To wake up ….

In the times leading up to the arrival of Islam, there was the practice of burying alive in the sand some female babies.

How could people get so trapped in a sub-sphere of their inner experience that such practices were manifested?

This is the recalcitrance of ignorance and the brutality of denial that is exposed in the surah Rahman in the Qur’an and exposed by The Christ Jesus when He told his disciples that they would deny Him.

This barbaric practice with regard to these killings suddenly stopped for one person when a baby reached up and pulled on the beard of the man doing the burying.

It was as if this seventh century man snapped out of a dream with a shriek!

The protocols of justified killings by states with Official Secrets are in just such a sub-sphere of collective existence, a sub-sphere of collective denial. There are groups and individuals awake and appalled by the conditions for the masses in so many places on Earth, but they feel leaderless and impotent when reacting to events.

There is a limit to the efforts of frightened leaders to murder and terrorise populations into submission, history tells us this fact. In the Bhagavad-Gita the story tells of Krishna re-establishing the bounds of creation on Earth. The Qur’an talks of what happens when situations in a culture go beyond bounds.

Degenerated systems no longer know of these matters in any practical regard, the protocols of power dismantle individual conscience to render a collective leadership function as psychopathic. This is the global position presently in the G20 on Earth in December 2023.

How is this global breakdown of societal function to be helped?

First, as before in the parables of the Abrahamic culture that culminates as the US Empire, a Writ must be delivered to the leaders of a system to bring them out of a forgivable ignorance, into a remedial denial. This Writ has been delivered. The message of a global illness has been delivered and recorded as delivered on the digital systems of the world. The message offers a diagnosis and a healing for Mankind.

Because death is not a detached phenomenon in itself, it is but a terminal in a whole that is Consciousness living in Its own matter, then the appearances of Mankind’s material drama though real, are not really real.

Everything is held, including all pleasure and pain, in The Source that suffers everything to be.

Thus, the timing of how One Consciousness relieves Its own material pain is by definition not in the created entity’s control. The fact that Cosmic pain relief arrives is part of Mankind’s recorded history. My work is in line with this aforementioned fact of relief.


Talking of mystical experience

Generally it’s a waste of time talking of mystery!! Carl Jung was buried by the Establishment because in an interview toward the end of his life when he’d had enough of disrespect, he said that he knew that God exists!!

Jung also said so far as a Spiritual experience may be real or not, he said that if such an experience granted a recipient “pistis and peace”, then whether anybody else believed it or not if invited to hear of it, mattered not one jot.

I had an experience of birthing an inner “spiritual baby” in 1982. In the Sufi Way this is known as tifl-al-maani.

Occasionally I have invited orthodox authority and those who think they know of the paradox, to hear my message. Usually my message is too challenging for the receiver to hear anything but their own combative response patterns.

What has never changed over the years of my remaining in this world whilst no longer being fully of it, is my inner state of “pistis and peace”. In fact this said inner state has expanded and continues to extend and expand, not unlike the orthodox scientific view of the physical universe.

Watch “A Message of Hope From Archbishop Vigano” on YouTube

This video message is nearly true.

I posted nearly the same message back on 19th March 2019

There is a last gasp of the Addictive System that is talked about in this video, no doubt.

The crypto-currency contortions that have more to do with a crypt than with currency, are a sign of the utter collapse of any meaningful Spiritual interface for Mankind.

Robert Reich writes in this linked article about this mayhem in the crypto-currency Ponzi schemes that are a febrile indicator of Mankind’s collapse of understanding of the Cartesian system, the Descartes fallacy that has no living metaphysical interface with the quantum Singularity from which all matter emerges.

All man-made attempts by very small numbers of Mankind’s leaders to impose uniformity invented intellectually or theologically upon the massively many more members of Mankind, have never ended well in history.

However, today there is hope, there is evidence since 1935 that The Christ Consciousness in the 21st century is to be found in the interior healing and repairing of Conscience that only appears in the invitational vehicle that has landed amongst Mankind called The 12 Step Programme.

Only an awareness, an awakening that the globalists and the religionists are as sick as each other in their made literal (therefore broken and stuck) parables, can open all sides to the light that is #theHUmanhealing

Colluding States Of Mind

How best to comprehend the actions emanating from the minds of individual leaders as they lead the collective mindset of their inner circles of associates?

The only way that I can begin to approach the above question is by drawing upon my own actual experience of life, of leadership, of illness, of personal healing and of being a healer.

This age we live in is no different from any other known age. Leaders and celebrities rely to a large extent upon “aura” to maintain their roles with others in their various circles of power and influence. The word “fluence” being the word that leaders “put” on people and systems in the fetish work that power insists upon within the Descartes fallacy that has prevailed on Earth now for so many generations.

I think therefore I am is the error that elevates having thoughts to the position of God in a person or in the system that such a person might lead.

Having thoughts is not the same as being.

Having is on the mental/physical interface of a person or a system, being is from the mental/metaphysical interface of a person or a system.

Having is the bottom line of the equals sign, being is the top line of the equals sign.!AibmU1axQ1u3wNkgmD-nxtp9229UUA

The above presentation is a portal from the paradox to the orthodox to help find a way through the challenges facing Mankind today. It is a way to help to illustrate the fact that Mankind is borne by Humankind.

the HU man healing

Delusional thinking is an inevitable consequence of I think therefore I am. When power, money and influence become reliant upon a delusion being defended in the public domain, that is the history of Mankind.

I am certain that over the years of my social media exposure many people after having been initially attracted, left quickly and placed me in the “well meaning but delusional” box.

As the world news exposes events, then just who and what is the consequence of delusional thinking is an essential question rather than merely an important question.

In the illusion of solid matter, as challenged by quantum mechanics, Mankind’s political and business enterprises can deteriorate behind an occlusion of the smoke and mirrors of factions in collusion with agendas that are hidden and different from their public actions.

Then the Chinese Whispers of allusions fuel conspiracy theorists whilst the hidden agendas unfold, until eventually the whirlwind of events blows away the covering smoke of partisan power subterfuges and suddenly, there is World War.

Empires have risen and fallen in the past in their micro worlds. As the British Empire fell into the American Empire the World Wars have been in the macro world.

World War III is the ultimate macro insanity that hovers in the delivery room of Man’s inhumanity to Man as May approaches in The Year of Our Lord 2022.

Show down – a fiction.

The whole is greater than the sum of the parts. The mind is but a part of a person, not the whole. The mind is simply the sixth sense as the next blog post evidences.

Inner Meteorology

When the mind is controlling everything and trying to create its own being, then its own mental collapse is inevitable and this is now clear in the global epidemic of individual mental illness, an epidemic that is contained within a global body politic that itself is now clearly also evidencing an insanity in its collective governmental Executive functions.

Pie chart from an unchecked source

Am I delusional?

There is a rapidly closing window of opportunity for those heads of power to whom this post is sent to answer the delusion question comparatively for themselves. For those in the body of Mankind, there is nothing to be done in the same way that the perfectly healthy body of a suicidally ideated person can only wait and watch and pray.

Message reissued

All the links on the tweet below work and the article in the UK Guardian from two years ago opens in the Facebook link.

So, in May 2019 the quoted UK Guardian article cited “an epidemic of poor mental health” appearing across ranks of staff in the higher education system of Britain.

Since then of course, factor in Covid-19 and the conditions on the ground are now a calamity almost beyond orthodox analysis.

I use the term orthodox analysis advisedly, because it is the orthodox structures of medical diagnosis and societal analysis that are now shown to be simply part of The Addictive System that is now in utter collapse.

When Society Becomes an Addict
The Addictive System will lead to total destruction
The Addictive System is morally and spiritually bankrupt
We live in a world that is literally turned upside down by moral deterioration
The Addictive System is wrong about the human condition
Psychotherapy makes yet another mistake by treating disorders in isolation, out of the context of the Addictive System
… the White Male System and the Addictive System are one and the same
Everything we know about human development has been taught by Addictive System teachers in Addictive System schools from a perspective of “reality” that is not real” Anne Wilson Schaef

My work over the last eight years has been to build upon the work of Anne Wilson Schaef whose work is photographed above. My development of Diction Resolution Therapy stands because of the urgency of the situation mentioned above.

Over and over again my working out of this message that, The Addictive System is destroying itself, has been and is the purpose of my blogs and my social media postings. Even to the point of the Universe arranging a headline that appears from anywhere on the face of the planet when a person searches in Google for unseen leader of the world …. go ahead …. try it for yourself!!

Then read this blog post for a perspective

Healing for broken and empty words ….

As this sub-pandemic of Covid-19 carries on imposing curfews on Mankind’s collective affairs unheard of without bombs and bullets flying, it maybe behoves us all to realise that global cultures are held in this stasis not wholly because of the efforts of our leaders, but rather despite them.

When the main source of supposed healing, the drug companies, are found to be corrupted and complicit with willful misdiagnosis and mistreatment of the primary disease of Addiction, then the challenges facing the delivery of my message is put into perspective …. the blog post below highlights this.

Pharma karma

The disease of Addiction is described by the psychiatrist M. Scott Peck as a sacred disease. The 12 Step Programme describes this same spiritual malady as only having a spiritual solution.

So, because the message now is that all global cultures are spiritually sick in The Addictive System within which Covid-19 is but a symptom and that because the conditions facing Mankind are not just mental and physical, then there is hope that behaviour can change.

The ancient spiritual principles contained in the 12 Steps pull together the broken behaviours in people and then therefore in collections of people. This is portrayed in the schematic below and the yellow separation marks are removed as the 12 Steps are internalised and connected, Universal consciousness is contacted and individually deepened in conscience.

In the beginning was the Word, the Word was with God, the Word was God – opening of St John’s gospel.

Then the challenge simply is how to deliver this message and where to deliver it where it has any chance at all of becoming acted upon. The next blog post was written over seven years ago wrestling with just such a challenge.

Landing Pad

I shall convey this posting once more through the modern channels of contact with the system. I know that the message is to be denied, God knows that is not my problem. My job is to simply carry the message.

The first and most important step is to admit and name the disease, both in ourselves and in our society. Anne Wilson Schaef’s brilliant and compassionate dissection of addictive behavioural patterns leaves us no option but to see this truth. However, the message of this book is essentially optimistic, because once the process of awareness is triggered, healing begins.

(Citation from the back cover of the book photographed above, When Society Becomes an Addict.)


The Latin words “inter” meaning “between” and “currere” meaning “run” blend together to give us the word “intercourse”.

The sexual hijacking of this word began in 1788 when the habits of Mary Queen of Scots were immortalised in a biography. Today, most people associate intercourse to mean sexual intercourse.

However the word intercourse is a vitally important word to help people in a recovery from the disease of stuck and broken addiction.

Because the whole of Mankind is now powerlessly broken apart indisputably in a way that hitherto has been “managed” by ridiculously small forces, there is a crack in the prison wall. There is a way to see the course of events more clearly, to see the overall picture with a clearer resolution, to inter-act then more bravely, more creatively.

These small numbers of people that have historically hidden their real powerlessness over actually being able to control the huge numbers of people that they have ruled over, except by scaring the people subjugated to them with the loss of physical liberty or with wars, torture and death, these small numbers of people are exposed currently to be both powerless and unable to manage their political constitutions effectively.

Intercourse involves a toing and froing, a certain wrestling within a container of mutual respect amongst participants or even inner thoughts, that have oppositional positions and/or identities. In Mankind’s physical sexual intercourse, love is the container par-excellence and legal consent is the final arbiter to the sanctity of the act of physical intercourse, without which there is ultimately only the calamitous descent into rape.

In Mankind’s social intercourses, both public and private, truly manners maketh Man, a way of guaranteeing that consent is implicit in the inevitable toing and froing that happens between people privately and publicly. When manners become ill, then this illness opens the way to the rapacious interactions that then erupt between people in their intimate relationships and between systems in their political and financial relationships.

When social and political intercourse turns rapacious, though it seems easier to deny and hide than its physical relation, it’s actual effect is massively more destructive.

I have worked with people to try to help them to heal themselves from the trauma arising from physical abuse. I have heard that the words screamed at them during the physical attack stayed with them in a far more destructive way long after their body’s bruises had faded.

So with the verbal engagements of the participants and recipients within social and political intercourses, these bodies of proposition, argument and potential resolution can only safely wrestle together where there is openness, respect, humour, a willingness to be altered by the appearance of the new birthing of ideas rather than the maniacal defence of old entrenched positions.

Where ill-will, lies, hidden agendas and fear abound, whether in private lives or in public and systemic lives, when love disappears and the bottom line deliberately destroys its own top line, then all hell eventually breaks loose.

Hell simply means separation. When the bottom line is severed from its own top line.

Spiritual intercourse is the ultimate toing and froing that a mere handful of Human beings have been evidenced as having remained on Earth to share their result of actually having achieved a successful consummation of that particular deific Union.

Jacob and Esau (1878) by George Frederick Watts

This being said, even though the possibility of the sanctity of spiritual intercourse is often denied by those insisting upon the supremacy of their particular academic definition of intercourse, the previous progeny of such a spiritual Union rule the actual eras of Mankind’s experience past and present.

So today, as ill-will abounds amongst the global political class, as collapse continues to reverberate across the global financial class, as disease threatens to collapse the academic class, the contraceptive blocks that reduce global political debate to so much entrenched partisan masturbation have to be removed.

These blocks are being potentially removed by the very urgency of the environmental challenges erupting on Earth, the urgency of the political collapses that have so nearly repeated Mankind’s near history of World War, the urgency of the collapse of the Ponzi Scheme that was analogue money.

However, even if the contraceptions are to be removed from Mankind’s social, financial and political intercourses, just how the new wedding of these arrangements are to turn out so that truly new conceptions can be born into existence from the these new conjoinings will be wholly in the hands and hearts of those leaders who can hear this Spiritual diagnosis of their present condition.

BBC News – Attenborough gives stark warning on climate change to UN

The invitation to this diagnosis is clear. If you are not clear, ask, for a definition of intercourse with all and any of the facts of life is not enough, contact has to happen!

Einstein is purported to have said,

“Everything should be as simple as it can be, but not simpler”.
“If you can’t explain it to a six year old, you don’t understand it yourself”.

These two quotes attributed to Einstein if true, speak to the need perhaps, of practice to make difficult matters appear simple – then to practicing communication once having reached a certain level of actual experiential attainment, of being, in that which is to be communicated.

I have conscious contact with God, as I understand God, this fact granted to me in the wording of Step 11 of a 12 Step Programme, a Programme I have practiced since 1995, a practice that actually builds upon a ‘tifl al-maani’ personal experience from 1982.

I can communicate simply now about consciousness, should I choose to answer anyone who might care to ask me a question, especially if the question were to be asked from the guileless place that a six year old can be found in 😉🕯️

Matthew 18:3 says

International Standard Version
Then he said, “I tell all of you with certainty, unless you change and become like little children, you will never get into the kingdom from heaven.

The biblical reference points toward a change of heart, away from the contempt prior to investigation which is mentioned in the book Alcoholics Anonymous as the ultimate bar to progress.

Toward a change of heart where a creative imagination serves Consciousness in our consciences, when minds work to digest life experiences with the peristaltic necessity of joined opposites as depression and expansion are repaired then, without the need of antidepressants.

Then E = mc² can be seen through the eyes of Love.


2021 Matthew 22 1-14. (…. or, why I still drive a cab) 😉

Leaders unite forces, combine resources, collect disparate energies and return all temporary appearances into a resolution, into a focus, into a will that does what a leader decides to do.

Leadership is not an imposition of power, leadership is a position of power.

Light flowing through a prism shows that one light spreads into seven connected colours, synonymous with the seven musical notes, both expressions meet in the connecting middle of green and fah.

Einstein stated that E = mc², the one Energy connects to the many parts of materiality across the equals sign. Energy does not impose itself upon matter, it just connects.

So with Mankind, we all know at some place that we connect in our breathing, in our animality, in our common instincts. Yet being living parts of a metaphorical rainbow, of a metaphorical notated symphony, Mankind fights amongst itself when scallywags mislead the colours and the notes to hate each other.

How does this happen?

This breakdown of intrinsic harmony happens when an invitation is replaced by an imposition.

What does this mean?

It means that when a leader is not equal to the function of leadership, when a person is not connected in themselves to the One that is ever connected to Its own Many, then that leader imposes a false one of their own imagination upon a group situation. This divides a group into enmity and is the history of the last many thousands of years.

When a leader invites people to reconnect for themselves to One Source from their leadership being a living equals sign, then eventually such an invitation begins to have an effect, the invitation begins to do something.

In the Qur’an the words are very clear, they say do not try to impose the message of Oneness upon people, such an imposition is disastrous. The Qur’an asks people who have experienced such a Oneness for themselves, to simply carry a message of their experience and to leave the effects of such a message to the One Itself.

Similarly in the book Alcoholics Anonymous, the principle is established in precisely the same order. Carry a message of a personal experience of conscious contact with Oneness, then leave the effects of such a message to the One Itself.

So, The 12 Step Programme and The Qur’an say precisely the same when it comes to reconnecting the Many to the One by invitation, by attraction not promotion.

Where have we all gone wrong then?

The Sufi is simply changed.

Imposed oneness by political theory, by religious theory that then turns to dogma has always ended catastrophically in our history and is collapsing around us still.

It is not necessary to name any further names, work history out for yourself.

Leadership connects opposites, establishes by description the actual order of existence so doesn’t have to create another fundamental order to try to hoodwink people into doing what they’re told to do.

Does this mean that there is no need for people ever to be made to do things that they don’t want to do?


What this means is that Oneness can never successfully be imposed upon masses of people as a tool of mass control. It means that this Oneness is what we are in now and that we have become disconnected in our conditioning which means that when conditions become naturally oppressive it seems that there is never any real resolution possible to individual or collective suffering.

Imposed political uniformity from an extracted theoretical cleverness that seeks to impose a relative equality because the equals sign of Einstein seems too impersonal is doomed to failure as is any such particularistic version of religion. Isn’t this our history?

When Einstein’s E is experienced as Consciousness Itself, knowing Itself through a connected personal conscience, then there is an invitation to work out a life in a new way.

The world is at a point of change. Imposed order is on the brink of collapse financially, politically and religiously.

Intrinsic order is here in the equals sign as it always is, by invitation, even as an illness invites a remedy to itself.

Read!! Al Qur’an Surah 6 Section 14. Salaam Hu hu.

Christmas Broadcast 2020

Come, come, whatever you are, it doesn’t matter
Whether you are an infidel, an idolator or a
fire worshipper,
Come, our covent is not a place of despair,
Come, even if you violated your swear
A hundred times, come again. Mevlāna

So, this Unity Of Existence or Tawhid that the Sufi exists within, this Singularity of Will that is repeated in The Lord’s Prayer of Christianity, this Light upon Light that is Islam, this Great Fact that is not a theory but that is the AA 12 Step Programme, these described seas are then as an Ocean of Consciousness Itself within which all theories can be tested – this Ocean is Love.

So, a person of Union, whose conscience is united in Consciousness, is in Love, is Love.

When such a person of Union says to you, I love you, then the singular connectivity of such a transmission is unequivocal.

To put this in context, if any person were to say to a person of Union, I love you, then the person of Union could say, of course you do.

So, there is a criterion that can measure how close a person is to their own understanding of the Unity Of Existence as they experience their reception of these words written here, I love you.

I maintain that if you can recognise an immediacy of reply for yourself being that it is one of, of course you do, then this sheer equality of The Human, being you, is validated in Love, by Love, for you.

Other than this immediacy then, there can be exposed for you the theatre of the many dramatic performances of the journey toward your becoming to know for yourself that you are loved.

To know that you love and that you are loved in return is the pinnacle of a created awareness, as this awareness unites with Universal Consciousness to particularise in your conscience.

This Love heals all wounds, all traumas. This Love reconnects the physical, the mental and the metaphysical components of a person’s being. The physical exemplifies the number 3, the mental exemplifies the binary systems of 2, the metaphysical exemplifies the number one.

Mankind lives in systems that presently diagnose events as physical and political problems. The distresses of the nations and the environment are presented as mental/physical. This is exactly the same as a sick person, the symptoms are physical/mental. In both scenarios, the burgeoning material disrepair masks the actual source of the calamity – namely a metaphysical disconnect.

The challenge facing individuals and the collectives of individuals which are countries, the challenge is in the healing of executive function. Executive function can only work when willpower is healthily flowing.

A will is a singular phenomenon. Whether as a word to describe the single-minded application of energy along a chosen predictive pathway to solve a problem, or whether as a functional instrument to provide a resolution to a death, willpower and one are words that are inseparable i.e. they’re in union.

So, as Love wills to be known to Itself as the whole Universe, just so when a person is willing, then whether they know it or not they are trying to align with this Singular Force.

The more conscious a person becomes that their exercising of willpower cannot help but harmonise with this One Will if it is to be really real, then to just such an extent of this arriving of consciousness can they come to realise the imaginary or virtual nature of their past attempts at efforts of resolution for their existential problems.

Because God is One, it is the reason why when a person says to God, “show Yourself if You’re really there”, God can only reply, “I must decline.”

I am. We are.
You are. You are.
He/She/It is. They are.

So, I love you – of course I do. Salaam.

Watch “The Current Economic Crisis” on YouTube

So this 10 year old video, which has featured before in my blog, is still pertinent to what is happening in Britain today.

Before I start, I must say that I have no successful financial base from which to proselytise a new or better way to do business. In fact I suffer from a tangible current account insecurity presently and the only thing that my insight into the disease of stuck-addiction gives me is that my fear of financial insecurity is removed.

However, it has become clear to me that the forces acting upon the Executive function of the UK in its Brexit policy has rendered said Executive function into a very dark place that forces their acting like a very frightened using drug dealer might act just prior to them entering their rock-bottom.

80% of the UK’s GDP is locked into the service sector, a service sector that serves money and the financial services that depend upon money being seen as a commodity in itself, rather than merely the neutral connector of systems trading actual commodities within a market place of value and exchange.

So, because the financial crash of 2008, that Charlie Munger describes in the opening to this post, has effectively broken that illusory commodity position of money being able to trade against itself to make more of itself, the whole capitalist system globally has been stagnant for 12 years.

The UK already has faced criticism about the amount of allegedly irregular money that might have already flowed through London banks into shell companies and then into the UK domestic and commercial property markets. However, there is a deep desperation now globally around how money is to function in this new digital age given that it died many years ago giving us a zombie system that could implode at any time.

The scale of the problem exposed.

At some level, not necessarily at the level that the conspiracy theorists might like to imagine exists where a man sits in a chair stroking a black cat surveying the world through 50 flickering screens, the above diagrammed financial Armageddon has resulted in the UK having to break itself free of EU regulations so that it can become a Caymen Island like magnet for any kind of money that it can get its desperate dealer hands on.

So, against all political principles of democracy’s rules of adversarial engagement, the UK has had to invoke it’s feudal foundations of power to ram-raid its attempt to regain control of the main commodity component of 80% of its GDP, namely money.

This is the disease of stuck-addiction in all of its executive function collapse, in all of its disconnect from conscience, in all of its destruction of linguistic coherence, in all of its destruction of the hosting body, in all of the final stages of disrepair and dissonance.

In tbe breakdown of the final UK EU Brexit talks, it is now being made clear that what is diagnosable as the UK’s decade long stuck-addiction bender has meant that an inevitable huge manipulation of the body politic has occurred, a manipulation that is in the final stages of smashing the common sense of ordinary people completely.

It is now being made clear that despite the appearance of Executive hand-wringing and amidst huge fortunes being made by the UK’s well connected wealthy in the bucket shop system that Charlie Munger derided as a sewer in his talk, a diseased yet subliminally completely planned no deal Brexit is happening.

My blogging and social media work over the last 7 years as well as my efforts with Diction Resolution Therapy have forecast this state of national self-harm, but it gives me no pleasure to say that I told you so.

Covid-19 is just a symptom of the collapse of the G20’s Executive function and the collapse of the bodies politic that the G20 symbolises.

Imagine a junkie that has contracted TB because of the disease of stuck-addiction and the collapse of self-care that this primary disease has caused. If that person presents to a doctor and that doctor only treats the TB without attending to the primary disease that opened the person to catching TB in the first place, then the patient will die prematurely.

So now with Mankind. Even if Covid-19 is attended to, if the underlying physical disrepair and Metaphysical disconnect which is the primary situation facing Mankind is not faced, then in a few decades Attenborough’s prediction of a total biosphere collapse may actually materialise.

There is still time, but the healing begins with words. Mankind actually faces a collective software problem not a hardware problem. Software is a language phenomenon and the English language is the global possibility of actually facing what is truly happening on Earth presently. More importantly, the English language can then begin to allow a personal and a collective healing to begin on Earth before it’s too late.

The Tree of Life


It’s a thin line

“a thin line”

A very narrow division between two alternatives, one of which is much worse than the other.

When sharing about spiritual experience the thin line mentioned above can become razor sharp and a partisan insistence can seem to overtake any such message in the response patterns of people to having received a message about a spiritual experience, even when the transmission is as utterly nondenominational as the word love, is utterly nondenominational.

This is the razor that I stand upon.

Does this mean that I have to simply close down and shut up?

If my message is merely self generated in my intellect, then yes, to save embarrassment all round, it would be best to shut up.

However, the message that I carry is not an intellectual construct, not a theory that I have that is erected in the wrestling ring of the usual process of disassembly that passes as academic rigour.

What I carry is who I am, rather than something that I have.

Love is not about atheism or theism, the sacred disease of Addiction evidences this fact, for the recovery from Addiction is secured by the language of the heart not the logic of the head.

Yet, logic must serve the communication of the heart if there is to be any chance of such a transmission being received by anyone at all in the wider world, not least by those in the most urgent need as evidenced by their undeniable powerlessness and unmanageability in any of the forms of the disease of stuck and broken addiction.

Here then is the razor, the paradoxical yet logical edge, that has to and can cut through the callous layers of dead inner skin that have grown over Mankind’s ability to believe in a Common Metaphysical Source.

Where there is delusional behaviour and religious mania it may seem an even more impossible scenario to talk of a spiritual remedy for such bizarre and threatening behavioural manifestations.

However, the energy in such powerfully disruptive scenarios, whether individual or collective, can in fact be returned to a vehicle of articulation that can then engage with practical problem solving and coherency.

This word coherency is important, for delusional religiosity becomes stuck in a kind of cotherency as impossible renditions of supposed scriptural interpretation are foisted upon all and sundry, even up to the point of terrorist acts, as if all such action was an enforcement of God’s will.

There is an apocryphal story about Moses who – upon hearing a man walking down a road saying, “where is my baby Lord that I may worship Him, that I may bring Him gifts, wash His tiny feet, sing His lovely praises for ever?” – responded angrily by shouting, “how dare you wander around spouting such nonsense about the ineffable Majesty and Power of the all consuming and creative Lord of All?”

At that, the man screamed and ran off into the desert wailing.

Moses immediately received an intimation from God, “I did not send you to sow further discord and pain amongst those trying to reach Me by whatever means their stage seems to make sense to them, you are sent to bear witness to the Unity of My existence.”

Moses was distraught at this and immediately saw his error, he searched all over for the man for a long time and eventually having found him, ran up to him apologising profusely for having criticised his prayers and worship.

The man accepted the apology from Moses, but then thanked him, he said, “when you first announced your reactions to me I was so shocked I thought that I was dying, I couldn’t find a belief in anything anymore. In the desert, unable to eat or drink eventually I asked God to help me and I was suddenly taken to such a deep insight that I can hardly put it into words, so I promise you all is well.”

This story encapsulates much of the challenge facing Mankind today. It is why Bill W., one of the founders of the 12 Step Programme, described Alcoholics Anonymous as the container of a spiritual kindergarten.

The foundations of any knowledge applicable to Mankind’s life on Earth are those containing creative principles that are ultimately shown to be factually believable.

Yet as “expanding knowledge” seems to destroy what was previously believed to have been impossible, the locus of all belief which is the Heart, must ever renew its ancient causal primordial anchorage, lest Love is lost.

This is the thin line, it is the global situation facing Mankind today, maybe it has been the situation perennially facing Mankind.

How can a Metaphysical solution make any sense to a seemingly physical problem?

I repeat, this is the razor that I stand and serve upon in a world of Mankind that increasingly can no longer deny that by any analysis of current events, is standing upon this same thin line with me, whether it likes it or not.

The Sphere

The double pyramid of the Oktaeder

In the nature of an apology and a correction I must must now share a breakthrough insight given to me today from a FB group from which the above diagram has arrived.

Those familiar with my work might recall that I have posted a view of the 12 Step Programme that utilises the two-dimensional logo of a triangle in a circle as denoting a pyramid in a sphere.

This cannot work unless what I am actually describing is one half of an Octahedron, ie there are actually two pyramids needed for a sphere to touch all the points that I have described as necessarily being connected.

The upper and lower pyramids of an Octahedron

I can only apologise and yet can hardly contain my excitement at what my unwitting description actually now develops into.

For the means of this development, I need to utilise the words “below” and “above”. For Mankind is in the below pyramid that has gravity at its centre. The above pyramid that I describe in its construction with the 12 Step Programme has love at its centre.

Only when the bottom line of gravity (having) is connected to the top line of love (being) is the equals sign of Humanity activated spherically for The Human, being a personal behaviour to consistently appear.

So now my work can begin, first with some addenda to my little book that was written in 1997 that led to this blog post ….

And then, if people are interested, with some Zoom meetings (or other interactive meeting places) to expand upon these new insights, to share them almost as they arrive to help interested folks engage with the energy to walk through the changes that are impacting everyone globally.

As can be seen from the opening diagrams, the Star of David is linked to the Octahedron and when the upper pyramid is built upon the lower pyramid then the hexagonal shape sanctifies and appears as a personal experience.

Mankind arrives and is born into the below pyramid as is described in The Qur’an when Man is said to have been made in the best of designs but is then brought down to the lowest of the low, lower than which there is not. The place of “seeing through a glass darkly” in the Christian tradition.

The work then is to build this above pyramid as consciousness appears fully when this Octahedral shape is spherically established.

This is the Ark of survivability in the flood of existential information that is overwhelming for the disconnected experience, it is the Ark of the Covenant between God and Creation.

Pyramid reflected in the flooded Nile river 1900

Life is turning …. Or as Rumi said, Life is returning.

“Gurdjieff once said: “A man should be able to turn round in himself.” Now this means that he is stuck to nothing in himself. When we identify we stick to things and so cannot get free and cannot turn round.” ~ Maurice Nicoll

©️Wikimedia Octahedron.gif

Reality Check

Lord Krishna driving Prince Arjuna on the battlefield as recounted in The Bhagavad Gita written 4500 years ago.

So what’s the point in hammering on about Mankind’s ongoing spiritual hypocrisy and the sayings of a person from 3427 years ago in the case of Moses, from 2420 years ago in the case of Buddha, from 2020 years ago in the case of Christ Jesus, from 1441 years ago in the case of Muhammad (pbuh)?

The point is one of cultural dissonance and the power of words.

Imagine if you can, the power of national governances being expressed in terms of electrical description. The energy flowing from populations, from commerce into government departments and back out again into national and international interfaces is immense.

The responsibilities of very small numbers of people to hold the check and balances for the overseeing of such gigantic energy interactions are insulated systemically and personally for them with nothing but words.

Whatever the political colourations or even systemic constructions of these check and balance systems, they are like the systems built into actual energy production systems as energy is stepped up and down from the huge to the small, to the huge to the small again, continuously.

The rule of law, of formulating and changing policies that become law, this is the system of power that is life as Mankind has known it up until now. Law rests upon words.

Up until the 20th century Mankind just about got away with sleepwalking its way through what has been passed down as history. Incredible inventiveness growing up in a black swampland of atrocity, barbarity, inhumanity and a growing hypocrisy so far as the Oaths Of Office of Mankind’s leaders are concerned.

History tells of leaders who have all sworn allegiance to either Human values whilst acting to destroy any chance of a racial Human becoming, or who have sworn allegiance to the same Abrahamic God whilst destroying His 10 Commandments and making Christ Jesus as real as the fairy on the top of His celebratory Christmas Tree, to finally divide all three Peoples Of The Book into the terror wars of the early 21st century.

What is the common denominator across this global situation that has barrelled us all from both Hemispheres to where we are now blinking out of our lockdown bunkering?

What links Mankind is global leadership dissonance because Our Dictionary has become disconnected from its rôle of an arbiter of meaning. The magic has gone renegade as The Book Of Spells is collapsed.

The seven levels of connectivity that run from the literal renditions of a spiritual kindergarten through to the Holy Of Holies of Cosmic Consciousness are disconnected and energy is short-circuiting now across the macro world where Mankind has only previously witnessed this in historical micro worlds.

MPs cannot take their seat, speak in debates, vote or receive a salary until taking the oath or affirmation. They could also be fined £500 and have their seat declared vacant “as if they were dead” if they attempted to do so.

The same rule applies to Members of the Lords.

MPs take the oath by holding the sacred text in their uplifted hand and saying the words of the oath:

I (name of Member) swear by Almighty God that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth, her heirs and successors, according to law. So help me God.

(from the website)

This tap root of power that links the misuse of the protocol rendering a miscreant to a point as if they were dead, is vitally important then if an onlooker to modern politics wishes to understand why politicians act out from broken consciences that leaves them making as much sense as a zombie, issuing garbled policy statements into national and international crisis situations leaving huge swathes of people feeling that it is they themselves who are vacant as if they were dead.

This is cultural dissonance. The breakdown of words, the short-circuiting of huge energy conduits that risk the collapse of financial probity leading to inevitable military wars of recalibration internationally – whilst nationally the police have an almost impossible job given to them to referee the conditions on the streets.

The intellectual realm of Mankind has tried to resolve this matter of spiritual hypocritical dissonance spreading from empty Oaths Of Office into bodies of populations with the politicising of the writings of Karl Marx.

These Marxist political experiments atrophy as Conscience seems to be vital and larger than intellectual control, whilst seemingly needing a singularly Metaphysical terminal to connect to it’s Physical terminal of mortal experience.

The Union Movement in the UK grew out of the warring sects of Christianity, but intellectual power-mongering de-spiritualised Unions into a form guaranteeing their hypocritical collapse under Margaret Thatcher in the 1980s.

Given the global pause that Mankind has been dragged into kicking and screaming and in chains, how are the Oaths Of Office to be brought to life given that huge portions of the body of Mankind consider that anyway, their elected officials are vacant “as if they were dead”, because their Oaths Of Office are lifeless for everyone – virtually no one believes in the Source sworn to by national and international politicians in any practical sense whatsoever.

In the past when leaders were told by their astrologers that a manifestation of recalibration to challenge their hypocrisy was due to be born, history says that terrible measures were enacted on all sides. The Passover story in Judaism recounts such recalibration strategies.

When Moses was to be born the Pharaoh ordered the killing of all Hebrew males. Moses was saved by being placed in a basket. Eventually, when all warnings had been denied by the oppressive hegemony of the day even though the leaders knew that they were acting beyond bounds, God sent the Destroyer to kill every first born son in Egypt.

The Hebrew families were told to paint the blood of a sacrificial lamb on their doors so that the Destroyer would Passover them. An important element to these stories is that both antagonists and protagonists equally believed in the metaphysical messages given to them by their particular soothsayers even though apparently from a contradictory source.

Today, the leaders know that they are in trouble, but as occult as their advisors may imagine themselves to be, their practices and messaging are so trapped in their genitalia as to be rendered more useful to the scriptwriters of Love Island than as to having any sense of urgency around what they are actually facing metaphysically.

Broken and empty words can be healed.

However, there is a limited time for everything as the Passover story highlights and none can take for granted that the story being unfolded presently on Earth will not be subjected to a modern day Holy Ordinance.

The requirement for two wings whatever is appearing.

As for the circle of haqiqa, that is different. Neither nafs nor Shaytan (Satan) can get in there; even the angels cannot enter that place. Anything besides Allah’s Essence burns there. Gabriel, peace be upon him, when explaining this to our Prophet, peace be upon him, says:

“If I move one ant’s length further, I will be burned.”

The servant of Allah in this situation is relieved from the enmity of nafs and Shaytan. He is submerged into sincerity and salvation. Allah the Most High relates Shaytan’s words as:

“I swear by your might that I will lead all astray except your sincere slaves.” (Saad 38:82-83)

The servant of Allah cannot reach haqiqa unless he possesses ikhlas (sincerity; purity), because human traits can dissolve only with the manifestation of zat (the essence or Person of Allah).

The elimination of ignorance can be attained by having knowledge and understanding of the zat of Allah. This cannot be attained through education [studying books].

Allah the Most High teaches without means, just as it happened to Nabi Khidr (Prophet Khidr), peace be upon him. Allah gives knowledge from His presence, and so the servant becomes an arif (knower in the spiritual or inner sense; gnostic) and worships with ihsan (goodness).

The one who reaches this realm can observe the sacred ruhs. He sees Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him. He converses about everything in creation, from the beginning to the end, with him. The other prophets also give him the good tidings of wuslat (reaching union with the Beloved, Allah). When Allah the Most High mentions them, He says:

“Their friendship is so good.” (Nisaa 4:69)

The person who cannot find this ilm (knowledge) within himself cannot be an alim (person of knowledge; scholar), even if he reads a million volumes.

The reward that you acquire by the understanding of zahiri ilms can only take you to paradise. There, only the nur (light) of the divine attributes is manifested.

The alim, with outer knowledge, cannot get into the forbidden, private [holy] quarters. He cannot reach the realm of closeness, because he must be in a state of flying, and to fly you need two wings.

The servant of Allah is the one who works for and with zahiri and batini knowledge, and reaches the realm we are talking about.

Allah the Most High says in a hadith qudsi (holy hadith, wisdom that Allah imparted to the Prophet, peace be upon him, apart from that recorded in the Qur’an):

“O My servant, if you want to be included in my harem (intimate quarters), do not get stuck in mulk (the material world), malakut (the angelic world) or jabarrut (the archangelic world).”

The reason behind this is that alem-i mulk (the material world) is the shaytan (devil) of the alim, alem-i malakut is the shaytan of the arif, and alem-i jabarrut is the shaytan of the one who has attained haqiqa.

Whoever contents himself with one of these will be expelled from the dergah (center; meeting place). This is how it is in the presence of Allah. What I mean is that this person has lost the opportunity to be in closeness to the divine essence; his advancement with respect to degrees has ceased.

The fact is that he had wanted closeness. He cannot reach that realm in this condition because he did not wish for what truly should have been wished for. He has only one wing.

For those who reach the intimacy of Haqq (The True; Allah’s name or attribute Al-Haqq), there are so many rewards that no eyes have seen, no ears have heard, and no human heart has known their names. That is the paradise of nearness. No houris (pure companions for those in Paradise, as mentioned in the Qur’an; heavenly virgins) or kiosks [beautiful buildings] are there.

What a human must do is know where he stands and refrain from claiming for himself what he does not deserve. Hz. Ali says:

“May Allah have mercy on those who know their limits, know how to hold their tongues, and do not waste their lives.”

The above quote is taken from this book:

To arrive at the centre then, to approach a centered presence even when they are offering their permission, is it seems not as simple as it may sound. So the events that appear on Earth are contextualised and any current crisis can at the very least be seen in the light of the light of God, rather than the smoke and mirrors of dynasty, conspiracy, reign and wealth.

Getting “stuck” is identified as a problem even in this 12th century text, so my definitions of stuck-addiction are in line with the help that was offered to people in the past, simply brought into the language of today to look at getting the best possible meanings of the words.

It seems as ever though that becoming unstuck is impossible without God’s help.

Knowing for themselves what a person cannot claim that they deserve is directly joined with their accepting from God that which they do deserve.

If this matter of deserving can ever be transmitted into the awareness of Mankind, it is the very history of religions, their dramas, saints and scoundrels. It is the history of the power of One Love as met in the history of Mankind and its mortal combat with itself to become Humankind.

The prayer of the mu’min given by Al Mu’min is, “O God, I seek refuge in You, from You.”

Where God is the helper anything is possible.
(Bülent Rauf)

Spiritual leadership in the 21st century.

Theories of general leadership abound in the 21st century, just tune into LinkedIn if you don’t believe me.

Known so-called spiritual leaders past and present are placed under the analytical microscopes of academics, experts, historians, theologians, sociologists, religionists and psychologists, to name but a few, as if some universal component of success could be gleaned from such studies, to be then sold on to the millions of new-age aspirants for huge sums of money!

A new spiritual leader has therefore a considerable assault course of boxes to tick, it may be thought, if they are to be successful in getting started, such thoughts are however erroneous.

A spiritual leader in a group situation is a temporary point of conducted energy. In its function this temporary point allows a specific group effort an orientation of a singular nature, so that there is a chance of successful conclusion to either a clearly consensual aim, or even an emergency aim that seems somehow to have been imposed upon the group by general circumstances.

One to one contact with a spiritual leader is always logistically difficult it seems, never more so than in the 21st century, so a utilisation of contemporary methodologies of communication is called for.

Religious leaders in all of the global denominations talk of Unity but find it hard to escape from aspects of their particular religion’s fame and hypocritical history that almost entirely collapses their efforts when it comes to conversing about what death really is and what happens to a personal sense of self upon the death of the physical body.

Spiritual leadership involves an arcane transmission of sorts, a grace from Source powerful enough to initiate an awakening in and of consciousness in a person. This awakening is not physical, for clearly the person is corporeally awake, as are you now. The awakening is metaphysical and just as stark for a person who is metaphysically awake as is the difference for them between their physical sleeping and waking states.

You know the difference between physical sleeping and waking. There is also an experiential, definite difference between metaphysical sleeping and waking, that is just as simple. The spiritual leader helps a person wake up spiritually …. there’s a surprise! 😉

The actual waking up in a person has in truth already started when a person finds themself attracted to an authentic spiritual leader, for the leader is more like a midwife to, rather than an inseminator of, a person’s metaphysical awakening.

Only in and with a metaphysically awakened person is the conversation about birth and death a viable possibility. This is why the Christ Jesus is reported as having said, “let the dead bury their own dead, I am living follow me now.”

The Christ Jesus was not being gratuitously rude, He was simply stating what I have just said for the people of His time.

Fortunately for me, there is a vehicle already in place on Earth, given by the experience of my spiritual forebears, built by the blood, sweat and tears of millions of awakened people over the last 85 years, that makes my present work possible.

This vehicle I have written about these past seven years in these blogs, this vehicle of the 12 Step Programme.

In most people on Earth, when they are looked at as potential personal plugs into the Universal Consciousness that pervades Mankind, then they actually have a kind of proxy-consciousness as the brown wire in their appearance is “a person, a place or a thing”.

This proxy-consciousness is the deadness that the Christ Jesus talked about when he said, “let the dead bury their own dead.”

Clearly then, this message has never been popular, it is not popular now. How can a person who seems to be successful with the thing of money as the proxy brown wire in his or her personal plug into a “life-current”, be expected to react when told that this arrangement renders him asleep, that they only have trickle-charge access to a current moment, to a present moment, as if dead to their own Higher Self?

How can a person who has inherited the proxy brown wire thing of a religion that so many people seem to buy into with its many holy places, be expected to react when told that this arrangement renders him if not quite as fully asleep as a money wired person, still he is actually no where near fully awake?

History says that if apparently successful people are told of their actual condition vis-a-vis their metaphysical connectivity, they deny the message and get very angry with the messenger!

So today, why am I driving my taxi and not being listened to by the medical authorities when I talk about my message that the therapeutic world is like a desert, that the best efforts of most of the world’s psychiatrists, psychologists and counsellors are making matters worse not better?

Why am I driving my taxi burdened by the financial debt of lost earnings, not being listened to, as I have taken the time to write my blogs challenging the corporate and political leaders of this time as they’re stagnating and collapsing because they’re actually being ill in their executive effectiveness in same way that addicts collapse in illness?

I’m driving my taxi for many reasons, one of which is because it’s been the only way so far, to have met the many, many people that God has had me meet to converse about the prevailing conditions on Earth, for if I had tried to strategise a way to have met them I would never have been granted access.

It’s clear isn’t it? The paradox carrier historically is about as welcome as a disease carrier to orthodox power, yet aren’t they proved over and over again to have been the mirror held up to collapsing orthodoxy that none wish to look into, that is the opening part of their message.

When conditions deteriorate further, there may be time for my work to succeed, there may not, only God knows.

Postscript 24/04/24:

I am longer driving my taxi, for the time being, I am working full time in private practice in my undertaking called Diction Resolution Therapy mainly providing a service as Senior Counsellor in a CQC validated 12 Step Rehab.