that I am protected by Allah, not because I’m better than anyone else but simply for this time to have for it secured a trustworthy witness that truly “there is no God, but God and Muhammad is His messenger”, yet still I wear the Hizb Al Wikayah from the presence of the 13th century Sufi Muhyiddin Ibn Arabi, which can be found from the link, as well as taking delivery of the Naqshbandi taweez today.

I also wear a silver AUM, this to connect the East and the West externally as indicative of the state of my inner hemispheres’ marriage.

The principle of this external wearing of article is in the same action of my reverting formally to Islam in 1984, the principle being one of harmonising my outside with my inside, my visible with my invisible, for the Sufi the exemplar is The Christ.

The Sufi is brought through to the Universal Religion of Love not to be cast as a superior, but rather as a catalytic servant to believers and non-believers alike in the name of Love, for do not all relate somehow to love?

The hot spots on Earth today are trigger points of religious territorial hostility. Some of this hostility is honest ignorance in the attempt by religious leaders to protect doctrinal differences as it seems that history impels. A lot of the global religious volatility however is deliberately cooked up by personality power plays as well as by international political forces of destabilisation as geopolitical power games have been played by leading nations for the control of energy resources over centuries.

The Sufi is God’s merciful mediator. As I have said on a recent video, God’s servants are usually hidden, even from themselves. Those Sufis that have been recorded throughout history, found by those that seek out such records, are those that have been ordered to break cover by Allah (by their Enlightenment in Buddhism) in order to help communities at various times.

Where I write Allah, it can be read as any naming of God from any known tradition in Mankind’s history.

The work left by these Sufis, though for a particular culture, can have relevance for later cultures as part of the ever revivifying relationship between Allah and His presence in His mystery of appearing as a material multiplicity in Nature, known as a possibility by the experiential self-awareness of Mankind.

The hitherto unheard of openness of the Sufi Way now and of the Sufis living today and the accessibility of The Way is a phenomenon made possible not only by the internet, but made possible also by Allah as His Mercy because of the stress that Mankind faces existentially at this time.

The Sufi today faces just as much vitriol from 21st century believers and non-believers as has ever been faced, not least, again as history can show, from those who are sure that they are the only Sufis who need to protect The Way from anyone who doesn’t fit in with their lineage.

So what! It’s time for The Human, being you, to know The Human, being me, to come together to see what is to transpire.

©Warner Bros 1999.

Clearly, it’s an inside job 😉🙏

I offer you the most powerful prayer of protection in the Universe:

O God I seek refuge in You, from You.

Opposites connect ☯️

Please don’t imagine that I’m against President Donald J. Trump. He’s playing a part. He knows all the political skulduggery of the last few decades, what he doesn’t know is the Will of God.

Leaders play their games, they always have. The Big Game rolls on. Climate Change is not what it seems says the leader of the free world. The brother of the leader of the UK’s Official Opposition says that Extinction Rebellion is bankrolled by big Corporate forces who seem to be the target of the Climate change lobby. What on earth is going on?

There are many, many ‘be’ orders in the hierarchy of monetary and political power. The religions are mired so it seems that the modern day Emperor is untouchable. Who is the Head of the Game?

It makes no difference. Their ‘be’s can only work because there is a reality to the Primal Be.

This Primal Be transmits out of time, at every seeming instant of time. Like Light’s wave and particle, the Primal Be is impossibly two states happening at once.

The Human ‘be’ is the closest ‘be’ that all the different types of men and women can hope to ‘become’. This Human ‘be’ is so powerful that all other ‘be’s have to be still in Its presence.

“Be still and know that I am God”. Psalm 46:10

At this time of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit connects all of the Visible with all of the Invisible, It blows where It will.

The God that is able to transform Saul into St. Paul is well able to transform these troubled times into a new age.

We all stand at God’s threshold.

Tiananmen Remembered

This is a copy of my FB message sent to the Chinese Embassy in the UK regarding the 3 million Muslims held by China in Concentration Camps.

“Please pass on a message to the President. E = mc² there is a Singularity of Source for all life in The Universe, that E is Love.

China has no call to persecute Muslims in Concentration Camps to re-educate them, this behaviour is not fitting for a Great State.

☯️ is the Chinese symbol that shows that what you do to another you do to yourself.

All global leaders are under great stress, are in fact very ill.

In my work I am sent to offer a message of healing and repair for the leaders and their led.

Before my message landed officially with China there were no consequences. Now, your behaviour has been addressed there is only change or denial, the choice is for you.

This is the reply from the Chinese Embassy in the UK sent a few days later.

“Hi. This is the Press Section. Many thanks for the message. We have noted your concern about the relevant issue, and would like to clarify it with the following facts:
China is a country with various religions, including Buddhism, Taoism, Islam, Catholicism, and Protestantism, and the spirit of harmony and inclusiveness is deeply rooted in the Chinese culture. It is our consistent position to fully respect and protect all citizens’ freedom of religious belief in accordance with law. In 2018, followers of Catholicism and Protestantism in China reached 6 million and 38 million respectively, with 8,000 and 57,000 clerical personnel; there were about 6,000 Catholic churches and places of assembly across 98 dioceses, and 60,000 Protestant churches and places of assembly.

China practises the rule of law. The Chinese law protects normal religious activities. China also defends itself and takes firm legal actions against anyone who make use of religion to engage in activities that disrupt public order, impair the health of citizens or interfere with school education.

The following is the link to a relevant White Paper issued by The State Council Information Office of the People’s Republic of China in 2018, which is for your kind reference:

This was my reply to them.

“Thank you for your consideration and diplomatic response. I simply refer you again to ☯️ and offer you 2 links for your kind reference.

They replied.

“Many thanks for the information.”

This was my second link.


As this is the 30th anniversary of the Chinese Government’s massacre of unarmed civilians in Tiananmen Square, I have tried to help the Chinese Government to stop committing further atrocities against innocent people with my communication.

Governments in history have all behaved inhumanely against their people when they get frightened. Even Winston Churchill ordered the shooting of striking Welsh miners early in the 20th century.

Governments can change, but the machine of rule can be brutal and driven by protocols that once started, can be difficult to stop. Governments who do breakdown into committing heinous acts against their own people deny them or justify them, then they slowly try to rewrite their history for subsequent generations by whatever means that they can get away with.

Tiananmen Square and the sacrifice of those killed must be remembered, not to blame the Chinese leaders of that time, but rather to help the present Chinese leaders to dare to change their relationship with their populations, to move away from analogue interpretations of what is now a new digital era.

I have sent a copy of this blog post to the Chinese Embassy in the UK today 4th June 2019 and to President Donald J. Trump as a comment to his D Day soundbyte post on his FB profile.