
They are foolish people, indeed, who believe that one can reach the Divine Presence without a vehicle without relying on a means. It is as though they are saying, ‘We may reach the moon without using anything. We may jump from here to there!’ What is the purpose of knowledge if one does not use it?

Such people tell those who listen to them that all the knowledge they need can be found in the Holy Qur’an. They say, ‘Read the Qur’an and you will understand.’ That is destroying Islam. It is God’s Ancient and Holy Words. How then, can they say that everyone can recite and understand such a sublime text? On the contrary, God said :

If they had only referred it to the Messenger, and to those in authority among them, those among them who can search out knowledge of it would have known it (4:83)

You must listen to those servants who have been granted authority. Only they can discern the real meanings from what is necessary to be known. Only they can comb the oceans of Divine Knowledge and bring back pearls. Not everyone may comb through the oceans and bring back pearls. That means, if you are unsure about something, you must find such a person – one who is bringing back pearls of meaning.

God has given that understanding only to those special people whom He has authorised to receive it. Not everyone understands. Those who believe otherwise are falling into unbelief (kufr). So, too, are those who – acting upon this misguided belief that the full knowledge of the Holy Qur’an is available to all – declare that the practice of making meditation to a Sufi guide is unbelief fall into unbelief themselves. The irony of their claim is that, through meditation with the Sufi guide, one may come to a real understanding of the Qur’an.

May God forgive me and bless you. Al-Fatiha.

Shaykh Muhammad Nazim Adil al-Haqqani – Lefke, Cyprus Ramadan 17 1425/ October 30, 2004 – from the book The Healing Power of Sufi Meditation ISBN 1-930409-26-5

The above quote exposes a spiritual principle that is at the heart of the 12 Step Programme as it promises to allow a person to construct an experiential vehicle that is fit for the purpose of conscious contact with God, which is stated as Step 11.

For to say to a suffering person, “Just read the book of Alcoholics Anonymous”, expecting that this is enough 88 years after the text arrived through a founder who said whilst writing it, it was as if the pencil had a life of its own, may actually be falling into Spiritual Bypassing and the dogma of a hierarchical intellectually based culture unwittingly hijacking a spiritually based healing that is designed to change the old hierarchy!

All emotions are sacred

The criterion for assessment and for the avoidance of Spiritual Bypassing is to ask the question, how has the message transmissibility of the 12 Step Programme improved over the last 88 years whilst leaving the Basic Text unaltered?

The work of Joe McQ took the 12 Step Programme into a clearer transmissibility in the last decades of the twentieth century, whilst preserving rigorously the original text of Alcoholics Anonymous. He did say though of the 12 Step Programme in the 1970s and 80s, that if you weren’t sick when you went into some of the meetings of AA – you sure as hell were sick when you came out!

This was the catalyst for Joe McQ to begin to work with Charlie P and to travel the world simply improving the transmissibility of the already existing 12 Step Programme by rigorously attending to the words and thus bringing pearls of meaning for a new generation.

Now the same question must be asked for the twenty first century. The context for the asking of the question has changed radically as Anne Wilson Schaef has defined for us in her book written in 1987 called When Society Becomes An Addict.

Anne Wilson Schaef has made the bold and revolutionary discovery that we live in a sick society. Often unknowingly, the vast majority of us collude in a system that encourages addiction and co-dependence – and sees these states as normal. Many of us are addicted to chemicals, not only alcohol or drugs but nicotine, caffeine, chocolate, overeating in general. Even more of us are involved in addictive processes: workaholism, gambling, compulsive shopping, sex, and so on. The realisation of the extent of our addictions, both individually and as a society, is shocking. However, there is no need to get depressed, because we can do something about it.

The first and most important step is to admit and name the disease, both in ourselves and in our society. Anne Wilson Schaef’s brilliant and compassionate dissection of addictive behavioural patterns leaves us no option but to see truth. However, the message of this book is essentially optimistic, because once the process of awareness is triggered, healing begins.

ANNE WILSON SCHAEF, PhD, is an internationally known author whose books are recognised as major contributions to the understanding of addiction. Her bestsellers include Co-dependence Misunderstood, Mistreated and Women’s Reality.
Published in 1987

Any therapist who is not actively recovering from the Addictive System is perpetuating it. Any therapist who is not actively trying to make a system shift is supporting the Addictive System.

p136 When Society Becomes An Addict by Anne Wilson Schaef

The modern spiritual teachings offer no personal template that can provide a sense of vehicle. Therefore the teachers become merely brand vehicles that in themselves cannot carry a person to a Divine Presence experience.

The 12 Step Programme offers the only living vehicle template on Earth presently that is fit for purpose, fit to carry people to their own conscious contact with God.

For a person to be helped to build this vehicle in the 21st century then, even though the template is only 88 years old, guidance from those with their own vehicle up and running is necessary.

This is why good sponsorship is vital in the 12 Step Fellowships. As the founder of the 12 Step Programme Bill W. said, you can’t transmit something you haven’t got.

How vital is it then for those offering treatment in a rehab, treatment that has to be regulated by orthodox non-spiritually based intellectually formulated structures of assessment, to be clear in their adherence to the principles of spiritual healing that are Ancient, principles that Bill W. accessed in a way that was by his own admission, mysterious?

Diction Resolution Therapy is a bridge from the paradox that is spiritual healing, across to the orthodox structures of governance for all forms of healing to be safely delivered. Does this work? I offer some feedback from the relatives of a client I received after one session of counselling with their relative:

Just a short message to thank you for the care and counselling you gave…. He has already started to turn the corner and is looking forward to your next session.

Client feedback to the DRT WhatsApp page. 2023.

The opening quote in this post is offered simply to see a correlation across the centuries as to how consciousness transmits. The Sufi is ever free from dogma, is ever the pragmatist, for the Sufi knows that there is only One Existent.

Bülent Rauf – Addresses II

In this post linked below, I explore the building of this vehicle as the completion and perfecting of a sense of an octahedral presence that establishes personal experience of Divine intervention that heals and establishes an ever deepening and improving contact with Consciousness Itself.

12 Step Programme as an Ancient Template fit for the 21st century

It’s a thin line

“a thin line”

A very narrow division between two alternatives, one of which is much worse than the other.

When sharing about spiritual experience the thin line mentioned above can become razor sharp and a partisan insistence can seem to overtake any such message in the response patterns of people to having received a message about a spiritual experience, even when the transmission is as utterly nondenominational as the word love, is utterly nondenominational.

This is the razor that I stand upon.

Does this mean that I have to simply close down and shut up?

If my message is merely self generated in my intellect, then yes, to save embarrassment all round, it would be best to shut up.

However, the message that I carry is not an intellectual construct, not a theory that I have that is erected in the wrestling ring of the usual process of disassembly that passes as academic rigour.

What I carry is who I am, rather than something that I have.

Love is not about atheism or theism, the sacred disease of Addiction evidences this fact, for the recovery from Addiction is secured by the language of the heart not the logic of the head.

Yet, logic must serve the communication of the heart if there is to be any chance of such a transmission being received by anyone at all in the wider world, not least by those in the most urgent need as evidenced by their undeniable powerlessness and unmanageability in any of the forms of the disease of stuck and broken addiction.

Here then is the razor, the paradoxical yet logical edge, that has to and can cut through the callous layers of dead inner skin that have grown over Mankind’s ability to believe in a Common Metaphysical Source.

Where there is delusional behaviour and religious mania it may seem an even more impossible scenario to talk of a spiritual remedy for such bizarre and threatening behavioural manifestations.

However, the energy in such powerfully disruptive scenarios, whether individual or collective, can in fact be returned to a vehicle of articulation that can then engage with practical problem solving and coherency.

This word coherency is important, for delusional religiosity becomes stuck in a kind of cotherency as impossible renditions of supposed scriptural interpretation are foisted upon all and sundry, even up to the point of terrorist acts, as if all such action was an enforcement of God’s will.

There is an apocryphal story about Moses who – upon hearing a man walking down a road saying, “where is my baby Lord that I may worship Him, that I may bring Him gifts, wash His tiny feet, sing His lovely praises for ever?” – responded angrily by shouting, “how dare you wander around spouting such nonsense about the ineffable Majesty and Power of the all consuming and creative Lord of All?”

At that, the man screamed and ran off into the desert wailing.

Moses immediately received an intimation from God, “I did not send you to sow further discord and pain amongst those trying to reach Me by whatever means their stage seems to make sense to them, you are sent to bear witness to the Unity of My existence.”

Moses was distraught at this and immediately saw his error, he searched all over for the man for a long time and eventually having found him, ran up to him apologising profusely for having criticised his prayers and worship.

The man accepted the apology from Moses, but then thanked him, he said, “when you first announced your reactions to me I was so shocked I thought that I was dying, I couldn’t find a belief in anything anymore. In the desert, unable to eat or drink eventually I asked God to help me and I was suddenly taken to such a deep insight that I can hardly put it into words, so I promise you all is well.”

This story encapsulates much of the challenge facing Mankind today. It is why Bill W., one of the founders of the 12 Step Programme, described Alcoholics Anonymous as the container of a spiritual kindergarten.

The foundations of any knowledge applicable to Mankind’s life on Earth are those containing creative principles that are ultimately shown to be factually believable.

Yet as “expanding knowledge” seems to destroy what was previously believed to have been impossible, the locus of all belief which is the Heart, must ever renew its ancient causal primordial anchorage, lest Love is lost.

This is the thin line, it is the global situation facing Mankind today, maybe it has been the situation perennially facing Mankind.

How can a Metaphysical solution make any sense to a seemingly physical problem?

I repeat, this is the razor that I stand and serve upon in a world of Mankind that increasingly can no longer deny that by any analysis of current events, is standing upon this same thin line with me, whether it likes it or not.

The Door

“If dull people lose the idea of God nothing happens – not immediately at least. But socially the masses begin to breed mental epidemics, of which we have now a fair number.”
(C. G. Jung, Psychology & Religion (New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1938) 105.)

First, there may be a new conversation about suicide actually being an expression of an attempt by a person to resolve the overall cultural condition of “disconnected death”.

This condition of “disconnected death” which has been foisted onto mass populations since time immemorial by pirates who have wished to control with fear, is at the core of the primary disease of Addiction.

Addiction is the bellwether disease of the current digitally driven era-change. All forms of Addiction are suicide in slow motion.

At the level of The Logos, the words in the global language of English can forensically show that conditions are sticking because words are broken. The word addiction shows that actually it is not the problem. In the healing of the word addiction, the way is shown how to change any stuck or broken behaviour.

Because even the description of the global behavioural breakdown is flawed, conditions are worsening setting up the stage for the populist uprisings that are beginning to dominate global politics.

I have introduced the terms stuck-addiction and broken-addiction to help with the rehabilitation of the actual meaning of the word addiction, for without this reclamation of meaning for people and for systemic leadership teams, there can not establish the antidote to the breakdown of the world order that is now happening.

The antidote to the present global disintegrations is to build the existential bridge to the new era more clearly so that the fear based bullying of the populist energies can be dissipated.

The illness paradigm that Diction Resolution Therapy introduces may paradoxically be the only way for both the aspirations of the SMTs of collective undertakings and of individuals to begin to co-create a common way forward.

Addiction is a sacred disease with a sacred solution that takes broken and empty words and heals the words, from which then healed behaviours can have a chance to flow.

The word have describes the mental/physical interface of Mankind. There are people who have all kinds of theories, proofs, hypothesis, questions, experiences. There are people who have power, money, influence, networks. There are a very few people who are what they have.

This is because being is inseparable from the verb be.

All of the problems that have ever faced Mankind, that are still facing Mankind, derive from this separation of being from having.

The reconnection of these verbs cannot occur from the have to the be. The reconnection is an act of Grace from the primordial Be to the relative have, but only when the necessary conditions have been met for this resolution to occur.

For a person and increasingly now also for the SMTs of undertakings, what is the necessary condition?

Submission, an admission of the need for a reconnection to be requested.

This is Step One of the 12 Step Programme.

We admitted we were powerless over *********** – that our lives had become unmanageable.

Without this first step, there can be no entry through the ever open door mentioned in the opening picture. The connection to the primary Be is ever present, the separation is illusory, but it seems that there is a price to pay to decondition the radicalisation of the life and death battle that has been a narrative for so very long in Mankind’s history.

As has been mentioned in previous posts, the birth and death condition of Mankind’s necessary composition is linked to the potential flow of consciousness being established across connected terminals.

When a person, place or thing becomes established erroneously as the brown wire in a personal or a collective situation, then that error symbolically says that they own the blue wire in that configuration.

Politics and religion are at the level of thing in people’s existential descriptions. Organised crime is a thing. People and places are as they are. Eighty five years of evidence based recovery dynamics in the treatment of the disease of Addiction show that the brown wire in a person’s existential plug can never be a person, place or thing.

The brown wire is the source that activates birth and death, so it can be seen that governments and organised criminals both set themselves up as death wielders to activate the plugs of those that they would control.

Abraham is the Brown Wire Envoy par excellence in the Western history of monotheistic revelation, his revelation is the tap-root that contains the religions of the Jews, Christians and Muslims. When Abraham challenged the idolators of his day, those with total power over people’s lives, they of course tried to kill him, but they failed.

So too today, the global counterfeit brown wire providers hide in plain sight to control masses of people.

The disease of Addiction begins when the most sensitive people in a society, or the most downtrodden, become susceptible to behaviours that attempt to take back control of the brown wire away from the fear imposed convention.

This is why the disease of Addiction is so bizarre for the conventional medical practitioners to address. For even though they serve a culture that brainwashes masses of people with advertising and propaganda, still fear of physical death or its cousin the fear of losing reputation and career, this fear of death is something that has to be deemed as abnormal if not present in a person.

So the paradox that is the primary disease of Addiction has been established in its definition and resolution via the 12 Step Fellowships over the last eighty five years.

Even recently as the UK government has renewed its Trident nuclear weapons system without even passing it through the UK Parliament, the country and its MPs found out in a newspaper report, the collective minority brown wire that is global governance, cling onto their collapsing analogue levers of death control in the face of The Age Of Aquarius that restores people’s brown wire Singularity to its Metaphysical Authenticity.

Click on this link to see a formal presentation expanding this behavioural change clarification of the HU man healing.

Discovering Dissonance

Actors train to be able to pick up a rôle, learn a part with the words and the actions given to them, to rehearse and then to perform, by others.

In recordings and in live theatrical performances audiences engage with productions of “art” that depict both factual and fictional situations plus also mixtures of fact and fiction under artistic licence within the law.

In the process of acting, the consciences of particular performers are protected for them by the disciplines that they acquire within their training. So they can portray many difficult situations as “acts”, that if they were real would possibly destroy them…..

Indeed, many actors play out the lives of other people from their actual lives, lives so dangerous and destructive that a story is told for all the reasons that any story is ever told.

Actors and audiences alike are protected from significant damage psychologically within the admission of and into an illusion, that all parties implicitly sign up to, even though actors and audiences alike are often changed forever within the theatrical creativity that is being given and received.

Politics is not the same as theatrical entertainment. The protections explicitly learned by actors and implicitly accepted by audiences are not given to politicians and their electorates.

Electorates expect their leaders to tell them the truth, to be real, not to be acting as if they were real.

What is the thing that is protected within the process of engagement by actors and their audiences but not within politicians and their electorates?

That thing is conscience.

Conscience is acquired along with executive function as a developmental process in children. These two phenomena are intrinsic to the deepening of consciousness and to the individualising of people into their becoming ever more Human in their personal lifelong journey, a journey shared with others.

From Shakespeare onwards, as fiction reflects political factions, then the public consumer adopts certain positions vis-à-vis how truthful powerful people actually are, but still it can be argued that at least in the young in any generation, there is a burning yearning for leaders with very low levels of guile in their actions of public service.

A lot of words then to state the obvious, actors act, leaders lead. One has an indirect drive, one a direct drive, where that driver is conscience.

A psychopath has no connection to a conscience as an analytic descriptor of brief behaviour.

DICTION in the above schematic is paramount to CONSCIENCE. It is a place where the invisible and visible meet, where the ascending and descending meet in transcending. It is a place of energy meeting words.

Actors can healthily addict themselves to a rôle, turn on will-power which is what it is to be able to addict oneself and more important, turn off will-power when the performance is finished.

What then goes wrong with political leaders?

The answer is in the flow chart as addiction and contradiction interface.

When actors are rehearsing a part, they practice fluidly across the dynamics of contradiction as any problems are solved within a production of will that has already been completed by the writer. So the energy of creativity from the invisible to the visible lends itself protectively during the rehearsal process with much less chance of fundamental creative collapse at the systemic addiction point because the words are a given.

Collapse can take place within the individual Diction pathways of actors as their dictionary of expertise is checked, energised and enlarged, but this is technique danger as against the pressure of trying to be unique.

To be seen spontaneously by an audience in an actually unique mission is the Holy Grail of leaders’ performances, whereas audiences respond more to a rehearsed factually unique performance from actors.

The adulteration of the above paragraph is the cause of the dissonance that is the inner hurricane raging through the inner landscapes of Mankind.

Politicians in the world today increasingly can’t function and their facts are so broken even amongst themselves, as to be incommunicable to any audience anywhere. Politicians have tried over decades to be more like actors than leaders, but without even the most basic debating skills necessary for any actual debate to take place, that’s even if the debating chambers were not already terminally disconnected by the bribery of the corporate or criminal lobby promise procurement process.

Political debate, like the inner debate of personal problem solving, crucially requires the full connection of malediction to benediction as shown in the above diagram.

In any materially creative situation from the seeming mundane right up to a Singularity behind the Universe itself, opposites must connect for Power to flow.

When the dots are taken out of the Yin-Yang, then where that aberration is disturbingly and systemically imposed, eventually creativity dies closely followed by life-forms.

In a person it is resentment that removes the inner dots from the inner Yin-Yang which then produces such levels of inner animosity that the misunderstood word addiction collapses behaviour to the point of death.

In a system, the same collapse can happen, the same collapse is happening now globally on Earth.

Politicians are not good enough actors to do what they think is good political practice, that is to lie for the good of the Party, for the ideology that they think will ultimately benefit the whole electorate from whom the politicians wrest their power to lie in the first place.

Because politicians are not good actors with that profession’s learned protection for conscience, politicians get whipped against personal conscience as if that process is without consequence or that somehow the Party will absolve them.

Politicians, their corporate or organised worker funders, their organised religious backers, their ideological academics, all have made so many accommodations to conscience over decades and even centuries, accommodations to The Human Being One, that systemically the Yin-Yang dots are virtually destroyed everywhere.

The electorate as an audience start when young knowing, or thinking that they know that theaters and cinemas are fictional, but that Parliament is factual.

They know that their favourite actors play so called good and bad characters in different performances in ways that don’t collapse the overall entertainment and/or learning function which is built into the receiving of the professional rôle playing in an overall theatrical process. In other words there is a cognitive sonance in the experience, it makes a connected sense to an inner dictionary.

When leaders and politicians break their words over and over again, either because their strategies are impossible to realise in practice, or when leaders and politicians deliberately spin words to the point of meaninglessness first in their own inner dictionaries, then in the collective systemic dictionaries, ultimately in the national Constitutional dictionary, then their words of attempted leadership are unrecognisable to audiences, just so much partisan jargon to a point where many people’s ability to differentiate illusion and reality starts to break down into cognitive dissonance.

Britain now leads the world in promulgated cognitive dissonance, an industry that’s been filled with spin-doctors and propaganda for the past thirty years since the advertising agency Satchi & Satchi took over Thatcher’s UK messages to the public, an industry that went into overdrive with Blair to finally crash and burn in Brexit.

Britain leads the world in Executive collapse, closely followed by the US, Europe and the rest of the so called democracies. The dictatorships of Russia, China, North Korea are simply cadavers of previously collapsed Executive functions that possess their populations in a well meaning hell of formaldehyde politics to keep everything seemingly stable as they watch the inevitable systemic collapse of a usury based monetary hypocrisy that breaks the systemic oaths of its Abrahamic foundation.

The DICTION diagram above that evokes the science of letters applies to all languages on Earth as all languages have their own dictionary.

Global words are clearly broken for ever larger numbers of people. Global behaviour follows from global words. When words have broken either accidentally or deliberately then historically there have been increasingly destructive wars. (link added 01/03/2020)

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. (John 1:1)

The problems facing leaders, facing collapsing systems, facing collapsing people, are global. These problems are indicative of a breakdown of words. This breakdown is a spiritual illness, though the symptoms are physical and mental, this dissonance is an illness that only has a catalytic like global spiritual remedy.

My work is in the manner of just such a global remedy, just such a Diction Resolution. An illumination of the light of Faith in people’s hearts, a rejoining of the Yin-Yang dots, a reconnection to Universal Love.


Organised Crime and Organised Government, these descriptive bodies are in apparent opposition and separation, yet they seem to leak into each other no matter which culture is presently or indeed historically viewed.

The peoples that are held in the vice of life that has the organisational jaws as mentioned above, these people are kept in a state of confusion. The more is known, the less anything makes sense. The eight hours work, eight hours sleep and eight hours marvelling at creation with one full day off, is a template seemingly forever lost.

Money unites the Organisations of Crime and Government. Money is their driver, their arbiter of success and efficiency, their excuser of behaviour, their explanation for the inescapable order of collective life. Lip service is paid to God by Parliaments and Mafias alike. Fear is the fuel for all of their organised machinations and the very railway line upon which the trucks of their subjugation run, carrying masses of people to whatever camp of concentration they have been conned into calling a career.

The history of this calamitous state of affairs is documented and analysed ad nauseam by the academic minds of the global intelligentsia. The Rothschild conspiracy theorists conveniently forget that the urge to control money grew out of a horror of witnessing the fact that Mankind worships money. The Rothschild mind-set saw wars, religious hypocrisy, bullying, banality and the venal oppression of the many by the few.

The globalisation that now threatens to collapse in on itself has held its nerve through the change of the hegemony from British to American Empire and believes that ends justify means.

No blame can be placed on ignorance.

The era that was born after the collapse of Rome just over 2000 years ago, this era is itself now collapsing.

The question is only one of timescales and how events are to shake out within this inevitability of change that now impacts every minute of the global news machine.

Love has an Organisation. Love’s organ is conscience. Love’s Organisation has presence, has positions of embodied authority that conduct its business, that send out its communications.