
They are foolish people, indeed, who believe that one can reach the Divine Presence without a vehicle without relying on a means. It is as though they are saying, ‘We may reach the moon without using anything. We may jump from here to there!’ What is the purpose of knowledge if one does not use it?

Such people tell those who listen to them that all the knowledge they need can be found in the Holy Qur’an. They say, ‘Read the Qur’an and you will understand.’ That is destroying Islam. It is God’s Ancient and Holy Words. How then, can they say that everyone can recite and understand such a sublime text? On the contrary, God said :

If they had only referred it to the Messenger, and to those in authority among them, those among them who can search out knowledge of it would have known it (4:83)

You must listen to those servants who have been granted authority. Only they can discern the real meanings from what is necessary to be known. Only they can comb the oceans of Divine Knowledge and bring back pearls. Not everyone may comb through the oceans and bring back pearls. That means, if you are unsure about something, you must find such a person – one who is bringing back pearls of meaning.

God has given that understanding only to those special people whom He has authorised to receive it. Not everyone understands. Those who believe otherwise are falling into unbelief (kufr). So, too, are those who – acting upon this misguided belief that the full knowledge of the Holy Qur’an is available to all – declare that the practice of making meditation to a Sufi guide is unbelief fall into unbelief themselves. The irony of their claim is that, through meditation with the Sufi guide, one may come to a real understanding of the Qur’an.

May God forgive me and bless you. Al-Fatiha.

Shaykh Muhammad Nazim Adil al-Haqqani – Lefke, Cyprus Ramadan 17 1425/ October 30, 2004 – from the book The Healing Power of Sufi Meditation ISBN 1-930409-26-5

The above quote exposes a spiritual principle that is at the heart of the 12 Step Programme as it promises to allow a person to construct an experiential vehicle that is fit for the purpose of conscious contact with God, which is stated as Step 11.

For to say to a suffering person, “Just read the book of Alcoholics Anonymous”, expecting that this is enough 88 years after the text arrived through a founder who said whilst writing it, it was as if the pencil had a life of its own, may actually be falling into Spiritual Bypassing and the dogma of a hierarchical intellectually based culture unwittingly hijacking a spiritually based healing that is designed to change the old hierarchy!

All emotions are sacred

The criterion for assessment and for the avoidance of Spiritual Bypassing is to ask the question, how has the message transmissibility of the 12 Step Programme improved over the last 88 years whilst leaving the Basic Text unaltered?

The work of Joe McQ took the 12 Step Programme into a clearer transmissibility in the last decades of the twentieth century, whilst preserving rigorously the original text of Alcoholics Anonymous. He did say though of the 12 Step Programme in the 1970s and 80s, that if you weren’t sick when you went into some of the meetings of AA – you sure as hell were sick when you came out!

This was the catalyst for Joe McQ to begin to work with Charlie P and to travel the world simply improving the transmissibility of the already existing 12 Step Programme by rigorously attending to the words and thus bringing pearls of meaning for a new generation.

Now the same question must be asked for the twenty first century. The context for the asking of the question has changed radically as Anne Wilson Schaef has defined for us in her book written in 1987 called When Society Becomes An Addict.

Anne Wilson Schaef has made the bold and revolutionary discovery that we live in a sick society. Often unknowingly, the vast majority of us collude in a system that encourages addiction and co-dependence – and sees these states as normal. Many of us are addicted to chemicals, not only alcohol or drugs but nicotine, caffeine, chocolate, overeating in general. Even more of us are involved in addictive processes: workaholism, gambling, compulsive shopping, sex, and so on. The realisation of the extent of our addictions, both individually and as a society, is shocking. However, there is no need to get depressed, because we can do something about it.

The first and most important step is to admit and name the disease, both in ourselves and in our society. Anne Wilson Schaef’s brilliant and compassionate dissection of addictive behavioural patterns leaves us no option but to see truth. However, the message of this book is essentially optimistic, because once the process of awareness is triggered, healing begins.

ANNE WILSON SCHAEF, PhD, is an internationally known author whose books are recognised as major contributions to the understanding of addiction. Her bestsellers include Co-dependence Misunderstood, Mistreated and Women’s Reality.
Published in 1987

Any therapist who is not actively recovering from the Addictive System is perpetuating it. Any therapist who is not actively trying to make a system shift is supporting the Addictive System.

p136 When Society Becomes An Addict by Anne Wilson Schaef

The modern spiritual teachings offer no personal template that can provide a sense of vehicle. Therefore the teachers become merely brand vehicles that in themselves cannot carry a person to a Divine Presence experience.

The 12 Step Programme offers the only living vehicle template on Earth presently that is fit for purpose, fit to carry people to their own conscious contact with God.

For a person to be helped to build this vehicle in the 21st century then, even though the template is only 88 years old, guidance from those with their own vehicle up and running is necessary.

This is why good sponsorship is vital in the 12 Step Fellowships. As the founder of the 12 Step Programme Bill W. said, you can’t transmit something you haven’t got.

How vital is it then for those offering treatment in a rehab, treatment that has to be regulated by orthodox non-spiritually based intellectually formulated structures of assessment, to be clear in their adherence to the principles of spiritual healing that are Ancient, principles that Bill W. accessed in a way that was by his own admission, mysterious?

Diction Resolution Therapy is a bridge from the paradox that is spiritual healing, across to the orthodox structures of governance for all forms of healing to be safely delivered. Does this work? I offer some feedback from the relatives of a client I received after one session of counselling with their relative:

Just a short message to thank you for the care and counselling you gave…. He has already started to turn the corner and is looking forward to your next session.

Client feedback to the DRT WhatsApp page. 2023.

The opening quote in this post is offered simply to see a correlation across the centuries as to how consciousness transmits. The Sufi is ever free from dogma, is ever the pragmatist, for the Sufi knows that there is only One Existent.

Bülent Rauf – Addresses II

In this post linked below, I explore the building of this vehicle as the completion and perfecting of a sense of an octahedral presence that establishes personal experience of Divine intervention that heals and establishes an ever deepening and improving contact with Consciousness Itself.

12 Step Programme as an Ancient Template fit for the 21st century

Conscious-Contact 1

In the huge recovery industry that has been spawned by the arrival of the 12Step Programme in 1937, there has been an asset stripping “gold rush” as everyman and his dog stake out a claim to “mine” from the original deep seam of redemption that is still the singleness of purpose known as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA).

This cunning asset stripping and subsequent re-branding of what is a spiritual message, by an intellectual cleverness that can’t submit to any sense of God-consciousness, is only to be expected as it has been happening for thousands of years.

The Source of the message will of course protect the original transmission of the 12Step brand, just as the cohorted charitable and corporate derivative entities attempt to copyright their constructs and financial schemes.

Some of these global entities of supposed solution bearers to hard-pressed government departments around this addicted world are not even benign in their relationship with the source of their recovery industry, they are actively hostile toward the international 12Step Fellowships that have grown from the original Programme over the last eighty years.

How do I know this? Because I have talked with an employee of Indivior – a global addiction recovery player. (The Indivior link updated in April 2019 after the exposure of alleged malpractice) If you look at their opening page on their website, it seems that they are open to a collegiate approach within the global school of experience that has as its foundation the arrival of AA in 1935.

Far from it, the person I spoke to in my taxi as I took her to the airport was vehemently against the 12Step Programme, even telling me that she spent much of her time informing funders at government level around the world that the 12Step Programme doesn’t work and that they need to buy into their corporate services and drug products.

I spoke to a man recently at an Interfaith gathering who said that no-one could prove that God exists. I said that that was no longer strictly true. I said that since 1935 there had been and still are, many millions of people who can claim conscious contact with God as they understand God. They can claim conscious contact with a Higher Power that is loving and caring that has brought them back from a fate worse than death.

“What do you mean?”, says he.

“Members of the global 12Step Fellowships can all quote their Step11 which places them all in a God-consciousness of their own understanding,” says I.

“That’s not the same as what I was saying,” says he.

“It may not be what you wanted to hear,” says I, “but it is exactly answering of your previous generalisations about God that seemed to serve your atheism so neatly.”

I really don’t object to atheists as this linked video explains ….

However, eventually the conditions on the ground will be met with a message of sanity that is evidence based, irrefutable, compassionate, timely, tremendous and true.

Once the message is delivered, then the recipient has the responsibility of either action or continued inertia.

The 12Step Programme is the only living Spiritual programme left on the planet, the only connection with The Holy Spirit that is practical, predicable, provable and true, redeeming the lives of all people willing to change from within any religion, atheism, secularism, humanism, sect, creed or political party.

The Higher Power of the 12Step Programme is not a theory. It is not a new linguistic programme. It is not a clever manipulation of cognition and behaviour that might last a few months. The 12Step Programme is an ineffable fact, an incredible and indestructible coherence of invisibility and visibility, of time and eternity, of ancient and modern, a triumph of belief over despair.

The 12Step Programme is unashamedly written in the language of the heart, a language that challenges the insanity of the language of the head, until the head submits.

The Singularity that the late Stephen Hawking wrote about in his cosmology that led onto looking at the boundaries of understanding for physics is a reflection of the Singularity that is the Source of the 12Step Programme and its metaphysics.

“Without help it is too much for us, but there is One who has all Power, that One is God, may you find Him now” (AA Book)

This single sentence is the nuclear core of the 12Steps. It is the same sentence spoken by every Prophet, Patriarch, Saint, Messenger and Mystic of the so-called West. It is the sentence that underpins the Eastern Hemisphere of Buddhist enlightenment as surely as a brain has two hemispheres.

It is the sentence of repetition found in the Surah Al Rahman in The Qur’an, “now which of the bounties of your Lord will you deny?”

The template of sanity for a Human being is this threefold, simple, evidence based structure, namely that a person appears as a physical, mental and spiritual being that has to be connected across its two inner interfaces of mental/physical and mental/spiritual if that person is to be described as in any way fully conscious.

God is consciousness.

Mankind arrives existentially inside consciousness, but unaware of this fact, therefore unconscious of the very forces that uphold an awareness of mortality. This is almost analogous to an imaginary conscious fish that is actually in water whilst denying that water exists.

A person who arrives at a conscious contact with this living Singularity arrives within a kindergarten of Human possibility from out of the conceptual rigour of their previous ignorance, however that conception might have appeared to have happened.

At this time, recovery from the many forms of the bellwether disease of Addiction is the paradoxical beachhead of sanity that has arrived at the junction of two eras, as the Age of Pisces gives way to the Age of Aquarius.

As at every previous time of momentous change known to Mankind, however the history of change might have been disrupted, Messengers from the Unseen decloak and engage in the almost impossible mission of trying to help the collective engage in work that is really only the province of the individual.

This time of momentous change is no different. The help is at hand. The challenge facing the helpers and those to be helped is the same, namely one of engagement.

In reading this piece, we make a start.

Higher Emotional Centre

Mother Nature provides Mankind with a physical centre of gravity. This centre allows a person to lose and regain balance seamlessly in the process of walking, running, moving in any way with the vehicle of an organic body.

The psyche sits upon this physical vehicle astride universal instincts that can simply be described as security, social and sex instincts. Feelings are pressurised by the instincts and are measurable by a person with a specific emotional guage that is attached to their con-science.

Thus in a physical body, blood pressure and feeling pressure work sympathetically, with these pressures being interpreted with a process of emotional and intellectual reaction that is then acted upon by intelligence choosing a pattern to employ behaviours.

Where this process is weakened through abusive experiences, illness or ignorance, then feeling pressure ruptures into actions that are not processed as part of a higher emotional centre becoming formed. The con-science becomes compromised and ordinary emotional processes become stilted whereupon all possibilities of a Higher Centre are temporarily cutoff.

The yin-yang template of journeying into vice and then returning to virtue cushions these collapses of conscience as simply the necessary mirroring of the physical falling down and standing up of centre of gravity formation, by the inner body of experience that is the person anyway.

In itself then, emotionally failing to process feelings can be likened to falling down. The problems start to become dangerous if the immediate line-management of a person misreads any idiosyncratic behaviours as too scary to carry on with and then proceeds to let the inner Customs and Excise department close down the inner borders of left/right hemisphere travel. The standing back up again, stops.

Then the development of a Higher Emotional Centre atrophies. The purpose of life withers and dies as the inner balance fails to develop. A personal expression then tries to hide this failure through exaggerations or fixations of expression that eventually become incapable of meaningfully integrating the journey of life: a journey designed to be connected via the necessary terminal opposites of birth and death as they pertain to both physical and metaphysical experiences.

It may be possible to resurrect the purpose of being here on Earth, as being one of co-creating this Higher Emotional Centre, for a person who has died to this purpose, but it may only happen when what has passed as life for such a person collapses around them by accident, by the disease of stuck-addiction©️ or by the loss of their props through the existential removal by Life event of the people, places or things that have co-dependently enabled them to appear alive whilst actually dead, in the first place.

As societal forces atomise old cultural forms and necessitate new forms to be developed within the current era-change, then many people are experiencing anxiety as their inner habits and their habitations collapse as if in inner earthquakes.

DRT as a therapeutic application is both a preventative to collapse and a reconstruction after collapse for both people and for systems as their hosting culture radically and irrevocabley changes.

Restore us to sanity ….


…. or the President of The United States of America (my appendment) 😛

What vehicle would The Christ (Isa) return in given that he is described as The Seal of Sainthood, an interior function, juxtaposing the description of Muhammad (pbuh) as The Seal of Prophethood, an exterior function?

Muhammad (pbuh) said to his followers that they should seek knowledge, even unto China. This opened up all exterior global religious culture as legitimate to his message, where there is Love.

The global 12 Step vehicle is the place of provable guarantee or Seal, for human conscious contact with the loving Source of Life.

It works for, serves, unites, repairs, then recovers the interior function for the adherents of all of this world’s religions and even secularisms, where there is Love.

It may be the perfect vehicle that the living Seal of global Sainthood could return within, should anybody be expecting such an appearance, for themselves.

But I say unto you, I will not drink henceforth of this fruit of the vine, until that day when I drink it new with you in my Father’s kingdom. (Matthew 29)

“Without help it is too much for us. But there is One who has all power – that One is God. May you find him now.” (AA How It Works.)

What vehicle would The Buddha Maitreya return in, given the differences of the Bhuddist vehicles and approach.

It may be that the global vehicle of the Mindfulness Programme may be the perfect vehicle for a collective arrival at the entry portal of a Universal Dharma awakening of the Compassionate Buddha in and for yourself.

These vehicles flower from the Way of the East and West hemispheres of the global consciousness, uniting the hemispheres of the human brain, resecuring a spiritual kindergarten for the foundations of a revivified inner governance for individuals and their collectives.

Mindfulness draws powerfully from the many centuries of Dharma across cultures, vehicles and histories to bequeath the sheer practical simplicity of Mindfulness practice, the infant foundations of a deepening personal and group experience of uniting the subliminal realm with consciousness as Universal Compassion, applicable therefore, universally.

The 12 Step Programme draws spiritually from Abraham’s lineage, the Western prophetic monotheism from Adam to Moses to Muhammad, with The Christ Jesus as the anonymous esoteric Master conducting healing at the core of the transformative dynamic that through The Holy Spirit works redemptively for any of the three Western religions, for Eastern religions, as well as for any secular aspiration that can simply submit to a loving Higher Power.

The connecting phenomenon for this global awakening as it relates to historical phenomena that have seeded religions and then political vehicles, is that of a transmission and a reception of the energy of Source Consciousness as it is received in a personal conscience.

There’s really only one question that applies to Mankind …. click here to ask it.




But when Jesus heard that, he said unto them, ‘they that be whole need not a physician, but they that are sick’.
Matthew 9:12 King James Bible

The Son of man came eating and drinking, and they say, Behold a man gluttonous, and a winebibber, a friend of publicans and sinners. But wisdom is justified of her children.
Matthew 11:19 King James Bible

But I say unto you, I will not drink henceforth of this fruit of the vine, until that day when I drink it new with you in my Father’s kingdom.
Matthew 26:29 King James Bible

Any quotes are dangerous. No quotation can capture the essence of the moment recorded.

What the above quotations show is some kind of healing, some kind of movement of heart, some kind of change is possible.

They are foolish people, indeed, who believe that one can reach the Divine Presence without a vehicle, without relying on a means. It is as though they are saying, “We may reach the moon without using anything. We may jump from here to there!” What is the purpose of knowledge if one does not use it?
(Shaykh Muhammad Nazim Adil Al-Haqqani p9 The Healing Power of Sufi Meditation ISBN 1-930409-26-5)

Any true spiritual way offers a vehicle of change. The criterion for the seeker of change is clear focus on that which needs changing.

Only when everything needs changing is a person ready to change.

Abandon the vessel of yourself only if you feel that you are truly sinking. Otherwise it may be safer to stay with who you think you are a while longer, or you may have a natural immunity from this addictive society in the first place.

If you are abandoning yourself, then here is your lifeboat.

12 Step Programme

Landing Pad

“It is not about alcohol, the symbol of the misuse of a spiritual drink and the collapse of an inner meaning may be endlessly debated, what the collective sacrifice of abstinence in AA over eighty years is really about is the undeniable unlocking of the Universal Spanner that is capable of loosening any kind of nut.” AJ Dettman© from Squaring the Circle on

Always makes me laugh out loud when I see that analogy, rich and layered about the Universal Spanner …. I of course see myself delivering its efficacy to nuts in the Middle East, in Ukraine, Korea …. The Vatican, Davos, Lambeth Palace, Westminster Palace, The Whitehouse, Europe …. anywhere where the nuts have lost the thread and can’t seem to do what nuts are designed to do on the eternal lightning bolts of creativity, to turn, turn and keep on turning …. not slam their misunderstood bolts across their makeshift locks that are welded with fear upon the closed doors of their armour plated hearts.
My wife, on the other hand …. who knows me so very well …. listens to my grand designs, and smiles …. and with her own inimitable version, seeming more as a wrench to me, asks “but, can you see it in yourself?”


All over the World, religious folks are poring over the ancient texts, trying to emulate the lives of Saints who lived in different times. Many have given up on finding contemporary portals of Spiritual efficacy, overwhelmed by the collapse and infighting of the only global religious vehicles seemingly available to them.

The world cannot stand yet another religion, other than the religion of Love.

The movement which is the existence of the universe is the movement of love.
(Ibn ‘Arabi, Fusûs al-Hikam)

The 12 Step vehicle has cohered within a great inner spiritual jihad over the last eighty years. It has arrived “like a thief in the night”. It redeems and sanctifies the life of anyone, from any cultural background, who truly follows its simple tenets, it rarely fails. (Link added 4th August 2019)

This global vehicle may now be the only place that a truly ecumenical message from the Unseen might land. Any other landing site is now hopelessly destroyed by the raging disease of stuck-addiction© which has brought Mankind’s spiritual constitution across the realms of that word’s wider meaning, i.e. physical, corporate and national/political, to the point of utter collapse.

Even the many millions of participants currently working upon themselves within their particular 12 Step Fellowship are perhaps not fully aware of the magnificent global spiritual achievement that they have collectively achieved and are upholding.

Both inside the anonymity of their 12 Step Programmes and outside within the principled application their daily spiritual victory, a message of good news is extended to everyone by these Fellowship members both past and present, within the undeniable success of their global spiritual endeavour.

The many millions of people who are currently in a 12 Step lifestyle are urged to seek ways to pray and meditate. The more deeply world events impact upon the exoteric religious vehicles, the harder it becomes for particular people to truly tune into the Transmission Mast of Indivisible Love that is the wellspring of our existence.

People personalise their Inner Craft, through Step Eleven of the 12 Steps, that powers them upon their further personal journey.

These further personal journeys can then correlate within established collectives to be a catalyst to further and deepen their transformation.

“The last shall be first and the first last.” Matthew 20:16