
They are foolish people, indeed, who believe that one can reach the Divine Presence without a vehicle without relying on a means. It is as though they are saying, ‘We may reach the moon without using anything. We may jump from here to there!’ What is the purpose of knowledge if one does not use it?

Such people tell those who listen to them that all the knowledge they need can be found in the Holy Qur’an. They say, ‘Read the Qur’an and you will understand.’ That is destroying Islam. It is God’s Ancient and Holy Words. How then, can they say that everyone can recite and understand such a sublime text? On the contrary, God said :

If they had only referred it to the Messenger, and to those in authority among them, those among them who can search out knowledge of it would have known it (4:83)

You must listen to those servants who have been granted authority. Only they can discern the real meanings from what is necessary to be known. Only they can comb the oceans of Divine Knowledge and bring back pearls. Not everyone may comb through the oceans and bring back pearls. That means, if you are unsure about something, you must find such a person – one who is bringing back pearls of meaning.

God has given that understanding only to those special people whom He has authorised to receive it. Not everyone understands. Those who believe otherwise are falling into unbelief (kufr). So, too, are those who – acting upon this misguided belief that the full knowledge of the Holy Qur’an is available to all – declare that the practice of making meditation to a Sufi guide is unbelief fall into unbelief themselves. The irony of their claim is that, through meditation with the Sufi guide, one may come to a real understanding of the Qur’an.

May God forgive me and bless you. Al-Fatiha.

Shaykh Muhammad Nazim Adil al-Haqqani – Lefke, Cyprus Ramadan 17 1425/ October 30, 2004 – from the book The Healing Power of Sufi Meditation ISBN 1-930409-26-5

The above quote exposes a spiritual principle that is at the heart of the 12 Step Programme as it promises to allow a person to construct an experiential vehicle that is fit for the purpose of conscious contact with God, which is stated as Step 11.

For to say to a suffering person, “Just read the book of Alcoholics Anonymous”, expecting that this is enough 88 years after the text arrived through a founder who said whilst writing it, it was as if the pencil had a life of its own, may actually be falling into Spiritual Bypassing and the dogma of a hierarchical intellectually based culture unwittingly hijacking a spiritually based healing that is designed to change the old hierarchy!

All emotions are sacred

The criterion for assessment and for the avoidance of Spiritual Bypassing is to ask the question, how has the message transmissibility of the 12 Step Programme improved over the last 88 years whilst leaving the Basic Text unaltered?

The work of Joe McQ took the 12 Step Programme into a clearer transmissibility in the last decades of the twentieth century, whilst preserving rigorously the original text of Alcoholics Anonymous. He did say though of the 12 Step Programme in the 1970s and 80s, that if you weren’t sick when you went into some of the meetings of AA – you sure as hell were sick when you came out!

This was the catalyst for Joe McQ to begin to work with Charlie P and to travel the world simply improving the transmissibility of the already existing 12 Step Programme by rigorously attending to the words and thus bringing pearls of meaning for a new generation.

Now the same question must be asked for the twenty first century. The context for the asking of the question has changed radically as Anne Wilson Schaef has defined for us in her book written in 1987 called When Society Becomes An Addict.

Anne Wilson Schaef has made the bold and revolutionary discovery that we live in a sick society. Often unknowingly, the vast majority of us collude in a system that encourages addiction and co-dependence – and sees these states as normal. Many of us are addicted to chemicals, not only alcohol or drugs but nicotine, caffeine, chocolate, overeating in general. Even more of us are involved in addictive processes: workaholism, gambling, compulsive shopping, sex, and so on. The realisation of the extent of our addictions, both individually and as a society, is shocking. However, there is no need to get depressed, because we can do something about it.

The first and most important step is to admit and name the disease, both in ourselves and in our society. Anne Wilson Schaef’s brilliant and compassionate dissection of addictive behavioural patterns leaves us no option but to see truth. However, the message of this book is essentially optimistic, because once the process of awareness is triggered, healing begins.

ANNE WILSON SCHAEF, PhD, is an internationally known author whose books are recognised as major contributions to the understanding of addiction. Her bestsellers include Co-dependence Misunderstood, Mistreated and Women’s Reality.
Published in 1987

Any therapist who is not actively recovering from the Addictive System is perpetuating it. Any therapist who is not actively trying to make a system shift is supporting the Addictive System.

p136 When Society Becomes An Addict by Anne Wilson Schaef

The modern spiritual teachings offer no personal template that can provide a sense of vehicle. Therefore the teachers become merely brand vehicles that in themselves cannot carry a person to a Divine Presence experience.

The 12 Step Programme offers the only living vehicle template on Earth presently that is fit for purpose, fit to carry people to their own conscious contact with God.

For a person to be helped to build this vehicle in the 21st century then, even though the template is only 88 years old, guidance from those with their own vehicle up and running is necessary.

This is why good sponsorship is vital in the 12 Step Fellowships. As the founder of the 12 Step Programme Bill W. said, you can’t transmit something you haven’t got.

How vital is it then for those offering treatment in a rehab, treatment that has to be regulated by orthodox non-spiritually based intellectually formulated structures of assessment, to be clear in their adherence to the principles of spiritual healing that are Ancient, principles that Bill W. accessed in a way that was by his own admission, mysterious?

Diction Resolution Therapy is a bridge from the paradox that is spiritual healing, across to the orthodox structures of governance for all forms of healing to be safely delivered. Does this work? I offer some feedback from the relatives of a client I received after one session of counselling with their relative:

Just a short message to thank you for the care and counselling you gave…. He has already started to turn the corner and is looking forward to your next session.

Client feedback to the DRT WhatsApp page. 2023.

The opening quote in this post is offered simply to see a correlation across the centuries as to how consciousness transmits. The Sufi is ever free from dogma, is ever the pragmatist, for the Sufi knows that there is only One Existent.

Bülent Rauf – Addresses II

In this post linked below, I explore the building of this vehicle as the completion and perfecting of a sense of an octahedral presence that establishes personal experience of Divine intervention that heals and establishes an ever deepening and improving contact with Consciousness Itself.

12 Step Programme as an Ancient Template fit for the 21st century

Message reissued

All the links on the tweet below work and the article in the UK Guardian from two years ago opens in the Facebook link.

So, in May 2019 the quoted UK Guardian article cited “an epidemic of poor mental health” appearing across ranks of staff in the higher education system of Britain.

Since then of course, factor in Covid-19 and the conditions on the ground are now a calamity almost beyond orthodox analysis.

I use the term orthodox analysis advisedly, because it is the orthodox structures of medical diagnosis and societal analysis that are now shown to be simply part of The Addictive System that is now in utter collapse.

When Society Becomes an Addict
The Addictive System will lead to total destruction
The Addictive System is morally and spiritually bankrupt
We live in a world that is literally turned upside down by moral deterioration
The Addictive System is wrong about the human condition
Psychotherapy makes yet another mistake by treating disorders in isolation, out of the context of the Addictive System
… the White Male System and the Addictive System are one and the same
Everything we know about human development has been taught by Addictive System teachers in Addictive System schools from a perspective of “reality” that is not real” Anne Wilson Schaef

My work over the last eight years has been to build upon the work of Anne Wilson Schaef whose work is photographed above. My development of Diction Resolution Therapy stands because of the urgency of the situation mentioned above.

Over and over again my working out of this message that, The Addictive System is destroying itself, has been and is the purpose of my blogs and my social media postings. Even to the point of the Universe arranging a headline that appears from anywhere on the face of the planet when a person searches in Google for unseen leader of the world …. go ahead …. try it for yourself!!

Then read this blog post for a perspective

Healing for broken and empty words ….

As this sub-pandemic of Covid-19 carries on imposing curfews on Mankind’s collective affairs unheard of without bombs and bullets flying, it maybe behoves us all to realise that global cultures are held in this stasis not wholly because of the efforts of our leaders, but rather despite them.

When the main source of supposed healing, the drug companies, are found to be corrupted and complicit with willful misdiagnosis and mistreatment of the primary disease of Addiction, then the challenges facing the delivery of my message is put into perspective …. the blog post below highlights this.

Pharma karma

The disease of Addiction is described by the psychiatrist M. Scott Peck as a sacred disease. The 12 Step Programme describes this same spiritual malady as only having a spiritual solution.

So, because the message now is that all global cultures are spiritually sick in The Addictive System within which Covid-19 is but a symptom and that because the conditions facing Mankind are not just mental and physical, then there is hope that behaviour can change.

The ancient spiritual principles contained in the 12 Steps pull together the broken behaviours in people and then therefore in collections of people. This is portrayed in the schematic below and the yellow separation marks are removed as the 12 Steps are internalised and connected, Universal consciousness is contacted and individually deepened in conscience.

In the beginning was the Word, the Word was with God, the Word was God – opening of St John’s gospel.

Then the challenge simply is how to deliver this message and where to deliver it where it has any chance at all of becoming acted upon. The next blog post was written over seven years ago wrestling with just such a challenge.

Landing Pad

I shall convey this posting once more through the modern channels of contact with the system. I know that the message is to be denied, God knows that is not my problem. My job is to simply carry the message.

The first and most important step is to admit and name the disease, both in ourselves and in our society. Anne Wilson Schaef’s brilliant and compassionate dissection of addictive behavioural patterns leaves us no option but to see this truth. However, the message of this book is essentially optimistic, because once the process of awareness is triggered, healing begins.

(Citation from the back cover of the book photographed above, When Society Becomes an Addict.)

Watch “The Current Economic Crisis” on YouTube

So this 10 year old video, which has featured before in my blog, is still pertinent to what is happening in Britain today.

Before I start, I must say that I have no successful financial base from which to proselytise a new or better way to do business. In fact I suffer from a tangible current account insecurity presently and the only thing that my insight into the disease of stuck-addiction gives me is that my fear of financial insecurity is removed.

However, it has become clear to me that the forces acting upon the Executive function of the UK in its Brexit policy has rendered said Executive function into a very dark place that forces their acting like a very frightened using drug dealer might act just prior to them entering their rock-bottom.

80% of the UK’s GDP is locked into the service sector, a service sector that serves money and the financial services that depend upon money being seen as a commodity in itself, rather than merely the neutral connector of systems trading actual commodities within a market place of value and exchange.

So, because the financial crash of 2008, that Charlie Munger describes in the opening to this post, has effectively broken that illusory commodity position of money being able to trade against itself to make more of itself, the whole capitalist system globally has been stagnant for 12 years.

The UK already has faced criticism about the amount of allegedly irregular money that might have already flowed through London banks into shell companies and then into the UK domestic and commercial property markets. However, there is a deep desperation now globally around how money is to function in this new digital age given that it died many years ago giving us a zombie system that could implode at any time.

The scale of the problem exposed.

At some level, not necessarily at the level that the conspiracy theorists might like to imagine exists where a man sits in a chair stroking a black cat surveying the world through 50 flickering screens, the above diagrammed financial Armageddon has resulted in the UK having to break itself free of EU regulations so that it can become a Caymen Island like magnet for any kind of money that it can get its desperate dealer hands on.

So, against all political principles of democracy’s rules of adversarial engagement, the UK has had to invoke it’s feudal foundations of power to ram-raid its attempt to regain control of the main commodity component of 80% of its GDP, namely money.

This is the disease of stuck-addiction in all of its executive function collapse, in all of its disconnect from conscience, in all of its destruction of linguistic coherence, in all of its destruction of the hosting body, in all of the final stages of disrepair and dissonance.

In tbe breakdown of the final UK EU Brexit talks, it is now being made clear that what is diagnosable as the UK’s decade long stuck-addiction bender has meant that an inevitable huge manipulation of the body politic has occurred, a manipulation that is in the final stages of smashing the common sense of ordinary people completely.

It is now being made clear that despite the appearance of Executive hand-wringing and amidst huge fortunes being made by the UK’s well connected wealthy in the bucket shop system that Charlie Munger derided as a sewer in his talk, a diseased yet subliminally completely planned no deal Brexit is happening.

My blogging and social media work over the last 7 years as well as my efforts with Diction Resolution Therapy have forecast this state of national self-harm, but it gives me no pleasure to say that I told you so.

Covid-19 is just a symptom of the collapse of the G20’s Executive function and the collapse of the bodies politic that the G20 symbolises.

Imagine a junkie that has contracted TB because of the disease of stuck-addiction and the collapse of self-care that this primary disease has caused. If that person presents to a doctor and that doctor only treats the TB without attending to the primary disease that opened the person to catching TB in the first place, then the patient will die prematurely.

So now with Mankind. Even if Covid-19 is attended to, if the underlying physical disrepair and Metaphysical disconnect which is the primary situation facing Mankind is not faced, then in a few decades Attenborough’s prediction of a total biosphere collapse may actually materialise.

There is still time, but the healing begins with words. Mankind actually faces a collective software problem not a hardware problem. Software is a language phenomenon and the English language is the global possibility of actually facing what is truly happening on Earth presently. More importantly, the English language can then begin to allow a personal and a collective healing to begin on Earth before it’s too late.

The Tree of Life


It’s a thin line

“a thin line”

A very narrow division between two alternatives, one of which is much worse than the other.

When sharing about spiritual experience the thin line mentioned above can become razor sharp and a partisan insistence can seem to overtake any such message in the response patterns of people to having received a message about a spiritual experience, even when the transmission is as utterly nondenominational as the word love, is utterly nondenominational.

This is the razor that I stand upon.

Does this mean that I have to simply close down and shut up?

If my message is merely self generated in my intellect, then yes, to save embarrassment all round, it would be best to shut up.

However, the message that I carry is not an intellectual construct, not a theory that I have that is erected in the wrestling ring of the usual process of disassembly that passes as academic rigour.

What I carry is who I am, rather than something that I have.

Love is not about atheism or theism, the sacred disease of Addiction evidences this fact, for the recovery from Addiction is secured by the language of the heart not the logic of the head.

Yet, logic must serve the communication of the heart if there is to be any chance of such a transmission being received by anyone at all in the wider world, not least by those in the most urgent need as evidenced by their undeniable powerlessness and unmanageability in any of the forms of the disease of stuck and broken addiction.

Here then is the razor, the paradoxical yet logical edge, that has to and can cut through the callous layers of dead inner skin that have grown over Mankind’s ability to believe in a Common Metaphysical Source.

Where there is delusional behaviour and religious mania it may seem an even more impossible scenario to talk of a spiritual remedy for such bizarre and threatening behavioural manifestations.

However, the energy in such powerfully disruptive scenarios, whether individual or collective, can in fact be returned to a vehicle of articulation that can then engage with practical problem solving and coherency.

This word coherency is important, for delusional religiosity becomes stuck in a kind of cotherency as impossible renditions of supposed scriptural interpretation are foisted upon all and sundry, even up to the point of terrorist acts, as if all such action was an enforcement of God’s will.

There is an apocryphal story about Moses who – upon hearing a man walking down a road saying, “where is my baby Lord that I may worship Him, that I may bring Him gifts, wash His tiny feet, sing His lovely praises for ever?” – responded angrily by shouting, “how dare you wander around spouting such nonsense about the ineffable Majesty and Power of the all consuming and creative Lord of All?”

At that, the man screamed and ran off into the desert wailing.

Moses immediately received an intimation from God, “I did not send you to sow further discord and pain amongst those trying to reach Me by whatever means their stage seems to make sense to them, you are sent to bear witness to the Unity of My existence.”

Moses was distraught at this and immediately saw his error, he searched all over for the man for a long time and eventually having found him, ran up to him apologising profusely for having criticised his prayers and worship.

The man accepted the apology from Moses, but then thanked him, he said, “when you first announced your reactions to me I was so shocked I thought that I was dying, I couldn’t find a belief in anything anymore. In the desert, unable to eat or drink eventually I asked God to help me and I was suddenly taken to such a deep insight that I can hardly put it into words, so I promise you all is well.”

This story encapsulates much of the challenge facing Mankind today. It is why Bill W., one of the founders of the 12 Step Programme, described Alcoholics Anonymous as the container of a spiritual kindergarten.

The foundations of any knowledge applicable to Mankind’s life on Earth are those containing creative principles that are ultimately shown to be factually believable.

Yet as “expanding knowledge” seems to destroy what was previously believed to have been impossible, the locus of all belief which is the Heart, must ever renew its ancient causal primordial anchorage, lest Love is lost.

This is the thin line, it is the global situation facing Mankind today, maybe it has been the situation perennially facing Mankind.

How can a Metaphysical solution make any sense to a seemingly physical problem?

I repeat, this is the razor that I stand and serve upon in a world of Mankind that increasingly can no longer deny that by any analysis of current events, is standing upon this same thin line with me, whether it likes it or not.

…. good news

“You cannot transmit something you haven’t got”, is how Bill W., a founder member of the Fellowship that gave the world the transmission of the 12 Step Programme in the 1930s, described the process of carrying a message to other people.

On the 21st September 2013, I wrote the first post on a blog “Hu’ll heal your heart” with a title “No news is ….”, so you may see the sense of completion that this post contains in its title!

I don’t know if this titular completion ends a blogging effort all together, but it seems that there is a sense of arrival from then to now that draws this line.

I like Tony Benn and this speech summing up the end of the then Thatcher era is clear, but he and the Labour Party and the Trade Unions in the UK miss a certain point.

Yes, Margaret Thatcher brought in the Passenger Charter, the Parent Charter and the Patient Charter to destroy Trade Unions who might have further threatened her Executive control. It was to be a little while after the demise of Thatcher before there was a change in the party government in the UK, but actually the trajectory of money dictated policy that Benn described has been proved to have been unstoppable, even to this present Brexit day.

Tony Blair was given a huge majority in 1997 to bring back to a middle-ground the Tory zeal in cutting the corruption in Trade Unions, but he didn’t do it, he hung up the blunt democratic pendulum and his advisors had to start spinning language to justify his more presidential approach to conditions as he saw them.

The UK Unions were hobbled, probably infiltrated and seduced into Westminster via the Labour Party at the beginning of the 20th century. As soon as the Unions were made left-wing, deep global capital sat back and waited for Thatcher.

For the word “Union”, spiritually, is the most powerful word on Earth.

Politically too, it is the only word that can hold Executive fiat to account.

The world is going through its fire today because of misplaced money and the lack of a unified response to the 25 people on Earth who have as much wealth as half of the world’s population.

So, because the UK #Brexit calamity is simply the necessary evolution of Thatcher’s 3 deregulation Charters, it is clear that the overall diseased comprehension of the word Union has rendered Parliament into precipitating the Executive collapse that we have witnessed for the last 3 years.

There is also the fact that the City of London could not accept the changes to European Law that threatened to regulate the offshore accounts in their three areas of global financial power, Bermuda, Cayman Islands and the British Virgin Islands – so Brexit had to happen, whatever the appearance given out to the news in the temporary smoke and mirrors of dynastic ploys.

This clip of orthodox Jews meeting in 2017 brought tears to my eyes as the universal message of tawhid rang out in the words, the sacrifice of manifesting presence undeniable.

The Higher Love that the spiritual word “Union” describes is not manifested in any of the world’s main-stream religious vehicles as they have all been hobbled also by monied forces of dissolution.

Only the usually hidden individuals who are always present in a living “Union” with God now stand as the bulwarks to be able to have any chance of averting the calamity facing Mankind today.

“Tawhid” is the Arabic word that the Sufi manifests. Teachers through the centuries, some famously known, most efficaciously unknown, have granted evidence of the existence of a science of being that can turn Mankind into Humankind.

It is “Union” that unites, nothing else can unite. The politicians know the power of the word Union, but as a class of people, they have sold out their Oaths of Office to the private money lobby.

The constant battle to deflect questions away from the truth of a situation by leaders who think that this is the required behaviour of a successful politician or corporate business person, this behaviour is sick and it spreads sickness.

The State of the Union address in the US is now wholly a report to money. The European Union is collapsing. The Soviet Union is history. Wherever Mankind looks on Earth for evidence of any success at all for its intellectual hijacking of this word “Union” to have become a successful “State”, there is only the evidence of corruption, destruction, war, genocide, broken treaties, weasel words, sexual scandals, professional liars on an industrial scale …. all in their particular God’s name or their particular form of Marxism.

Seems (as of the 19th October 2019) that Brexit has moved in the direction that America wanted it to move, we’ll all see how that works through.

As I look upon these days, it is Consciousness that is the key to progress for the Earth. We all plug into Consciousness with the Yin-Yang of our possibility. We plug in with our blue and brown wire, except that in many, many people their brown wire is a co-dependence upon a person, place or a thing.

Or, there is no brown wire there for a person at all, only a form of the disease of addiction, a form of suicide in slow motion of a person’s accidental choosing.

Then, the narrative of the blue wire expands and consumes people and their collectives.

This disconnect, this disrepair is where I started in 2013 with a message of physical repair and metaphysical reconnect. This work is now clear. The difference between universal simple feelings and personal complex emotions has been restored.

(Postscript 12/04/20 The above video recorded by me has been deleted by Facebook from my account along with five others with the titles of Trust, Certainty, Patience, Resolution and Veracity without my permission – strange days indeed. So, in a postscript at 10/10/20 I’ll replace the deleted video with this

I am open to the material and spiritual requirements of these days as surely as my blogs bear my witness. I remain cheerful and optimistic for myself and clear in my willingness to further serve people in my occupations. Yet the Sufi is ever the pragmatist, there is a reason that “poverty” drives me to work, it is in the dignity of the very word itself, a word describing the state of many of my beloved forebears.

There are, as always, people living on Earth today in a state of tawhid, those in the attainment of spiritual Union. The challenge, as always, is to see if the United can be brought into a viable contact with the disunited, without the historically murderous story lines of those previously recorded contacts simply repeating …. with no blame …. we’ll see 😉

Healing for broken and empty words ….

After an interesting process of being interviewed by The Hull Daily Mail and after flinching just a little from the online headline, I have come to a few realisations as I saw the finished article.

“Unseen leader of the world”, now there’s a headline you don’t see every day in a newspaper!

The newspaper changed the story headline for the printed page version.

So, what is happening with this publicity?

Marianne Williamson, a spiritual teacher who also happens to be standing as a candidate in the 2020 US Presidential process has said that at a time when outrageous lies are being told by global leaders, then those that can should tell outrageous truths.

The ability to shock with a statement is a Sufi hallmark that is recorded in stories throughout the centuries and millennia that The Folk have been recorded as being teachers. So the headline of the online version of my interview is an outrage that has a context.

My work is and has been a matter of public record on my blogs now for six years and Diction Resolution Therapy (DRT) has been available for three years. My social media presence on Facebook and Twitter over these years has been mainly dedicated to my work identifying stuck or broken addiction as the bellwether disease of an era change.

I have built a relationship with my local radio station BBC Radio Humberside since they kindly broadcast the opening of DRT in July 2016 and I have given brief interviews on air for them as addiction matters have periodically entered their news broadcasts over the subsequent years.

This exposure of my work in an article by the Hull Daily Mail allows me clarify it on my blog, to focus the work of the journalist into a more pinpointed outrageous truth.

The journalist who interviewed me is very capable and she has done her best with a deep and problematic phenomenon, namely that Addiction is a primary disease that is not being seen as such by the medical Establishment, whilst also writing about a Sufi quite possibly for the first time in a local Hull story.

A Sufi historically is usually a hidden person, who even if they are known in their locality becomes a paradox, often seen as a holy fool by the orthodox religious people of their particular time and cultural setting.

A Sufi has often been seen as only placed in an Islamic context, this is not necessarily so, for wherever One Love is, there the Sufi is, was and will be.

At this time therefore, my presence as a Sufi is to orientate with the beauty of the Islamic perfection of Muhammad (pbuh) whilst also being able to be connecting all of Abraham’s people with the whole of the Eastern hemisphere’s spirituality as the HU man healing.

I connect HU with AUM as That that’s never actually been separated in essence at all, ever, just as these two poems from the thirteenth century expose – the first is from Muhyiddin Ibn Arabi and the second from Jalalludin Rumi.

“O marvel, a garden amidst the flames –
My heart has become capable of every form: it is a pasture for gazelles and a convent for Christian monks,
And a temple for idols and the pilgrim’s Ka’ba and the tables of the Tora and the book of the Qur’an.
I follow the religion of Love: whatever way Love’s camels take,
that is my religion and my faith.”

“Come, come whatever you are, it doesn’t matter
Whether you are an infidel, an idolater or a
Come, our convent is not a place of despair.
Come, even if you violated your swear
A hundred times, come again.”

The core of Diction Resolution Therapy is in the curing of the word “addiction”.

Once the word addiction is healed and forensically restored to a healthy place on a flow chart describing the executive function of a viable person, then the prevailing cultural conditions of this time can be seen more clearly.

As the broken and empty words that describe the collapse of an ill person are seen to correlate with the broken and empty words of an ill system, then the behaviours of the global politicians can be seen in their actual context of collapse.

Once this collapse is seen, healing can begin.

The reason that my work is now appearing in a manner that seems to be challenging the orthodox methodologies clinically as well as the orthodox methodologies theologically is that that is what is necessary as this page from an Idries Shah book shows:

When words are broken and empty as in the UK Parliamentary drama that is being watched from around the globe, Consciousness responds to help individuals and leaders to begin to diagnose their difficulties in a way that gives a better chance of their problems becoming solved.


Post script added 10/10/19 from my Facebook profile:

If a person were to search for an “unseen leader of the world” on Google, perhaps in a reaction away from many of the “seen leaders of the world”, then the BBC headline might become even more clear!!

The Sufi, as a paradox is not limited to Islam or in fact to any exoteric religion, is limited perhaps only by their onlookers’ receptivity of limitless Love.

The seen leader of the free world in 2019 describes himself regularly as “a very stable genius”. I listen to this and smile at the warped and twisted reflection of the “seen from the unseen” as I have a clinical supervisor vouchsafing for the stability of my therapeutic service and I am a member of Mensa!

So as an externally verifiable “very stable genius” myself, I listen to the seen leader of the world and try to find areas of compatibility with his self-validated utterances from his self-proclaimed position as a “very stable genius”, to no avail!

The reaction to the headline written about me locally was just about zilch …. it might as well have said “green eyed alien lands his flying saucer on roof of City Hall”, for that headline wouldn’t surprise people either in the febrile atmosphere brought about by the eleven years of the global post bank-crash cartoon that has culminated in the UK with its last three years of frozen Brexit.

My blog at has reached a “warped and twisted” point of bewilderment as events nationally and internationally continue their reciprocal duels in the dark.

This moment of my experience is actually breathtakingly beautiful, has no longing for a more glorious past nor any longing for a more spectacular future.

So, I’m inclined for a while to make sure that I frame any of my further comments about the seen world and its leadership proclamations more clearly from this, my revealed place of search-engined authority, just to see how “stable and/or genius” any erstwhile leadership reflection actually is and to explore the requirement for “respect”.



Position of Protection

The Naqshbandi “taweez” is written and worn by those initiated into this ancient order. A little research can reveal the purpose of the wearing of this taweez as it is a reminder for those who wear it of the protection that Allah promises to those He sends to serve Him, as they work as contemporary connectors to His creation in order to help Mankind during their lives on Earth.

The Sufi always brings the best meanings from the revealed scriptures across all the global religions, as well as trusting in the surah Al Khaf from The Qur’an within which is the guarantee of the living connection with Allah as exposed in the rendition of the meeting between Musa and Khidr.

Even though I was informed in 1981 by the Sufi Bülent Rauf via a message from a friend that I am protected by Allah, not because I’m better than anyone else but simply for this time to have for it secured a trustworthy witness that truly “there is no God, but God and Muhammad is His messenger”, yet still I wear the Hizb Al Wikayah from the presence of the 13th century Sufi Muhyiddin Ibn Arabi, which can be found from the link, as well as taking delivery of the Naqshbandi taweez today.

I also wear a silver AUM, this to connect the East and the West externally as indicative of the state of my inner hemispheres’ marriage.

The principle of this external wearing of article is in the same action of my reverting formally to Islam in 1984, the principle being one of harmonising my outside with my inside, my visible with my invisible, for the Sufi the exemplar is The Christ.

The Sufi is brought through to the Universal Religion of Love not to be cast as a superior, but rather as a catalytic servant to believers and non-believers alike in the name of Love, for do not all relate somehow to love?

The hot spots on Earth today are trigger points of religious territorial hostility. Some of this hostility is honest ignorance in the attempt by religious leaders to protect doctrinal differences as it seems that history impels. A lot of the global religious volatility however is deliberately cooked up by personality power plays as well as by international political forces of destabilisation as geopolitical power games have been played by leading nations for the control of energy resources over centuries.

The Sufi is God’s merciful mediator. As I have said on a recent video, God’s servants are usually hidden, even from themselves. Those Sufis that have been recorded throughout history, found by those that seek out such records, are those that have been ordered to break cover by Allah (by their Enlightenment in Buddhism) in order to help communities at various times.

Where I write Allah, it can be read as any naming of God from any known tradition in Mankind’s history.

The work left by these Sufis, though for a particular culture, can have relevance for later cultures as part of the ever revivifying relationship between Allah and His presence in His mystery of appearing as a material multiplicity in Nature, known as a possibility by the experiential self-awareness of Mankind.

The hitherto unheard of openness of the Sufi Way now and of the Sufis living today and the accessibility of The Way is a phenomenon made possible not only by the internet, but made possible also by Allah as His Mercy because of the stress that Mankind faces existentially at this time.

The Sufi today faces just as much vitriol from 21st century believers and non-believers as has ever been faced, not least, again as history can show, from those who are sure that they are the only Sufis who need to protect The Way from anyone who doesn’t fit in with their lineage.

So what! It’s time for The Human, being you, to know The Human, being me, to come together to see what is to transpire.

©Warner Bros 1999.

Clearly, it’s an inside job 😉🙏

I offer you the most powerful prayer of protection in the Universe:

O God I seek refuge in You, from You.


All my problems seem so solid, only solutions flow. I seem solid, although quantum physics tells me that all matter is made up of mainly empty space. The forces of attraction and repulsion seem solid, as matter is pressed against me or as I press upon some matter’s place.

Existential matters seem heavy as though they weigh unkind upon my mind.

Financial matters seem like actual things that knot together and insist upon a form, upon formal meetings with a choreographed manner of processing what’s due where, to whom, when and what for, in a matter of due diligence, contracted service, work, payment and statements as receipts.

All breath flows, in and out. My blood flows across expansion and contraction, my food digests within a peristalsis of squeeze and release. Everything that is living flows, conversation flows, air, water and electricity flows, love flows.

It doesn’t seem to me, at times that my life is flowing, that it is within necessary boundaries, pressured and purposeful, pumping it’s energy toward a goal; that it’s much fun.

God calls me to return to Love’s flow, in the here and now. Who is the miser of my misery? Not He who makes all, but the he or she who would try make small the beauty of Her face.

I’ve written and written blog entries, social media posts and tweets. It seems a …. long drawn out debt …. man of words, a merely sent invoice for my time’s blood, seeping from a gash of an amateur’s concern for a professional game never really played. It seems that my past life has been nothing but a secret, leaked.

So for now farewell, my android’s metaphoric pen must cap: my leaky way become more light, more robust if I’m to survive, escape and pay down my debt to those who would prefer to see me dead, like them.

Only solutions flow.

“Say Allah then leave them to plunge in vain discourse and trifling” ….

(No just estimate of Allah do they make when they say: “Nothing doth Allah send down to man (by way of revelation)” Say: “Who then sent down the Book which Moses brought? – a light and guidance to man: But ye make it into (separate) sheets for show, while ye conceal much (of its contents): therein were ye taught that which ye knew not – neither ye nor your fathers.” Say: “(Allah) (sent it down)”: Then leave them to plunge in vain discourse and trifling. – Al Qur’an 6:91 (Y. Ali) )

Points to ponder

The message of a top-line collapse rendering the Executive function of Corporations and governmental Cabinet Offices to a state of collapse is not a message that was ever destined to be easy to deliver.

The ruthless behaviours that manifest from the bottom-line fixation of a stuck-addict seem easier to see than the bottom-line fixated antics of say the biggest bank in the world RBS in 2008, than the antics of the directors and auditors of Carillion and InterServe or BHS and Debenhams here in the UK.

Equally the present exposure of illegal activities from within large pharmaceutical and addiction treatment conglomerates is as, if not more, fixated on the bottom-line of making money than is the bottom-line fixation of a drug addict to get their drugs.

So, how to give some information to begin to give some new food for thought for the leaders of finance in a collapsed monetary system.

First, when in a hole admit it and stop digging.

Second, see that this elevating of money to a primary position in the mass governance of people by very small numbers of leaders has happened over and over again in history and it has never ended well according to the scriptures of all of the world’s religions.

So, to look at my message of stuck-addiction collapsing global cultures, it’s now time to look into the ordering of the administration of the now globally cohering 12 Step Fellowships. How do millions of previously dying, diseased ego-maniacs manage the money needed to have ensured that their continued presence is now undeniably working across scores of 12 Step Fellowships in up to 190 countries?

Simply put, the Fellowships manifest with individuals who have a conscious contact with God, as they understand God, coming together in autonomous Groups that submit collectively to a Group Conscience that is an organ of organisational power from a Higher Power, from a top-line.

The bottom-line necessity of money is rigourously kept in place and connected to the top-line of the Group Conscience by the principle of a prudent reserve.

This principle of prudent reserve has protected the 12 Step Fellowships now for over eighty years. The Groups are self-supporting by their own contributions and any excess money is given swiftly to a central office.

This is to guard against the sickness of financial hoarding that is actually a symptom of the illness that is destroying our planet, not helpful to a sustainable Human propiety at all, despite the enticements of a published “Rich List”.

So, the creatives might have to work through this principle of prudent reserve into workable social policy with all of the urgency of people escaping from a collapsing, flaming building …. but it is a principle that has provenance.

The prudent reserve needed for a person in an occupation earning the wage say of a government’s Prime Minister, which is somewhere near 7x the wage of a low earner in the UK presently, well their prudent reserve might be 7x larger than the lowest earner once the size of that reserve had been established.

A start point might be approximately one year’s food and housing expenditure. Anything more than this might be seen as posing a spiritual threat rather than as a symbol of great success.

To start to live under spiritual principles rather than in physical hypocrisy will be a great shock for people, but the world is on fire, it’s time to decide.

As it says in the 12 Step Programme, Spiritual Principles are not theoretical, they now have to be lived.

This post is offered as a point to ponder. The Human, being a leader, meeting with The Human, being members of creative teams will be well able to create sustainable ways of harmoniously dwelling within recovered cities and cultures.

25 people on this planet Earth have as much material wealth as 3,500,000,000 people. Clearly the system is broken akin to the film Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs with nobody able to challenge the rogue money machines that do half of their work now with BOTS that are way away from any connection to democratic control.

This is the brinkmanship that the very ill hoarders of money are enmeshed within, as ever. They stare with their lobby driven puppet governments down the barrels of each other’s MAD weaponry and threaten each other with financial instruments of destruction, all with the insanity of their imagined apparent impunity from Spiritual consequences.

My message, as in Morris West’s The Clowns Of God, is the Dickensian story of A Christmas Carol being brought to life in real time within the backdrop of Attenborough’s message to the UN being actually true. The Scrooges had better wake up and rejoin Mankind while they still have time.

Liam Gallagher’s new song “Shockwave” is the theme tune for the wake-up call that is #theHUmanhealing

No Blame

There is a Name of God, The Gatherer, it is one of my service names, it is the name that energises my rôle as a Paradox Consultant as described on my page

The Gatherer connects opposites as a defining factor of the word paradox. This manifestation of service connects the blue and the brown wire in the plug of a personal connection with the Energy that Einstein describes in E = mc².

Mankind is designed to make mistakes. To make a mistake is vital in the learning process and in the individuating of a permanent Conscience for oneself, through which a precious soul can be activated by Consciousness.

Boundaries have to be applied dispassionately by a governmental function that upholds the need for people to make mistakes in order to learn. Therefore discipline is for ever to be applied without blame being attached to a redemptive process of law.

Blame is an authentic word when it is utilised as a light-house and a navigational warning not to crash upon its rock.

Defects are implicit within the make up of Mankind and in our individual personalities. These veils of light and dark that turn as quality and defect are the very ground of an experiential learning process that is Life itself in the cultural collections that appear on Earth. These defects are the very ones and zeros of the programmability of people that are made most sensible when a Source Code of Singularity is consciously connected.

When politicians for short term gain, have sought to weaponise the mistakes of opponents as proof as to why a person or a party is unfit to lead or be in power, then the body of the ordinary process of mistake based learning becomes severed from the so-called head of that body and eventually the result is UK politics 2019.

There is the phenomenon of fault when power processes fail in any organised endeavour. This is usually when mistakes are erroneously hidden for reasons of fear and imagined loss.

The way through the Gordian Knot that presents in the UK as a mirror to the rest of the world is to see clearly the contrast between mistake and fault. Then law can be processed sequentially as a “no blame” change management pathway can be built.

The only way to access the “no blame” portal in this adversarial system is to repair the terminal of bottom-line fixation with a terminal of a Human top-line of a singularly global understanding. This is work for a Spiritual Counsellor.

(Postscript added 28/09/19

“Forgive them Father for they know not what they do….” (Christ Jesus activating the “no blame” portal, repairing the birth/death terminals and reconnecting to Source)

Twenty year fuse

⏳ this is the only issue facing Mankind today. Every government on Earth could invoke legitimately states of emergency to bring in food and fuel restrictions and rationing whilst invoking plans to save Mankind and the global Environment, as conditions now are worse than in WWII.

But the governments are run by monetary fixated functions that, though stuck in a post Ponzi Scheme collapse, are still refusing to hear the emergency messages of our imminent environmental collapse. They are like operating alcoholics who, though vaguely knowing that they are increasingly powerless, still imagine that they can manage.

This Executive collapse that is now in the UK fully exposed in the #Brexit debacle, is also in the collapse of #Carillion and #Interserve and #Capita, rooted in the collapse of RBS in 2008, and is actually a mirror held up to the world.

This collapse is also shown in the hysterical actions of the Trump administration and the running of an Empire like a TV reality show, in the yellow vest demonstrations in France, in the 35/35 result in the corruption ridden Israeli elections, in the multiple Prime Ministers in Australia, in the two Popes in The Vatican as well as litigation cases in both the Catholic and Anglican hierarchies, in Greece, Venezuela, threats of war between India and Pakistan, Sudan, Syria, the bone saw of Saudi diplomacy, Yemen, in the manipulations of Russia, in the personalisation of China’s rule and on and on and on.

The indicators of collapse are everywhere to be seen. I have honed a vernacular of disease #stuckaddiction that allows Executive functionaries across the religious, political and corporate sectors of the Earth to enter into a “no blame” zone to dare to hold the conversations necessary for the landing of The Age Of Aquarius that is actually already here, but not yet in full resolution.

The youth of this time are rising, the changes are unstoppable. What has been missing is the articulation necessary to accurately describe the bottom-line fixations that are still trying to justify the policies that are collapsing the Earth’s infrastructure in the name of the primacy of money over people.

The top-line spiritual vision and its physical embodiment seems absent, though actually it is present in all actions of good-will. However, a catalytic reconnection of a person and people with an ecumenically repairing natural order is not only entirely possible, it may be entirely necessary.


War as mass psychosis

The Name is Al Mu’min ….

(From The Mishkat al-Anwar of Ibn Arabi translated by Stephen Hirtenstein and Martin Notcutt ISBN 0-9534513-5-6)

Thanks to Azim Looker …. for

A chunk of quote … from J.G.Bennett.

“War has a twofold origin. The first is outside of man and arises independently. The second is within man and is due to his own weakness and failure. From time to time a special state of tension arises on the earth, which Gurdjieff calls the state of “Solioonensius.” This state of tension arises from the relations between the planets. I do not mean by this that it is something supernatural or mysterious. It is a perfectly natural process, connected with the changes in the balance of electrical and other energy in the solar system. For example, it is already suspected by science that the occurrence of sunspots has an effect upon the human psyche.

It may help you to understand what I mean by calling Solioonensius a perfectly natural process if you consider a simple phenomenon, well-known to all. I refer to the effect in Great Britain of the east wind, or in the Mediterranean of the sirocco. When the east wind blows, people become irritable and nothing seems to go right. I once became interested in this because I wanted to see whether it was a real or an imaginary effect. I asked a number of people to observe carefully and let me know as objectively as possible whether they could detect a state of inner tension caused by the east wind. Nearly everyone confirmed that a state of irritability did, in fact, arise in them even before they were aware that the east wind was blowing.

In a more subtle and pervasive manner, great regions of the earth’s surface, and sometimes even the whole of the earth, become subject to a state of tension that produces in people a strong sense of dissatisfaction with their conditions of life. They become irritable or aggressive, apprehensive, nervous and highly suggestible. Gurdjieff said that knowledge of Solioonensius existed thousands of years ago, and that he took the term from a very ancient tradition. At the present time, its significance has been forgotten or lost.

The point is that there are two completely different ways in which people can react to a state of Solioonensius. It always arouses dissatisfaction, but this may be external or internal. External dissatisfaction leads to external conflict; internal dissatisfaction strengthens the desire to struggle with oneself. Those who understand the necessity for working on themselves and achieving the second destiny find in that state of tension the greatest possibility of incentive and force to make them work harder. But those who do not have this feeling, this realization, project outwards their dissatisfaction and become hostile and angry with other people-suspicious, jealous and the rest of it- and then, defenceless against these mass psychoses, begin to hate. And the very people who, only a few years before, could not conceive of themselves consenting to the idea of war become involved in the destruction of other people. And those other people, passing through the same mass psychosis with the same justification, wish in turn to destroy their existence.

It is possible by careful study of history and of various psychological processes to verify this. And once you understand it, you will see that there is no way by which war can be stopped other than by making people understand the necessity for this work. Otherwise, they have no defense against this state of tension; no contrivances, no organisation, no good resolutions can avail, because there is a physio-chemical process involved. This state of tension must produce the result. We do not know when such a state of tension will come over the world again. When it is absent, we do not feel war as something possible, but when it approaches, nothing can be done unless an idea can come into the world that can act on a sufficiently large number of people to enable them to turn this force in a different direction.

This is one reason why the change – the transition period – from one epoch to another, from one world to another, is a dangerous period. Old ideas have lost their momentum and can no longer move the world. New ideas have not yet gained momentum. All through history, and even before the beginning of history, we find such periods accompanied by war and revolution, not because war and revolution are inevitable in themselves but because people have lacked that discrimination that would enable them to use this situation rightly. If we are able to go into a world in which this is understood, then the course of history can be different, because the destiny of all mankind can be raised to a higher level. There is no higher purpose in the life of man than to bring about this great transition.

If a new world is to come, we must first create it in ourselves. You may ask how the work of a few people can change the world. It has always been so. Ideas are powerful, not organizations. Nothing can be done by outward force; everything can be done by inner strength.’

[Copyright J.G. Bennett, Is there “Life” on Earth, Bennett Books, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA].

The descended sacredness of the disease of stuck-addiction is that eventually, after much practice in the wastelands of denial, the individual inner warrior does give his or her own death day “consciously and unequivocally” back to The Living Source that granted them their birthday – or they actually die.

The Sphere

Once this has “actually” been done rather than theoretically imagined, an awakening begins.

If this releasing of the physical death day is not achieved, then the death day is held by the piratical system that grips the Earth and all its species, especially Mankind, in its status quo of threat and counter threat.

There is the gift that this transmitted vehicle gives to all Mankind, for most of Mankind is held in subservience by forces that overtly or covertly threaten people with physical or reputational death.

This is ouranosmetry meeting geometry, this is how to prepare the personal alchemical vehicle to achieve the metaphysical instruction of Islam which is to “die before you die”, without getting lost in the terrorist dangers of physical misunderstanding.

This post has been edited in from June 2020

The Language Of Energy

Sacred Illness

​”If dull people lose the idea of God nothing happens – not immediately at least. But socially the masses begin to breed mental epidemics, of which we have now a fair number.” C. G. Jung, Psychology & Religion (New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1938) 105.

This then is the core of what I’ve been hammering on about for nearly five years now on my two blogs and on my social media channels. Mass mental epidemics that are bringing Mankind to the Armageddon Point of known history. I have rooted all these mental epidemics to one descriptor, stuck-addiction©️.

How can this be true then, this simple Jungian diagnostic that is now eighty years old? Surely, we still have, as a species, the idea of God in our cultures don’t we? There are still religions established, even at the core of national Constitutions as in Great Britain and Iran. Half of the world’s population can be counted as nominally rooted in the religions traced back to Abraham, whilst much of the other half are residing within the religious oceans of Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism and the con-science influencers of the likes of Confucius and Lao Tzu.

So, just what is going on now on this planet ruled by the hegemony of the US Empire within this religiously calibrated year that is “in the year of our Lord, 2018”?

It seems then, that in the same way that a vicar can need Alcoholics Anonymous despite being in the business of God propagation, in the same way that Iran welcomes in Narcotics Anonymous aware that orthodox Islam cannot recover massive numbers of muslim drug-addicts, in the same way that China is included in the AA global listings – so there is something amiss with the ideas about God and the practicalities of recovery, when those ideas about God break down and/or get lost.

The narratives of disconnect between the political and corporate leaders and the systemic bodies that they try to lead and the effect of that disconnect, comprise the bulk of what passes as the news broadcasts that blare relentlessly now 24/7 around the globe.

The old ideas of God are lost, broken and impractical. The brand leader Christianity is so far adrift from the Christ that they try to sell as to render the whole enterprise ethically bankrupt when looking at the global Christian Churches across all denominations and at their land holdings, bank holdings, abuse litigation processes and general hypocrisy.

The Islamic world is collapsing in on itself as powerful Islamic states prosecute war against weaker Islamic states at behest of a pluralist non Islamic Empire ruled by billionaires who worship only money as it mainlines their craving to wrestle power from anyone who seems to threaten their sworn allegiance to “God”!

Fanatics across this globalised cauldron of internetted connectivity, irrespective of which side of the law they find themselves, writhe and gouge within their bodies of influence against the predictable effects of a global elite and their Golden Calf Policy Initiatives.

The ‘non-dull’ people, ie the HSPs or highly sensitive people who have reacted immediately to the culturally induced loss of God over the last eighty years have, as I’ve said many times, have given Mankind a door open to a new way of approaching the Armageddon that now paces around global newscasting like a wounded, angry animal.

The first step for the possible landing of a new era for the masses is for the leaders to understand that if they don’t wake up to what is really happening around them, then WWIII is inevitable.

The next step is for the global leaders to accept that their insanity is not confined to a projection of professional concern upon the present President of The Empire and whether he is insane or not – all Executive function, whether political or corporate, is to a greater or lesser extent dislocated from the task that it is struggling to achieve.

The insanity of doing the same thing expecting a different result refuses to see that the global monetary system has died.

A new way of doing business for the next one thousand years has to be co-created as quickly as possible.

Mankind has the intelligence, the courage and possibility of building a new way of interaction for itself and of becoming Humankind, but it needs the implementation of Spiritual Principles.

If there needs to be the physical appearance of one archetypal closer of this era as prophesied by Scriptures across all global cultures, then so be it – if only to prove once and for all that whilst the story is true, the moral of the story is more important to a recipient than any one character, no matter how sanctified that character is and has always been in the story, if there is to be seen that The Many have any practical connection whatsoever with The One.

Then all we need is the mad man of God prepared to stand up and say that he’s here …. hmmm ….


Many years ago, a philosopher asked me if I thought, as he clearly did, that I was too gullible. Through the years, his question has often returned to me, often closing me down from continuing with a view of the world that at my heart, is naturally open and loving.

Thankfully, I have never been able to imprison my gullibility permanently, it has always escaped to save me. It returns like my inner Pied Piper of Hamlyn, my inner Kay to rescue the Kai of my intellect, my inner Prince to kiss my Sleeping Beauty and release my Cinderella from my own Ugly Sisters. It even flew me to a Union with Allah, to the birthing of my soul.

Gullibility is fathomless like the deepest ocean that accepts all rivers. It is the innocence of the dove that redeems the wisdom of the serpent. It is green. I am the gullible man, the green man.

Now of course, I understood what the philosopher meant, he liked me and was fearful for my survival. He was fearful about many things. I was to learn that he was fearful for his academic reputation when, after he had given it to me, in my gullibility I gave a copy of an academic essay on the Unity of Existence called The Twentynine Pages to one of his colleagues. I received a very stern reprimand and was told to retrieve the document forthwith.

I have learnt much from these wisdoms, given to me by my experience of other people and by my exhaustive journey through my own fear and through my reception of the fears of others, both clear and covert, and my journey through those. The fear journeys were similar, but eventually I came to know what was my fear, as against what was the fear held by others.

I can only grow through facing my own fear. The fear that other people hold is not of any ultimate use to me, except that sometimes it has proved to have been part of the detonation of the propellent of my salmon-like journey up the waterfall of my own fear.

This world has become again incredulous, cynical and suspicious of the existence of Love as the Source of all matter, all sentience, all energy and all Life.

You’d have to be very gullible indeed to believe me if I were to tell you who I really am. (however, in a back to the future moment added on 11/1/2020 try putting ‘unseen leader of the world’ into your search engine 😉)

So, for the moment, we carry on with the dance of the Seven Veils. Seven or seventy thousand, makes no difference you see, for these veils of light and dark, of innocence and cynicism, of trust and fear, well, these veils can only be removed by Love.