Talking of mystical experience

Generally it’s a waste of time talking of mystery!! Carl Jung was buried by the Establishment because in an interview toward the end of his life when he’d had enough of disrespect, he said that he knew that God exists!!

Jung also said so far as a Spiritual experience may be real or not, he said that if such an experience granted a recipient “pistis and peace”, then whether anybody else believed it or not if invited to hear of it, mattered not one jot.

I had an experience of birthing an inner “spiritual baby” in 1982. In the Sufi Way this is known as tifl-al-maani.

Occasionally I have invited orthodox authority and those who think they know of the paradox, to hear my message. Usually my message is too challenging for the receiver to hear anything but their own combative response patterns.

What has never changed over the years of my remaining in this world whilst no longer being fully of it, is my inner state of “pistis and peace”. In fact this said inner state has expanded and continues to extend and expand, not unlike the orthodox scientific view of the physical universe.


They are foolish people, indeed, who believe that one can reach the Divine Presence without a vehicle without relying on a means. It is as though they are saying, ‘We may reach the moon without using anything. We may jump from here to there!’ What is the purpose of knowledge if one does not use it?

Such people tell those who listen to them that all the knowledge they need can be found in the Holy Qur’an. They say, ‘Read the Qur’an and you will understand.’ That is destroying Islam. It is God’s Ancient and Holy Words. How then, can they say that everyone can recite and understand such a sublime text? On the contrary, God said :

If they had only referred it to the Messenger, and to those in authority among them, those among them who can search out knowledge of it would have known it (4:83)

You must listen to those servants who have been granted authority. Only they can discern the real meanings from what is necessary to be known. Only they can comb the oceans of Divine Knowledge and bring back pearls. Not everyone may comb through the oceans and bring back pearls. That means, if you are unsure about something, you must find such a person – one who is bringing back pearls of meaning.

God has given that understanding only to those special people whom He has authorised to receive it. Not everyone understands. Those who believe otherwise are falling into unbelief (kufr). So, too, are those who – acting upon this misguided belief that the full knowledge of the Holy Qur’an is available to all – declare that the practice of making meditation to a Sufi guide is unbelief fall into unbelief themselves. The irony of their claim is that, through meditation with the Sufi guide, one may come to a real understanding of the Qur’an.

May God forgive me and bless you. Al-Fatiha.

Shaykh Muhammad Nazim Adil al-Haqqani – Lefke, Cyprus Ramadan 17 1425/ October 30, 2004 – from the book The Healing Power of Sufi Meditation ISBN 1-930409-26-5

The above quote exposes a spiritual principle that is at the heart of the 12 Step Programme as it promises to allow a person to construct an experiential vehicle that is fit for the purpose of conscious contact with God, which is stated as Step 11.

For to say to a suffering person, “Just read the book of Alcoholics Anonymous”, expecting that this is enough 88 years after the text arrived through a founder who said whilst writing it, it was as if the pencil had a life of its own, may actually be falling into Spiritual Bypassing and the dogma of a hierarchical intellectually based culture unwittingly hijacking a spiritually based healing that is designed to change the old hierarchy!

All emotions are sacred

The criterion for assessment and for the avoidance of Spiritual Bypassing is to ask the question, how has the message transmissibility of the 12 Step Programme improved over the last 88 years whilst leaving the Basic Text unaltered?

The work of Joe McQ took the 12 Step Programme into a clearer transmissibility in the last decades of the twentieth century, whilst preserving rigorously the original text of Alcoholics Anonymous. He did say though of the 12 Step Programme in the 1970s and 80s, that if you weren’t sick when you went into some of the meetings of AA – you sure as hell were sick when you came out!

This was the catalyst for Joe McQ to begin to work with Charlie P and to travel the world simply improving the transmissibility of the already existing 12 Step Programme by rigorously attending to the words and thus bringing pearls of meaning for a new generation.

Now the same question must be asked for the twenty first century. The context for the asking of the question has changed radically as Anne Wilson Schaef has defined for us in her book written in 1987 called When Society Becomes An Addict.

Anne Wilson Schaef has made the bold and revolutionary discovery that we live in a sick society. Often unknowingly, the vast majority of us collude in a system that encourages addiction and co-dependence – and sees these states as normal. Many of us are addicted to chemicals, not only alcohol or drugs but nicotine, caffeine, chocolate, overeating in general. Even more of us are involved in addictive processes: workaholism, gambling, compulsive shopping, sex, and so on. The realisation of the extent of our addictions, both individually and as a society, is shocking. However, there is no need to get depressed, because we can do something about it.

The first and most important step is to admit and name the disease, both in ourselves and in our society. Anne Wilson Schaef’s brilliant and compassionate dissection of addictive behavioural patterns leaves us no option but to see truth. However, the message of this book is essentially optimistic, because once the process of awareness is triggered, healing begins.

ANNE WILSON SCHAEF, PhD, is an internationally known author whose books are recognised as major contributions to the understanding of addiction. Her bestsellers include Co-dependence Misunderstood, Mistreated and Women’s Reality.
Published in 1987

Any therapist who is not actively recovering from the Addictive System is perpetuating it. Any therapist who is not actively trying to make a system shift is supporting the Addictive System.

p136 When Society Becomes An Addict by Anne Wilson Schaef

The modern spiritual teachings offer no personal template that can provide a sense of vehicle. Therefore the teachers become merely brand vehicles that in themselves cannot carry a person to a Divine Presence experience.

The 12 Step Programme offers the only living vehicle template on Earth presently that is fit for purpose, fit to carry people to their own conscious contact with God.

For a person to be helped to build this vehicle in the 21st century then, even though the template is only 88 years old, guidance from those with their own vehicle up and running is necessary.

This is why good sponsorship is vital in the 12 Step Fellowships. As the founder of the 12 Step Programme Bill W. said, you can’t transmit something you haven’t got.

How vital is it then for those offering treatment in a rehab, treatment that has to be regulated by orthodox non-spiritually based intellectually formulated structures of assessment, to be clear in their adherence to the principles of spiritual healing that are Ancient, principles that Bill W. accessed in a way that was by his own admission, mysterious?

Diction Resolution Therapy is a bridge from the paradox that is spiritual healing, across to the orthodox structures of governance for all forms of healing to be safely delivered. Does this work? I offer some feedback from the relatives of a client I received after one session of counselling with their relative:

Just a short message to thank you for the care and counselling you gave…. He has already started to turn the corner and is looking forward to your next session.

Client feedback to the DRT WhatsApp page. 2023.

The opening quote in this post is offered simply to see a correlation across the centuries as to how consciousness transmits. The Sufi is ever free from dogma, is ever the pragmatist, for the Sufi knows that there is only One Existent.

Bülent Rauf – Addresses II

In this post linked below, I explore the building of this vehicle as the completion and perfecting of a sense of an octahedral presence that establishes personal experience of Divine intervention that heals and establishes an ever deepening and improving contact with Consciousness Itself.

12 Step Programme as an Ancient Template fit for the 21st century

Message reissued

All the links on the tweet below work and the article in the UK Guardian from two years ago opens in the Facebook link.

So, in May 2019 the quoted UK Guardian article cited “an epidemic of poor mental health” appearing across ranks of staff in the higher education system of Britain.

Since then of course, factor in Covid-19 and the conditions on the ground are now a calamity almost beyond orthodox analysis.

I use the term orthodox analysis advisedly, because it is the orthodox structures of medical diagnosis and societal analysis that are now shown to be simply part of The Addictive System that is now in utter collapse.

When Society Becomes an Addict
The Addictive System will lead to total destruction
The Addictive System is morally and spiritually bankrupt
We live in a world that is literally turned upside down by moral deterioration
The Addictive System is wrong about the human condition
Psychotherapy makes yet another mistake by treating disorders in isolation, out of the context of the Addictive System
… the White Male System and the Addictive System are one and the same
Everything we know about human development has been taught by Addictive System teachers in Addictive System schools from a perspective of “reality” that is not real” Anne Wilson Schaef

My work over the last eight years has been to build upon the work of Anne Wilson Schaef whose work is photographed above. My development of Diction Resolution Therapy stands because of the urgency of the situation mentioned above.

Over and over again my working out of this message that, The Addictive System is destroying itself, has been and is the purpose of my blogs and my social media postings. Even to the point of the Universe arranging a headline that appears from anywhere on the face of the planet when a person searches in Google for unseen leader of the world …. go ahead …. try it for yourself!!

Then read this blog post for a perspective

Healing for broken and empty words ….

As this sub-pandemic of Covid-19 carries on imposing curfews on Mankind’s collective affairs unheard of without bombs and bullets flying, it maybe behoves us all to realise that global cultures are held in this stasis not wholly because of the efforts of our leaders, but rather despite them.

When the main source of supposed healing, the drug companies, are found to be corrupted and complicit with willful misdiagnosis and mistreatment of the primary disease of Addiction, then the challenges facing the delivery of my message is put into perspective …. the blog post below highlights this.

Pharma karma

The disease of Addiction is described by the psychiatrist M. Scott Peck as a sacred disease. The 12 Step Programme describes this same spiritual malady as only having a spiritual solution.

So, because the message now is that all global cultures are spiritually sick in The Addictive System within which Covid-19 is but a symptom and that because the conditions facing Mankind are not just mental and physical, then there is hope that behaviour can change.

The ancient spiritual principles contained in the 12 Steps pull together the broken behaviours in people and then therefore in collections of people. This is portrayed in the schematic below and the yellow separation marks are removed as the 12 Steps are internalised and connected, Universal consciousness is contacted and individually deepened in conscience.

In the beginning was the Word, the Word was with God, the Word was God – opening of St John’s gospel.

Then the challenge simply is how to deliver this message and where to deliver it where it has any chance at all of becoming acted upon. The next blog post was written over seven years ago wrestling with just such a challenge.

Landing Pad

I shall convey this posting once more through the modern channels of contact with the system. I know that the message is to be denied, God knows that is not my problem. My job is to simply carry the message.

The first and most important step is to admit and name the disease, both in ourselves and in our society. Anne Wilson Schaef’s brilliant and compassionate dissection of addictive behavioural patterns leaves us no option but to see this truth. However, the message of this book is essentially optimistic, because once the process of awareness is triggered, healing begins.

(Citation from the back cover of the book photographed above, When Society Becomes an Addict.)

…. good news

“You cannot transmit something you haven’t got”, is how Bill W., a founder member of the Fellowship that gave the world the transmission of the 12 Step Programme in the 1930s, described the process of carrying a message to other people.

On the 21st September 2013, I wrote the first post on a blog “Hu’ll heal your heart” with a title “No news is ….”, so you may see the sense of completion that this post contains in its title!

I don’t know if this titular completion ends a blogging effort all together, but it seems that there is a sense of arrival from then to now that draws this line.

I like Tony Benn and this speech summing up the end of the then Thatcher era is clear, but he and the Labour Party and the Trade Unions in the UK miss a certain point.

Yes, Margaret Thatcher brought in the Passenger Charter, the Parent Charter and the Patient Charter to destroy Trade Unions who might have further threatened her Executive control. It was to be a little while after the demise of Thatcher before there was a change in the party government in the UK, but actually the trajectory of money dictated policy that Benn described has been proved to have been unstoppable, even to this present Brexit day.

Tony Blair was given a huge majority in 1997 to bring back to a middle-ground the Tory zeal in cutting the corruption in Trade Unions, but he didn’t do it, he hung up the blunt democratic pendulum and his advisors had to start spinning language to justify his more presidential approach to conditions as he saw them.

The UK Unions were hobbled, probably infiltrated and seduced into Westminster via the Labour Party at the beginning of the 20th century. As soon as the Unions were made left-wing, deep global capital sat back and waited for Thatcher.

For the word “Union”, spiritually, is the most powerful word on Earth.

Politically too, it is the only word that can hold Executive fiat to account.

The world is going through its fire today because of misplaced money and the lack of a unified response to the 25 people on Earth who have as much wealth as half of the world’s population.

So, because the UK #Brexit calamity is simply the necessary evolution of Thatcher’s 3 deregulation Charters, it is clear that the overall diseased comprehension of the word Union has rendered Parliament into precipitating the Executive collapse that we have witnessed for the last 3 years.

There is also the fact that the City of London could not accept the changes to European Law that threatened to regulate the offshore accounts in their three areas of global financial power, Bermuda, Cayman Islands and the British Virgin Islands – so Brexit had to happen, whatever the appearance given out to the news in the temporary smoke and mirrors of dynastic ploys.

This clip of orthodox Jews meeting in 2017 brought tears to my eyes as the universal message of tawhid rang out in the words, the sacrifice of manifesting presence undeniable.

The Higher Love that the spiritual word “Union” describes is not manifested in any of the world’s main-stream religious vehicles as they have all been hobbled also by monied forces of dissolution.

Only the usually hidden individuals who are always present in a living “Union” with God now stand as the bulwarks to be able to have any chance of averting the calamity facing Mankind today.

“Tawhid” is the Arabic word that the Sufi manifests. Teachers through the centuries, some famously known, most efficaciously unknown, have granted evidence of the existence of a science of being that can turn Mankind into Humankind.

It is “Union” that unites, nothing else can unite. The politicians know the power of the word Union, but as a class of people, they have sold out their Oaths of Office to the private money lobby.

The constant battle to deflect questions away from the truth of a situation by leaders who think that this is the required behaviour of a successful politician or corporate business person, this behaviour is sick and it spreads sickness.

The State of the Union address in the US is now wholly a report to money. The European Union is collapsing. The Soviet Union is history. Wherever Mankind looks on Earth for evidence of any success at all for its intellectual hijacking of this word “Union” to have become a successful “State”, there is only the evidence of corruption, destruction, war, genocide, broken treaties, weasel words, sexual scandals, professional liars on an industrial scale …. all in their particular God’s name or their particular form of Marxism.

Seems (as of the 19th October 2019) that Brexit has moved in the direction that America wanted it to move, we’ll all see how that works through.

As I look upon these days, it is Consciousness that is the key to progress for the Earth. We all plug into Consciousness with the Yin-Yang of our possibility. We plug in with our blue and brown wire, except that in many, many people their brown wire is a co-dependence upon a person, place or a thing.

Or, there is no brown wire there for a person at all, only a form of the disease of addiction, a form of suicide in slow motion of a person’s accidental choosing.

Then, the narrative of the blue wire expands and consumes people and their collectives.

This disconnect, this disrepair is where I started in 2013 with a message of physical repair and metaphysical reconnect. This work is now clear. The difference between universal simple feelings and personal complex emotions has been restored.

(Postscript 12/04/20 The above video recorded by me has been deleted by Facebook from my account along with five others with the titles of Trust, Certainty, Patience, Resolution and Veracity without my permission – strange days indeed. So, in a postscript at 10/10/20 I’ll replace the deleted video with this

I am open to the material and spiritual requirements of these days as surely as my blogs bear my witness. I remain cheerful and optimistic for myself and clear in my willingness to further serve people in my occupations. Yet the Sufi is ever the pragmatist, there is a reason that “poverty” drives me to work, it is in the dignity of the very word itself, a word describing the state of many of my beloved forebears.

There are, as always, people living on Earth today in a state of tawhid, those in the attainment of spiritual Union. The challenge, as always, is to see if the United can be brought into a viable contact with the disunited, without the historically murderous story lines of those previously recorded contacts simply repeating …. with no blame …. we’ll see 😉

The 4th Reich

9 “Then I desired to know the truth about the fourth beast, which was different from all the rest, exceedingly terrifying, with its teeth of iron and claws of bronze, and which devoured and broke in pieces and stamped what was left with its feet, 20 and about the ten horns that were on its head, and the other horn that came up and before which three of them fell, the horn that had eyes and a mouth that spoke great things, and that seemed greater than its companions. 21 As I looked, this horn made war with the saints and prevailed over them, 22 until the Ancient of Days came, and judgment was given for the saints of the Most High, and the time came when the saints possessed the kingdom.

23 “Thus he said: ‘As for the fourth beast,

there shall be a fourth kingdom on earth,

which shall be different from all the kingdoms,

and it shall devour the whole earth,

and trample it down, and break it to pieces.

24 As for the ten horns,

out of this kingdom ten kings shall arise,

and another shall arise after them;

he shall be different from the former ones,

and shall put down three kings.

25 He shall speak words against the Most High,

and shall wear out the saints of the Most High,

and shall think to change the times and the law;

and they shall be given into his hand

for a time, times, and half a time.

26 But the court shall sit in judgment,

and his dominion shall be taken away,

to be consumed and destroyed to the end.

27 And the kingdom and the dominion

and the greatness of the kingdoms under the whole heaven

shall be given to the people of fthe saints of the Most High;

his kingdom shall be an everlasting kingdom,

and all dominions shall serve and obey him.’


Third Reich:

Meaning “third regime or empire,” the Nazi designation of Germany and its regime from 1933-45. Historically, the First Reich was the medieval Holy Roman Empire, which lasted until 1806. The Second Reich included the German Empire from 1871-1918.


So, the world has known 3 regimes or empires, where could the Eagle of the Holy Roman Empire be roosting today? Where is the 4th Empire that is presently speaking words against the Most High, thinking to change the times and the law?

We in the West are all living in and under the lash of the 4th Kingdom. Our much salivated over materialism that is destroying the planet, idolising money, trashing the Most High, wearing out the Saints is the old prophesy here now, hidden in plain sight. It may be led by the Eagle standing astride the US Empire, but this money based materialism is engulfing the leadership of every nation on Earth, wearing out the Saints in every culture.

There is a Sacred Disease that is exposing this global 4th Kingdom, it is the disease of Stuck-addiction.

This disease fixates and then collapses the executive function in people and in systems. It renders the religious, corporate and political leaders of every nation into mere automaton functionaries of the quarter to quarter bottom-line result fixated money machine that grinds the whole of Mankind down 24/7.

This money-first beast that most all now serve and live within is utterly ruthless, its concomitant infectious spiritual disease relentless in its mindless destruction of the five pillars of the Saints of the Most High – trust, certainty, patience, resolution, veracity.

The Christ is the Seal Of Universal Sainthood. It is about this Universal function that the Most High receives the successful judgement according to the prophecy, when the Ancient of Days sits in deliberation over this 4th Empire.

This time of the deliberation of the Ancient of Days is now.

Sainthood is a Universal connection to the Most High. All known religions have this notion of a Saint. The Christ is the Seal of Them All, past, present and future.

All the known global religions have had their Prophets. Muhammad (pbuh) is the Seal of Universal Prophethood. All global Prophets and Messengers and all present message carriers, whether mundane or sacred come under the himmah or will of Muhammad (pbuh) whether known or not. This message now is strengthened and carried here under and in his (pbuh) himmah.

My process is by Muhammad (pbuh), my content is in Isa (The Christ, who is the Prince of Peace) given to me by the Most High.

I don’t know how this is all to pan out as indeed I wrote here nearly six years ago

Predictions – World War 3 and Battle of Armageddon

Thankfully, what the Indian predictions do not take account of is The Christ being the Guarantor or Seal of Universal Sainthood. So the connectivity or true transcendence across religions and cultures as promised is not yet part of their timetable, even though the years that they descriptively use are Anno Domini.

Without The Christ connecting across all Saints, then the outer conditions may well be exactly as predicted now by the SSRF. This said, the outer conditions are inevitably collapsing it seems, but Mercy and Compassion are extending the time frames as far as possible.

For the moment, I write as it’s given, as all my blogs are for better, for worse, as an outpouring in the moment. I have not planned any of it, indeed please, O God, forgive me for my resistance at times and my ineptitude at serving the process as well as I might.

The populations are like an addled flock, as ever before it seems, We shall reach them eventually according to the above. However, my immediate communication has been and yet still is Universally for the Saints in every culture, those who are being worn out by these times.

We shall prevail, the times are coming when whatever the outer conditions have to manifest, the Saints of the Most High are promised to be Universally successful.

Salaam. Hu hu. Amen.

Higher Emotional Centre

Mother Nature provides Mankind with a physical centre of gravity. This centre allows a person to lose and regain balance seamlessly in the process of walking, running, moving in any way with the vehicle of an organic body.

The psyche sits upon this physical vehicle astride universal instincts that can simply be described as security, social and sex instincts. Feelings are pressurised by the instincts and are measurable by a person with a specific emotional guage that is attached to their con-science.

Thus in a physical body, blood pressure and feeling pressure work sympathetically, with these pressures being interpreted with a process of emotional and intellectual reaction that is then acted upon by intelligence choosing a pattern to employ behaviours.

Where this process is weakened through abusive experiences, illness or ignorance, then feeling pressure ruptures into actions that are not processed as part of a higher emotional centre becoming formed. The con-science becomes compromised and ordinary emotional processes become stilted whereupon all possibilities of a Higher Centre are temporarily cutoff.

The yin-yang template of journeying into vice and then returning to virtue cushions these collapses of conscience as simply the necessary mirroring of the physical falling down and standing up of centre of gravity formation, by the inner body of experience that is the person anyway.

In itself then, emotionally failing to process feelings can be likened to falling down. The problems start to become dangerous if the immediate line-management of a person misreads any idiosyncratic behaviours as too scary to carry on with and then proceeds to let the inner Customs and Excise department close down the inner borders of left/right hemisphere travel. The standing back up again, stops.

Then the development of a Higher Emotional Centre atrophies. The purpose of life withers and dies as the inner balance fails to develop. A personal expression then tries to hide this failure through exaggerations or fixations of expression that eventually become incapable of meaningfully integrating the journey of life: a journey designed to be connected via the necessary terminal opposites of birth and death as they pertain to both physical and metaphysical experiences.

It may be possible to resurrect the purpose of being here on Earth, as being one of co-creating this Higher Emotional Centre, for a person who has died to this purpose, but it may only happen when what has passed as life for such a person collapses around them by accident, by the disease of stuck-addiction©️ or by the loss of their props through the existential removal by Life event of the people, places or things that have co-dependently enabled them to appear alive whilst actually dead, in the first place.

As societal forces atomise old cultural forms and necessitate new forms to be developed within the current era-change, then many people are experiencing anxiety as their inner habits and their habitations collapse as if in inner earthquakes.

DRT as a therapeutic application is both a preventative to collapse and a reconstruction after collapse for both people and for systems as their hosting culture radically and irrevocabley changes.